well, guess these things are real

We have to be careful, real careful - this isn’t your 1950s squatch. Even tho we may be able to ID gender - we need to figure out a way to communicate with it to determine what it identifies as

Please - let’s not rush to judgment. Slow and methodical.

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I so want to believe you, somebody close by at least go up there and look for a track please

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The most convincing story I heard was about a guy here in Oregon seeing one and then immediately selling his cabin. He was also a huge hunter and fisherman and he abandoned those hobbies simply because being in the woods freaked him out after that. He wasn't some hippy tripping on mushrooms either. He was a professional who wasn't known to do any drugs or even drink. Who knows what he actually saw, but he was certainly convinced of what it was.
I so want to believe you, somebody close by at least go up there and look for a track please

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My wife wants me to go look. I know where he dropped the coordinates. I could go up there and find the bear tracks, but honestly I'm a pretty busy guy.

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My wife wants me to go look. I know where he dropped the coordinates. I could go up there and find the bear tracks, but honestly I'm a pretty busy guy.
This is your chance to be a hero of rokslide!!
Take pictures, find hair samples, make a mold of the squatch track, maybe even some scatt, and get some audio of a possible encounter. Lol
I’ll be up there this weekend. @grfox92 tagged me because I had PMed him asking questions about this exact trail.

So now I’m thinking he signed up for the new account and is having fun with all of us. I guess it all started when my Dad said he was just going out for some milk.
Just a bizzare coincidence buddy. If I don't go check it out, Dos Perros can check that patch of trees for scat, foot prints, toilet paper and maybe a Seek TeePee, if Bigfoot is in there he's gotta sleep in something.

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My wife wants me to go look. I know where he dropped the coordinates. I could go up there and find the bear tracks, but honestly I'm a pretty busy guy.

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all you need to do is take a bag of Jack Links, sit on a stump wave a piece of jerky in the air and yell here squach, He will come out I know this to be a fact, had a discussion with him the other day we talked about gender (he wouldn't let me do a crotch feel) said what you think I am a pervert. Also like to wear Nike sneakers said he was tired of cleaning bear s%%t from between his toes. (so no bare foot tracks) When he was ready to leave ask about a piece of jerky for his wimmen squach, told me she don't come out much anymore something about to many weirdos in the woods. Strange things in them woods boys watch your six.
I’ll be up there this weekend. @grfox92 tagged me because I had PMed him asking questions about this exact trail.

So now I’m thinking he signed up for the new account and is having fun with all of us. I guess it all started when my Dad said he was just going out for some milk.
You know, this comment got me thinking. Maybe for every thread that has been posted in the past with unit numbers, we should start making 3 threads about running into Bigfoot or Chupacabras in those units while hunting. And all of us on Rokslide vouch for the person making the thread to fool internet researches into avoiding those particular units.

For example If I wanted to implement this brilliant conspiracy, I would say that I was hunting or scouting in unit X and came across Sasquatch. He tried to get frisky with me. All WKRs say yea, I know Gary and he would never lie about something like this. Boom we just saved a unit.

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