Voter turnout

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Took me maybe 20 minutes.
Dude in front of me was at the wrong place so the kind ladies made the rest of us wait while they helped this guy.
3 machines nobody at them until they got that guy out of the way.
I had a mail in ballot that I waited too long to mail, so I drove over to the courthouse and put it in the drop box myself today. I heard that over 50% of voters in my county took advantage of early voting or mailed it in, so it was really quiet at the courthouse.
Glad to hear high turnout in most areas. Do you guys have short ballots or just have all your votes ahead of time who are in-and-out in 10 minutes voting in-person?

The ballots here in CO are usually 3 full pages of candidates, judges, amendments, and propositions. I always drop my ballot at a dropbox, but it usually takes me 2-3 hours to research all the candidates and fill out my ballot completely, so I do it at home.
Took me about 2 mins in my part of Sourh Carolina. Walked right in and out. Easy.

I don’t get the whole mail in thing. Unless you’re stationed over seas or home bound no reason to not go vote in person on Election Day.
Bingo. The most important thing an individual can go to uphold this republic is prioritized as a hassle. SMDH.

FWIW, poles opened at 6:30 here. I was first inline this morning. From the time they opened the doors to the time I started my truck to leave, it took 12 minutes. You can’t fill one out that fast from your own table.
Lines are pretty long in FL. Dems put a marijuana amendment on the ballot to get all the stoners out. It ain’t pretty. No offense to any Roksliders who partake, plenty of alcoholics and a couple meth heads in line too I suspect.
Sir, the alcoholics and meth heads of rokslide would appreciate an apology also...
Voted in rural CA ag country. No line, was done in 10 minutes. Put the ballot in the scanner machine and hope that everything works like it's supposed to.
Took about 5 min. One other person there besides the little old lady's managing the door. Considering the post office is the only thing open in town. Not suprised. Ha.
Reports on legacy media are getting fun to watch right now as it pertains to voter turnout out. Lol

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