This entire very long post could have been accomplished in 1 or 2 memes, so apologies for all of my words.
RS (Rokslide, sometimes referred to as "the slide") is a welcoming place, and for learning. So permit me to broaden your cultural exposure (although it is not "pop" - it's far broader in scope, and importance).
MHG is one of the abbreviations of the "Meme Hole Gang." Although I can't remember who gets credit for the moniker, my hat goes off to him or her. The MHG has several un-stated goals. Including, in no particular order, to:
- resurrect otherwise lame threads;
- drive traffic to RS;
- educate the masses;
- waste incredible amounts of time;
- provide comic relief; and
- be incredibly sarcastic.
The members of the MHG are somewhat unknown, and/or in flux. (That's a vague way of saying we don't know who's in it, especially after quite a few senior, associate, and prospect members, and candidates, have left this thread hanging.) Regardless of the makeup of the group, MHG is pretty clearly endorsed by the powers that be (
@fngTony is our primary content supervisor - er traffic cop). This strong endorsement of our charter may, possibly, be due in part to #2 above. (There is a rumor that some of the MHG members are paid for memes, but that may be a conspiracy theory.)
There are guard rails for any memes (even by the vaunted MHG):
- you can't circumvent the other rules by use of a meme (I can't call @Billy Goat a name with a picture, and I can't post lewd pictures); and
- memes are frowned upon in certain threads (sometimes by custom, other times because a Mod says so); and
- I'm sure there are other limits I've forgotten or broken.
Although this is not the authoritative way to get familiar with the MHG, this thread may be of some help - There are at least a few things to note from that thread.
- It was started by an important guy in RS (thus clearly endorsing MHG).
- As @Nickofthewoods said, memers are artists and proud of their craft.
- If one merely recycles an existing meme from other sources, the poster will face ridicule.
- If someone hates memes - and posts said discrimination - they may be called out.
- Finally, some of the MHG even go so far as to look down upon someone who merely uses the same picture with different words, especially if that picture was first posted by the MHG.
You are welcome, and no need to send me a thank-you note.
(PS - if you are interested in donating to MHG, let me know. We have not yet finalized our 501(c)(3) status, or really any status, so I'm afraid that any contributions are not deductible.)