What a great day for me and i would expect others!

I'll put my stout that I'm soaking my troubles in up against yours. Barrel aged. Just what was needed. What's say you........

I've been known to drink beer with just about anyone, Hell, a guy I work with was a Bernie supporter then went independent when Hillary shafted him. I've got not problem sharing a table with him. Best stout i ever had was the Josiah's Revenge bourbon at the Daft Badger in Coeur d'Alene. Add in some of their bourbon soaked bacon and it doesn't get any better.

But back to the OP, nothing better than seeing O leave office. What an abject failure.
I was never a huge Trump fan, but the establishment that Hillary was going to be an extension of .....had to go!
I honestly believe that everything will work out. The sun will rise tomorrow, our lives will go on. I must admit I think the future of this Great Nation is a whole lot brighter!!
I just hope all those morons who promised to leave the country if Trump is elected, make good on that promise. Also, I hope they take their friends and families with them too.
I just hope all those morons who promised to leave the country if Trump is elected, make good on that promise. Also, I hope they take their friends and families with them too.
All of "those" people will stay. They have no means, no way, and lack the resources to put anything but talk into action. They will continue to inhabit, procreate and vote.
I'll put my stout that I'm soaking my troubles in up against yours. Barrel aged. Just what was needed. What's say you. Let's debate who's beer is better. I'm up for it. And if you disagree I must be an evil person. I mean that's the state of politics right now. We can't agree we come from different walks of life and that our life experiences dictate our view of how we should be governed. We're just bad people if we don't agree with each other. That's all sides. You guys on the right. You guys on the left. It sucks. My grandfather was in politics. Him and his opponent were friends. We should all head that lesson. Not try to widen the gap.
My Jamisons smokes your stout...
I hardly ever comment on these political posts for a variety of reasons, the biggest one being that I'm more liberal than most of you guys (which makes me a moderate, there are very few of us left anymore) I am a pro-gun, pro-capital punishment, anti-land transfer....liberal. There you go, I said it. I hope Trump can unify this country, and I'm sincerely rooting for him, but I feel like deep down, he's a black hearted elitist just like those he blasted during the campaign and my confidence that he can do any of the things he promised hovers between 0 and .10%

I hope he surprises me

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Trump isn't going to make anything spectacular happen. He's not about to start sending nukes either. For me, I just think things needed to get mixed up a little, and I think they did. That's better than a continuation of what we had.
OPEC might not be getting the reach-around they are used to from environmental posers like Hillary. It will be interesting to see what he does for oil prices.
Best part of my day was coming home and hearing him ROAST all those greedy, corrupt, politicians right to their face. GREAT DAY!! I was still pumped from when told he CNN anchor they were fake news.
Best part of my day was coming home and hearing him ROAST all those greedy, corrupt, politicians right to their face. GREAT DAY!! I was still pumped from when told he CNN anchor they were fake news.

The crushing irony there is that fake news without question helped to get him elected.
Also, I do not at all wish for this to turn mean and nasty. The mods will shut it down if that happens but we can have an informed and respectful discussion and respectfully agree to disagree if that happens.

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The crushing irony there is that fake news without question helped to get him elected.[/QUOTE

Ya it is ironic. They got branded with the same stupid buzzword label that they created, in attempt to destroy any opposition to their narrative. Just today CNN claimed Nancy Sinatra was mad President Trump used her dads music at the inauguration. Turned out it was a bold faced lie... Anyhow saddle up and ill pour you a White Russian! (my victory cocktail)
I don't know how anyone can say that the day Donald Trump became our president is a GREAT day. Better than some alternatives? Sure.
Pretty easy to throw the nasty adjectives around when someone's a few thousand miles away........

Like a few of his predesessors, he won a few and lost a few. I differ with many of his policies, but still wish him the best as he leaves office.
Running this country is a monumental job, and there are no perfect records. The 08 recession and the 9/11 attacks happened on Bush's watch, and Clinton, well, he had his problems too! On a front that we can almost all agree on, public land policy, his administration did very well.

I read a book a few years ago titled 'The Finish', by Mark Bowden. It went through the last few years of the hunt for Bin Laden and the raid on his compound in Pakistan. Based on the intel they had, the raid was quite a gamble. It could have, and almost did, save for a very skillful helicopter pilot, become a real fiasco. The President had to make the decision, and in that case, he won. That book made me think about decisions like that, and I doubt that my decisions would be right more than anyone else. Interestingly enough, sources in the book said it wasn't until after Obama took office that the heat was turned up to hunt him down.

I want to believe that our current President will do well. I feel I need to give him the benefit of the doubt, but my gut doesn't allow me to get too hopeful. I have read quite a few books in the last few years on the last few presidents, and if one thing stands out, it is that a presidency is made or broken by the people he surrounds himself with. Some of Trump's picks give me some hope, and some seem a little too much like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. Hopefully they prove me wrong.

On a final note, today a man who is still married to his first wife and the mother of his daughters left office. He was replaced by a man married to his supermodel third wife. To be faithful to your marriage vows and love the mother of your children takes a base level of integrity, and I applaud him for it.