Washington High Buck

Exactly. I do wonder how guys struggle to kill bears in WA. Used to see them on every single outing in the highcountry.

Have had a couple PMs already, I'll get them some low hanging fruit and let them spread their wings.
I feel the same way. The terrain is more difficult but hard work pays off.
One of the small issues of giving intel and spots up related to bears is the fact these are probably guy’s deer and elk spots too. At least in the general vicinity and we don’t want more poeple in those areas. It’s a conundrum for sure.
One of the small issues of giving intel and spots up related to bears is the fact these are probably guy’s deer and elk spots too. At least in the general vicinity and we don’t want more poeple in those areas. It’s a conundrum for sure.
I know its the internet and you can never really know what some rando is gonna do.

It should be common knowledge and practice - if someone tells you any info or gives you a spot its not your spot to share unless whoever shared it specifically told you that it was alright.

Further, if someone shares a pin(in this case, for bear) then that's what you go there to hunt. You don't show up and say "oh man there's some deer/elk here I'm gonna hunt those too" without express permission.

Finally, it would probably be in good taste to verify that whoever shared it isn't gonna be in the area if its another season going on.

Essentially, if someone is graciously giving you a leg up, you don't shit in their face on the way up.
Well I got to experience the full negative effect of social media influencing this year, because it was the worst I've ever seen it. 40-50 rigs at the trailhead, it was like a modern rifle opener. Can't blame guys for getting out, but I can say they were doing some seriously dumb shit. It was like watching the minions from Despicable Me, you'd just see 2 headlamps look at each other and take off running across a hillside before light, blowing anything that lived in there out of country. Guys trying to "slow hunt" big wide open ridges that deer can hear and see you from a mile away. Oh well, time to find a new spot.

Thanks PNWild.. Rant over.
Well I got to experience the full negative effect of social media influencing this year, because it was the worst I've ever seen it. 40-50 rigs at the trailhead, it was like a modern rifle opener. Can't blame guys for getting out, but I can say they were doing some seriously dumb shit. It was like watching the minions from Despicable Me, you'd just see 2 headlamps look at each other and take off running across a hillside before light, blowing anything that lived in there out of country. Guys trying to "slow hunt" big wide open ridges that deer can hear and see you from a mile away. Oh well, time to find a new spot.

Thanks PNWild.. Rant over.
Wow, that is unfortunate.
I had a similar experience last year. there was 30 - 40 trucks at a trail head. Which when 1 had 2 weddings during this years season I wasn't too sad as I had lost a lot of motivation to go.
Maybe I should count my blessings -- ONP-side wildernesses are absolutely tiny (and I havent yet seen even sign of deer in them despite both hunting and camping in them lol) but at least I have them for myself ..
Hunted the Buckhorn this year, had a base camp 4 miles in and hunted for 5 straight days, then one day the next weekend. Saw a lot of sign, but no legal shooters. We covered a lot of ground and saw a whole lot of sign but no luck. I've spent many years up in the buckhorn and still haven't brought home a good mount. I'm not giving up though. I love hunting up there.
Well I got to experience the full negative effect of social media influencing this year, because it was the worst I've ever seen it. 40-50 rigs at the trailhead, it was like a modern rifle opener. Can't blame guys for getting out, but I can say they were doing some seriously dumb shit. It was like watching the minions from Despicable Me, you'd just see 2 headlamps look at each other and take off running across a hillside before light, blowing anything that lived in there out of country. Guys trying to "slow hunt" big wide open ridges that deer can hear and see you from a mile away. Oh well, time to find a new spot.

Thanks PNWild.. Rant over.
Hey bro they worked hard to kill 4 dinks a year to appease their sponsorship daddies. Don't hate em cuz you ain't em 🤣🤣🤣

Blacktail high buck

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They are just trying to make content. Not bad dudes.
Like posting the video of a headshot on a bear cub all over every FB hunting page a few years back?

Like posting OnX screenshots of some of the best areas in WA and claiming they're just random examples?

That posse is what's wrong with hunting these days.

Without completely derailing this thread and turning it into a high school drama fest, some more discretion on who people look up to in the hunting world would benefit a lot of fellas.

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