What age did you introduce your kids to hunting?

I took my now 18 yo son on his first remote caribou hunt when he was 10, but he came home empty handed. The next year I took him to Kodiak deer hunting, strike two. Finally, back to Kodiak at 12 yo and he killed his first black tail and mountain goat. At 13 he got his first moose, at 15 his first ram, and at 17 his first black bear and two caribou in the Brooks Range with his bow. This year he struck out in Hawaii for archery Spanish goats, and also struck out on archery spring black bear, but killed another caribou with his bow in the Brooks Range. He’s absolutely hooked on hunting, especially bow hunting.

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I took my now 18 yo son on his first remote caribou hunt when he was 10, but he came home empty handed. The next year I took him to Kodiak deer hunting, strike two. Finally, back to Kodiak at 12 yo and he killed his first black tail and mountain goat. At 13 he got his first moose, at 15 his first ram, and at 17 his first black bear and two caribou in the Brooks Range with his bow. This year he struck out in Hawaii for archery Spanish goats, and also struck out on archery spring black bear, but killed another caribou with his bow in the Brooks Range. He’s absolutely hooked on hunting, especially bow hunting.

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And I thought hunting whitetail on the hill behind the house was a big deal when I was kid.
And I thought hunting whitetail on the hill behind the house was a big deal when I was kid.

Ha, ha, yeah me too. I hunted all the time as a kid, but didn’t kill my first “big game animal” (spike black tail), until I was 17. Nobody took me hunting as a kid, and I decided at an early age that I would never raise my kids like I was raised.

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Our kids have been with us on hunts since they could barely walk, but last year on their first hunts, our daughter at 14 drew a bull tag and she dropped a nice bull in his tracks while he was fixing to fight another bull. Not an easy shot but I knew anything under 400 yards and she wouldn’t miss. We practiced real world scenarios hiking, range, dial solution and shoot 12” steel target at 100-400 yards with random angles to wind. She would ring it close to 100 percent from kneeling position and better than I could do. She loves the hunt, she doesn’t love the nasty steep hikes to get into our mountains. The whole family thanks her every time we eat her bull. We just finished eating him over the weekend and just in time to get my wifes bull from the game processor.

take them with you when they are little, get a taste for it and make sure they have the training to safely handle and use a firearm before they hunt. Muscle memory level of training as the blood is pumping when you are about to harvest a large animal and you cannot get a bullet back once you pull the trigger. My cousin’s daughter accidentally shot his wife in the leg with a rifle that was “unloaded” and she was lucky to survive. Have fun, be safe.


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We have always involved the kids but don't force anything and try to keep it fun. They seem to enjoy it, 5 and 7 now so only time will tell.
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That is the way to do it. I find teaching our kids to hunt way more fun than hunting by myself. We go as a family and love it. Congrats on the black wolf. Stalking elk on my sons tag and we crossed a black wolf just like you got at 63 yards but I didn’t have a wolf tag in my pocket, my son told me to never make that mistake again (:
That is the way to do it. I find teaching our kids to hunt way more fun than hunting by myself. We go as a family and love it. Congrats on the black wolf. Stalking elk on my sons tag and we crossed a black wolf just like you got at 63 yards but I didn’t have a wolf tag in my pocket, my son told me to never make that mistake again :)
That wolf killed one of our calves. I shot it with a depredation tag 50 yards out the front door
My oldest was in my pack from around 18 months, he would rub trap lines with me and go pheasant hunting, wherever I was willing to carry him he wanted to go with! He started going to the duck blind at 2.5 and we started turkey hunting at age 4 (with him the shooter). He didn't harvest a turkey until he was 6 but he loves hunting them! He's 11 now and loves hunting!

My daughter started with turkeys at age 6 and shit one the first day! She enjoys hunting but she also enjoys time with mom so sometimes she comes out with the boys, sometimes she stays home. But she knows she is always welcome. She spotted the buck my dad killed last year for him while he was getting her hot chocolate poured! His biggest buck to date!

And my youngest son is 4.5 . . . While he is the spoiled baby of the family he is just now getting to go hunting. That is because he's just not as mature as the other two were at that age.

So it depends but start them young, let them choose, but make sure they always know they are invited!

Too soon to tell if they will stick with it but my oldest is fairy hooked!
Our daughter was fly fishing at 4 months old strapped to moms chest. We took her upland hunting at 1.5 a few times...just put some shooting muffs on and she loved it, same with duck hunting. She basically yelled at the dogs and squealed when birds would get knocked down. She laid in the field for 4 straight days snow goose hunting just before she turned two. She as been ice fishing a few times. Just this past weekend at 2.5 years old she was sitting in the deer stand with her aunt and watched her shoot a deer. She is obsessed right now with hunting and wants to go everyday.

Every kid is different...but as long as you tend to their needs out there (keep them warm, entertained, and fed) it is not too hard. No way I would wait until 9 or 10 to "introduce" them.
Every kid is different...but as long as you tend to their needs out there (keep them warm, entertained, and fed) it is not too hard. No way I would wait until 9 or 10 to "introduce" them.
Roger that and the key, no matter the outdoor activity, if you want them to continue is that its FUN. Meet them at their level, don't expect them to share your passion/intensity at the beginning.
Does it count that my 17 month old son watches hunting and fishing videos with me and has been for a while?!? He spots deer around daycare and the house all the time and tries to make elk bugles. He also sees pictures of elk, deer and bears and knows exactly what they are. Can't wait to get home started on small game and take him to hunt pheasant in NoDak.

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I've had both my boys out by 2 to come along on "Bear" hunts. We find tracks, bear poop, talk about what they might be doing. I learned from my oldest that bears like to sit in trees and eat honey. I thought I was supposed to be the teacher, but apparently the kid is already smarter then me.
I appreciate this thread! I have a 2 and a half year old and a 6 month old I am itching to get out. This thread is encouraging me to go out with the oldest now!
Get em out every time you can. I take my son in the backpack fishing as much as I can.

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I introduced my boys when they were 3 and we hunted blacktail deer and wild pigs for like 8-9 yrs. The oldest has never hunted beyond that or shown a real interest to carry on, but the youngest finally wanted to go hunting with me when he turned 19. So you never know if they will enjoy and continue with you once you introduce them to it or if they won't or if they will come around later. Bottom line, take them early if you can.
My wife was hunting while she was pregnant and never stopped when or our son was born. He's 7 now and has been a part of atleast 14 deer kills and been with me for my last 4 archery elk and helped pack a lot more. He bugled in his first bull this year to! Several bear between our family and friends. We pheasant hunt regularly with our gsp and he tags along for all of it. The biggest complaint I get is he doesn't get to shoot anything yet. I think that'll change next year. Hunting is a family event for us. A few pics from over the years


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For us, it’s a lifestyle, and it helps that my wife hunts too. Our kids have been along since they were infants as we had no one to babysit where we lived in Colorado.

They have grown up around it, so there was no introduction. Hiking in the spring for sheds, always looking for sign, and taking the time to point out things like where plants were browsed kept them entertained.

They started shooting BB guns and bows around 3. They took hunters ed at 8 and 9, and drew tags the next year. My daughter is 13 now and has taken 2 mule deer and a cow elk. My son hasn’t been as fortunate with the draws and has eaten a couple of tags. They both love it, though my son has a higher drive.

Keep it fun, know you won’t have the same opportunities when kids are with you, and light the fire.