Well Kansas is trying to do some dumb stuff

I don’t live in Kansas but hunted it last year. My brother and I kept commenting on how rifle hunting out there wouldn’t be all that fun because it was so open where we hunted. Really just would have been a waiting game to find one you wanted.

I will say that I’m advocating for shorter rifle seasons in my home state of Michigan because of the amount of deer that get stacked up in that 15 day period. Would much rather see a shorter season like other states have.

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@Thess87 just curious what your opposition to this is? Just reading it here, I don't like the piece about what seems to be an additional week tacked on to the front of rifle season (still not as bad as NE or SD with rifle during the rut), but the permit piece I don't see how that is really a negative to anything other than revenue for the dept. # of lifetime license holders to total hunting population has to be minimal.

Obviously my opinion here is based solely on the info above, and I may not be seeing the whole picture.
As a current ks resident I’d say one of the best things about whitetail hunting ks is the fact it’s a one buck state, guys purposely pass young deer and that’s why you see everyone and their brother smashing giants every single year. Even on the public land, opening it up so every in state guy gets two buck tags will negatively affect the quality of bucks. Out of state deer tags cost those guys around 500-600 bucks all said and done, and they come for one reason. Giant bucks and if that goes down then so do the out of state guys
As a current ks resident I’d say one of the best things about whitetail hunting ks is the fact it’s a one buck state, guys purposely pass young deer and that’s why you see everyone and their brother smashing giants every single year. Even on the public land, opening it up so every in state guy gets two buck tags will negatively affect the quality of bucks. Out of state deer tags cost those guys around 500-600 bucks all said and done, and they come for one reason. Giant bucks and if that goes down then so do the out of state guys
Im a KS resident too. Additional buck would only be lifetime license holders, but I agree with you, one buck is the way for better age class and opportunity. Now if the # of lifetime license holders jumps 2-3x next year, well that's certainly not great.
Kansas is what it is (great hunting) because of a one buck limit and a gun season outside of the rut. Changing that makes Kansas worse. Please don’t make it worse.
And please don’t make things even easier for a gun hunter.
This has nothing to do with biologists or KDWP. It was introduced by some crooked reps that have been pushing for a transferable tag program to come back, giving landowners the ability to sell their tags. The thought is this thing will change and include T-tags soon. It’s already moved committees as they didn’t find much support initially. And because the losers who drew it up can’t read a calendar it now includes a Tuesday before Thanksgiving start for rifle season and second “full weekend” closure. They didn’t realize a holiday on the 28th would cost them a week of the season with the original verbiage. That’s 8 more days than traditional structure and a significant portion of the rut most years. There is zero biology involved here. Simply self-serving wildlife politics.
Kansas deer hunter here. The additional tags I don't think will make much difference. Kansas has a relatively low whitetail population compared to nearby states like Missouri and Iowa. The additional any season deer tag for lifetime license holders will be statistical white noise. The free antlerless is also not going to change much. I didn't see any part where it would be an additional antlerless tag. Antlerless tags can only be purchased after purchasing an any deer or any season whitetail tag, and are limited based on zone. So essentially, instead of paying 22 dollars for my hunting license, 42 dollars for my any-season tag, and another 22 for an antlerless, I am getting my antlerless for free.
One thing that I think would change it drastically is moving the rifle season back to Thanksgiving. Kansas is primarily an archery state, regardless of what people may think. The Kansas rifle season sucks. It's December through January. Bitter cold, the deer don't move. The corn and beans have been mowed down. Keeping the season late keeps the deer safer from the casual roadside hunters. Missouri's is middle of November. The difference in the amount of deer I see killed and the action I see between the two states is drastic. The problem is as l mentioned before, Kansas has waaaaayyy less deer than Missouri. Kansas got their deer season back in the late 1960s after decades of management and it's status as a trophy deer state could be wiped out in a season.
Kansas deer hunter here. The additional tags I don't think will make much difference. Kansas has a relatively low whitetail population compared to nearby states like Missouri and Iowa. The additional any season deer tag for lifetime license holders will be statistical white noise. The free antlerless is also not going to change much. I didn't see any part where it would be an additional antlerless tag. Antlerless tags can only be purchased after purchasing an any deer or any season whitetail tag, and are limited based on zone. So essentially, instead of paying 22 dollars for my hunting license, 42 dollars for my any-season tag, and another 22 for an antlerless, I am getting my antlerless for free.
One thing that I think would change it drastically is moving the rifle season back to Thanksgiving. Kansas is primarily an archery state, regardless of what people may think. The Kansas rifle season sucks. It's December through January. Bitter cold, the deer don't move. The corn and beans have been mowed down. Keeping the season late keeps the deer safer from the casual roadside hunters. Missouri's is middle of November. The difference in the amount of deer I see killed and the action I see between the two states is drastic. The problem is as l mentioned before, Kansas has waaaaayyy less deer than Missouri. Kansas got their deer season back in the late 1960s after decades of management and it's status as a trophy deer state could be wiped out in a season.

This bill didn’t pass WKB. No free tags or rut rifle season just yet. I’m sure the same characters will be back with a slightly different version this coming year and it’ll probably include some baiting protections as the commission/department is looking to do away with corn piles. Will be interesting.
South central KS resident hunter here. That's great something like that didn't pass. The last thing we need is rifle season during the rut. I live 15 miles from Oklahoma, and to me the difference in our deer and theirs is the rifle seasons and the one buck limit. I'm with WKB , I don't think extra tags where I live would make much difference because it's all private land leased or tied up with limited access. Now the whole outlawing baiting thing will rile a lot of people up lol.
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They outlawed baiting?

Oh, my.

Been illegal on public for a while.

Not yet. But they’re certainly heading in that direction. You should see a big educational/informative campaign soon in order to gain support before they do it. It’s not simply a deer-centered issue. Lots of science about the negatives on ground nesting birds and other side effects. Watch the last few commission meetings if you’re interested. The commission knows it needs to be done away with but the backlash from the financially affected folks will be huge and probably include proposed legislation that would override the department’s decision. Without enough support it won’t matter whether they try or not. Like I said, it’s going to be interesting.
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They did just outlaw trail and on public land. Wouldn’t break my heart a bit to se baiting be outlawed. There would be a lot of guys wondering what the heck to do cause most have no idea how to read sign or pattern deer. They just put a pile out wait for the right wind and sit.
No baiting no cameras and no crossbows??? Dorothy did we get blown to paradise?? No toto be patient these thing dont happen in dog years, but we can hope on the baiting part for now.
I am from south central iowa. Even in the promised land, deer numbers are down. Good habitat is in pockets. A firearms season in the rut would destroy Iowa in 1 or 2 years. We are limited to straight wall cartridges and ML, but ML tech has come so far it's crazy. If you can shoot it is simply a matter of finding the food source and waiting for a cold front.

A rifle hunt over Thanksgiving is the worst idea ever. We used to have an antlerless gun season then and the number of 180+ bucks we encountered was nuts. If I have time to hunt I will hold out for something big until then. If I'm busy and I'm only going to get a few days to bowhunt I save them for then.

There are several states with better habitat. Iowa is good because of regs. No rifle, no guns during run, and 1 buck with gun and 1 with bow unless you are a landowner or a youth.

Also, no baiting allowed.

If you want to keep your quality deer hunting I would keep fighting against the big money lobbies. Crossbow manufacturers are spending money pushing in iowa and it is a little scary. I hope we can hold the line on that.

Good luck. Unfortunately this past time has become a big money generator for many and greed has greatly affected whitetail hunting in the midwest.