well, guess these things are real

Well.............I was referring to general season in that people are all out hunting and not posting threads about, well, sasquatch, unicorns and other "non-related" backcountry discussions.
Now, with that being said......the way I see it.......Sasquatch's are not controlled so the season should be January 1st through December 31st with no limit.

Just pulling your chain, Randy. And yes.......
Hunting season can't get here soon enough!
You know, there are probably Elk, Deer and Sheep that die of old age that no man has seen despite our advances in technology. The ability of an animal to hide from man, much less an intelligent being, is not too far fetched. I have never seen one and only personally know one person that has.

Do they bury their dead kinfolk as well?

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if anyone wants to check the area out, here's the coords: 44.533772, -109.972901

there might be tracks or other signs still around or you might have an encounter of your own. we plain vacated the location and didn't look for, or want to look for footprints. We're not going back and unfortunately can't rewind our minds to erase the situation

Loch Ness? Hmm, haven't heard that one in a while.
Well that would be the spot
This is the best first post ever!!
Thanks for an awesome Saturday, just told my wife to pack for Yellowstone. Think you could drop the pin here so everyone can check it out?

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Let me save you the hassle. This is what it looks like. Look closely for clues....20230705_083200.jpg20230702_132805.jpg20230703_084155.jpg
I worked in Jackson for a summer and lived with my brother in a camper. It was kinda fun but man traffic was insane. It once took an hour to drive the two mile commute.

I avoid that area in the summer now.

I coincidentally have a tag in the area where the OP had the alleged sighting. I had to pass by his coordinates to get where I was going on a scouting mission this morning, so I conducted an "investigation." My 8 year old son overheard me telling my wife about this thread and it's relation to where I was going. This scouting mission very quickly became a Bigfoot discovery mission for my son.

First picture is the bend in the river where OP gave coordinates. The patch of trees on the right is where the Skunk Ape must have "disappeared into the willows". There are no willows in this riverbottom for the record.

Next picture is my son, checking the riverbank for Squatch prints. As hard as we looked, we were unable to locate any.

The river is very deep in this area with several gravel bars breaking it up. Some spots appearing to be 4+ feet deep.

The next few pictures are just different angles from the immediate area of the sighting.

The results of my investigation are "inconclusive" no tracks, no scat, no hair. My son however wants to go back next weekend and look for Bigfoot in the same area. He is rather convinced, despite my best efforts, that Bigfoot is very real and we are going to cash in on his discovery.

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We went to Oppenheimer Friday, and just before the movie started Bigfoot came walking up the steps. Definitely not as tall as I was lead to believe, maybe 5'8" and not very, I don't know BiG. Long white hair clear down to the floor and it covered her face, yes her. I was almost speechless, but I manage to give the wife a tap on her leg and say, BIGFOOT. All she said was, it's just a woman who desperately needs a new hair dresser. I still think it may have been Bigfoot. I look back, and wish I would have asked it what her opinion was of the movie. Another lost opportunity.

I coincidentally have a tag in the area where the OP had the alleged sighting. I had to pass by his coordinates to get where I was going on a scouting mission this morning, so I conducted an "investigation." My 8 year old son overheard me telling my wife about this thread and it's relation to where I was going. This scouting mission very quickly became a Bigfoot discovery mission for my son.

First picture is the bend in the river where OP gave coordinates. The patch of trees on the right is where the Skunk Ape must have "disappeared into the willows". There are no willows in this riverbottom for the record.

Next picture is my son, checking the riverbank for Squatch prints. As hard as we looked, we were unable to locate any.

The river is very deep in this area with several gravel bars breaking it up. Some spots appearing to be 4+ feet deep.

The next few pictures are just different angles from the immediate area of the sighting.

The results of my investigation are "inconclusive" no tracks, no scat, no hair. My son however wants to go back next weekend and look for Bigfoot in the same area. He is rather convinced, despite my best efforts, that Bigfoot is very real and we are going to cash in on his discovery.

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Leave any scent posts?
Pee on some tampons next time. Secure to some branches about 8 feet up. Set trail camera.
I'm pretty sure if this OP wasn't a total troll post, that he saw was a bipedal bear, probably the black bear he saw seconds before, crossing the river on 2 feet.

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