Visa, Mastercard halt gun purchase tracking code

May 10, 2015
The AGONY, the AGONY of it would we ever put in for hunts if we had to cancel all credit cards because of this...
Jul 21, 2022
North Dakota
Dude, this is happening in small steps right in front of our faces. We aren't seeing officers going door to door to confiscate firearms, but we are seeing states that are slowly adding laws that make things you have illegal. Eventually, we'll wake up and realize it's too late and we can't fight back if we wanted.

I also don't think nearly as many people would fight back as say they would. As Americans, we have it really really good, and we have way too much to lose. So, most of us (including me) actually do nothing as our rights are slowly chipped away.
What exactly do you think I wrote? I know what I typed but I want to make sure you understand the ideas I expressed. To me it seems like because I said that LEO and military aren’t going door to door that you think I said that there is no such thing as gun control. Is that what you thought?


Dec 8, 2018
What exactly do you think I wrote? I know what I typed but I want to make sure you understand the ideas I expressed. To me it seems like because I said that LEO and military aren’t going door to door that you think I said that there is no such thing as gun control. Is that what you thought?
conspiracy nut jobs thinking LEOs would go for to door to grab guns


Justin Crossley

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Buckley, WA
What exactly do you think I wrote? I know what I typed but I want to make sure you understand the ideas I expressed. To me it seems like because I said that LEO and military aren’t going door to door that you think I said that there is no such thing as gun control. Is that what you thought?
I believe I understood your point in the first half of that paragraph.

"There are approximately 393 million privately owned guns in America. Could you imagine the amount of bloodshed that would occur if anyone actually tried to take those from private citizens? Do you people know anyone with the cajones to actually go door to door demanding you turn in your firearms? My friends in the military and LE laugh at that idea because they know it’s not possible. Would it not make more sense to leverage gun control as a fear tactic? If you constantly fear that someone is coming to take them, then you are seeding the idea in your own mind that someone has the power to do just that. I’m not worried that anyone is coming for my firearms but I do wonder every time that the media is pushing that narrative, what are they trying to make sure you don’t see. If you are busy clutching your guns because you fear them being taken away, then you won’t do anything about the corruption that you absolutely know is happening."

I could be misunderstanding for sure. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You stated that you're not worried about anyone taking your firearms because your MIL/LEO buddies say it's not possible. You think it's only a fear tactic the "right" uses to distract you from what is happening. You believe nobody has the power to do that. You're not worried about anyone coming for your firearms.

Maybe my comment was also misunderstood?

What I meant by my comment is that is exactly what is happening but not in the literal sense. No, we aren't seeing the cops knocking on doors and asking for your guns. We are seeing people being forced to make the choice of holding contraband in their possession or turning in part of, or a whole firearm. Think magazine bans, bump stock bans, assault weapons bans or suppressor bans.
Jul 21, 2022
North Dakota
I could be misunderstanding for sure. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You stated that you're not worried about anyone taking your firearms because your MIL/LEO buddies say it's not possible. You think it's only a fear tactic the "right" uses to distract you from what is happening. You believe nobody has the power to do that. You're not worried about anyone coming for your firearms.

Maybe my comment was also misunderstood?
I am not worried about LEO/MIL going door to door for confiscations, correct. My LEO/MIL friends laugh at it because it’s isn’t possible. It would be outright suicide. I don’t fear that outcome at all.
That doesn’t mean I don’t believe that gun control exists. I never said that. I also never said that I don’t believe in the erosion of other basic rights.
And I also didn’t write anything about “right” or “left” Or Republicans or Democrats as I believe them to be exactly the same. If you honestly believe there is a difference then why are we war hawking both the Russians and Chinese with the “anti war” Democrat party in power?
The fear tactic is most definitely being used against all of your rights. The media tells you to be scared of Covid, Russians, Mexicans, Chinese, Arabs, Americans that think differently than you, etc… then people give up a little bit of freedom and privacy for the pretend feeling of security. Some people eventually learn to believe that the government is the source of security.
It’s all divide and conquer in baby steps.
We do agree that Americans won’t fight.
They have ceded that power already. They think a guy like Trump is gonna fight for them. Or “Q” is gonna save them. Or that there will be one big event that suddenly wakes people up. In the meantime, they put on masks to line up to vote for the same criminals that are getting rich in public service. They think that they are doing something by rooting for the Red team or the Blue team… and no matter what team wins… the outcome is the same.


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
this country is very soft and the majority of people will choose keeping their $ and possessions over keeping their firearms, that is just the sad truth. $ over freedom.

No need to go door to door although that is actually possible on a smaller scale. Simply making firearms illegal and waiting for the opportunity to confiscate/imprison is e-z. After the first 1000 people are imprisoned and have all their assets confiscated the turn in's will start picking up speed.

I just saw the canadiens saying how they were very happy with how well financial confiscations worked in crushing the freedom trucker was at a press conference. Same type of measures can be used once the laws are in place and the laws can be passed very quickly as they were in australia in the 90's.

