Washington High Buck

I take it we won't be seeing each other at the premier of their feature film Dink Fest 2024 this winter?
I pre-bought one of the "premium B&C" tickets.

According to the description, if I question a 80" buck at all, I get kicked out immediately.

Seemed like a great deal!
It’s always ego when you boil it down.

Of course the knee jerk response is “but… I like to share my stories and adventures” so share them with your friends and family. Why does the opinion of strangers on the internet you’ve never met matter to you? Ah, see, there it is… ego boost.
I think another part of it is just the “free shit” sponsorships too. Those guys can’t stay with a company if their life depended on it. I’ve seen them advertise for at least 3 different freeze dried meal brands, 3 different camo companies, ect. Only thing I can somewhat understand is them dropping tikka after one year to go with Aero since they are a local company that just had launched a bolt gun rifle line.

But I agree, I am sure a lot of it is for “fame” as well.
Well I got to experience the full negative effect of social media influencing this year, because it was the worst I've ever seen it. 40-50 rigs at the trailhead, it was like a modern rifle opener. Can't blame guys for getting out, but I can say they were doing some seriously dumb shit. It was like watching the minions from Despicable Me, you'd just see 2 headlamps look at each other and take off running across a hillside before light, blowing anything that lived in there out of country. Guys trying to "slow hunt" big wide open ridges that deer can hear and see you from a mile away. Oh well, time to find a new spot.

Thanks PNWild.. Rant over.
Those dude are jackwagons… hopefully they stay out of Co… someone sent me a vid of them hunting deer in Co it was awful. Cringey all around.

Blacktail high buck

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Fantastic buck!
We need to stop being selfish as hunters and support what is right. I wish the population could support but I disagree with shooting the last 7 just because we always have.

With no predator management and unlimited native harvest we can't continue with the historical seasons.

If it was archery only I think you could continue but not with modern rifles.

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This sounds like you're spitballin a bit.
Anyone get one down yet……?
I missed this whole thread until now, but I’ve hunted the High Buck the last 3 years in Washington with good success. This year during August scouting, I turned up the biggest buck I’ve ever seen in Washington, 30-32” wide. The basin he was in, had 10-12 bucks every morning, with a few other young 4’s. Only problem was it was about a mile off the trail.
I made it up to the trailhead during season on the 20th of September this year, to exactly what everyone else talked about. 30-40 vehicles, almost couldn’t find a spot to park. It was horrendous, but no different from 2023 or 2022. By the time we were glassing on the 21st, we realized plenty of other hunters had put massive pressure, exactly where I had located my deer earlier in August. I still stayed, and glassed hard for 2 days. I turned up one mature buck. 3x3 with good gaurds and 26-28” wide, but he was moving quickly with about 3 minutes of light left at 800 yards. Deer weren’t showing even close to my scouting trip in August, and I knew I had to switch it up.
I pulled an audible and pushed a few miles further off the trail, making camp close to 20 miles from my truck. Furthest I’ve ever been. On the morning of the 24th, I spotted a 4x4 buck, ~1600yd away. He had a narrow frame, maybe 24-25” wide, with deep forks. I had a rough judge at 150-155”. I’m not an expert at all though. I ended up passing him, because I had lots of time off this year and didn’t want to end my season in September, as I did in 2023.
I know the high hunt isn’t even close to what it used to be, based on what the older guys have described it as, but if your willing to grind it out, and burn your eyes out glassing, there are still some great bucks hiding in tough country.
I know the high hunt isn’t even close to what it used to be, based on what the older guys have described it as, but if your willing to grind it out, and burn your eyes out glassing, there are still some great bucks hiding in tough country.
No there's not, what you saw was some dudes pack goat. Definitely not a 4 point because there are none left, the last 7 got killed last year. NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS! :ROFLMAO:
I missed this whole thread until now, but I’ve hunted the High Buck the last 3 years in Washington with good success. This year during August scouting, I turned up the biggest buck I’ve ever seen in Washington, 30-32” wide. The basin he was in, had 10-12 bucks every morning, with a few other young 4’s. Only problem was it was about a mile off the trail.
I made it up to the trailhead during season on the 20th of September this year, to exactly what everyone else talked about. 30-40 vehicles, almost couldn’t find a spot to park. It was horrendous, but no different from 2023 or 2022. By the time we were glassing on the 21st, we realized plenty of other hunters had put massive pressure, exactly where I had located my deer earlier in August. I still stayed, and glassed hard for 2 days. I turned up one mature buck. 3x3 with good gaurds and 26-28” wide, but he was moving quickly with about 3 minutes of light left at 800 yards. Deer weren’t showing even close to my scouting trip in August, and I knew I had to switch it up.
I pulled an audible and pushed a few miles further off the trail, making camp close to 20 miles from my truck. Furthest I’ve ever been. On the morning of the 24th, I spotted a 4x4 buck, ~1600yd away. He had a narrow frame, maybe 24-25” wide, with deep forks. I had a rough judge at 150-155”. I’m not an expert at all though. I ended up passing him, because I had lots of time off this year and didn’t want to end my season in September, as I did in 2023.
I know the high hunt isn’t even close to what it used to be, based on what the older guys have described it as, but if your willing to grind it out, and burn your eyes out glassing, there are still some great bucks hiding in tough country.
LOL 20 miles deep for a deer is serious commitment.

The popularity for backcountry hunting has changed the game. probably better off these days hunting during rut and finding small pieces of public squeezed into private and call and sit. lol
I missed this whole thread until now, but I’ve hunted the High Buck the last 3 years in Washington with good success. This year during August scouting, I turned up the biggest buck I’ve ever seen in Washington, 30-32” wide. The basin he was in, had 10-12 bucks every morning, with a few other young 4’s. Only problem was it was about a mile off the trail.
I made it up to the trailhead during season on the 20th of September this year, to exactly what everyone else talked about. 30-40 vehicles, almost couldn’t find a spot to park. It was horrendous, but no different from 2023 or 2022. By the time we were glassing on the 21st, we realized plenty of other hunters had put massive pressure, exactly where I had located my deer earlier in August. I still stayed, and glassed hard for 2 days. I turned up one mature buck. 3x3 with good gaurds and 26-28” wide, but he was moving quickly with about 3 minutes of light left at 800 yards. Deer weren’t showing even close to my scouting trip in August, and I knew I had to switch it up.
I pulled an audible and pushed a few miles further off the trail, making camp close to 20 miles from my truck. Furthest I’ve ever been. On the morning of the 24th, I spotted a 4x4 buck, ~1600yd away. He had a narrow frame, maybe 24-25” wide, with deep forks. I had a rough judge at 150-155”. I’m not an expert at all though. I ended up passing him, because I had lots of time off this year and didn’t want to end my season in September, as I did in 2023.
I know the high hunt isn’t even close to what it used to be, based on what the older guys have described it as, but if your willing to grind it out, and burn your eyes out glassing, there are still some great bucks hiding in tough country.
So the spot you scouted was over ten miles from trailhead and it got blown up first thing by a bunch of hunters? That is insane, as is packing a deer out 20 miles.