Be vigilant and be ready to make sacrifices or be enslaved. Once your enslaved they will take all you have anyway...because that is the point of enslavement..

And besides, if after covid you still think that things 'can never happen' your a bit slow mentally, imo. No offense to anyone meant.


Jan 12, 2021
They won't come to your house. It's way easier than that. Everyone carries the government in their pocket everyday. They know everything you buy and everywhere you go. They can listen to every call and check every text. They can listen to your phone anytime they want, even when it's "off". They can and already do if you are important to them. Every social media post, every "anonymous" Rokslide post with your super secret code name. If the day comes and the outrage and fear is in their favor, they will bring all of us to our knees without firing a shot. They will freeze your assets, turn off your power and get you fired from your job. You will be labeled a MAGA or terrorist or whatever boogieman they come up with to make you the other. Just like Hitler did with the Jews or CNN did with antivaxxers. Privacy is dead.


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
all electronic comms are saved 4-ever by the feds. they also know everywhere you go with a trackable phone and save that info also.
Jul 21, 2022
North Dakota
Wow. Really turned the fear knob up to 11 there. So what can we do other than talk about why we should be fearful? Why not try to throw about a few ideas to right the ship, so to speak? Anyone have hope enough to come up with a plan? Term limits, money out of politics, end of the two party system or other ideas and how to implement them?


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
there are very good reasons to be wary. at this point there is no voting your way out of what is coming and the republic of laws has become a democracy..

if your on a ship that is slowly sinking because there are leaks which are not repairable is it fear to say the ship is going to sink or is that coming to grips with reality?


Sep 29, 2012
There are approximately 393 million privately owned guns in America. Could you imagine the amount of bloodshed that would occur if anyone actually tried to take those from private citizens? Do you people know anyone with the cajones to actually go door to door demanding you turn in your firearms? My friends in the military and LE laugh at that idea because they know it’s not possible.
That is actually happening today on a small scale. What do your military and LE friends have to say about that?



Sep 29, 2012

Justin Crossley

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Buckley, WA
I am not worried about LEO/MIL going door to door for confiscations, correct. My LEO/MIL friends laugh at it because it’s isn’t possible. It would be outright suicide. I don’t fear that outcome at all.
That doesn’t mean I don’t believe that gun control exists. I never said that. I also never said that I don’t believe in the erosion of other basic rights.
And I also didn’t write anything about “right” or “left” Or Republicans or Democrats as I believe them to be exactly the same. If you honestly believe there is a difference then why are we war hawking both the Russians and Chinese with the “anti war” Democrat party in power?
The fear tactic is most definitely being used against all of your rights. The media tells you to be scared of Covid, Russians, Mexicans, Chinese, Arabs, Americans that think differently than you, etc… then people give up a little bit of freedom and privacy for the pretend feeling of security. Some people eventually learn to believe that the government is the source of security.
It’s all divide and conquer in baby steps.
We do agree that Americans won’t fight.
They have ceded that power already. They think a guy like Trump is gonna fight for them. Or “Q” is gonna save them. Or that there will be one big event that suddenly wakes people up. In the meantime, they put on masks to line up to vote for the same criminals that are getting rich in public service. They think that they are doing something by rooting for the Red team or the Blue team… and no matter what team wins… the outcome is the same.
I think you and I are pretty much on the same page.


Mar 16, 2016


Dec 8, 2018
I am not worried about LEO/MIL going door to door for confiscations, correct. My LEO/MIL friends laugh at it because it’s isn’t possible. It would be outright suicide. I don’t fear that outcome at all.
That doesn’t mean I don’t believe that gun control exists. I never said that. I also never said that I don’t believe in the erosion of other basic rights.
And I also didn’t write anything about “right” or “left” Or Republicans or Democrats as I believe them to be exactly the same. If you honestly believe there is a difference then why are we war hawking both the Russians and Chinese with the “anti war” Democrat party in power?
The fear tactic is most definitely being used against all of your rights. The media tells you to be scared of Covid, Russians, Mexicans, Chinese, Arabs, Americans that think differently than you, etc… then people give up a little bit of freedom and privacy for the pretend feeling of security. Some people eventually learn to believe that the government is the source of security.
It’s all divide and conquer in baby steps.
We do agree that Americans won’t fight.
They have ceded that power already. They think a guy like Trump is gonna fight for them. Or “Q” is gonna save them. Or that there will be one big event that suddenly wakes people up. In the meantime, they put on masks to line up to vote for the same criminals that are getting rich in public service. They think that they are doing something by rooting for the Red team or the Blue team… and no matter what team wins… the outcome is the same.
Being an LEO myself and working in NYC, Philly, DC, Seattle I can state first hand there are many LEO's who would enjoy seizing your firearms at your home. Many of these LEO's did not grow up with firearms and many are anti gun and saw no reason for civilians to even own firearms. The LEO culture has really shifted in urban areas and they having really lowered hiring standards..

I know rural LEO's have a different mindset.

look at this supposed hunting org executive BHA Busse who wants firearms bans and is paid well by the gun ban lobby. We have many members on here who support this org and gun bans, They'll chime in shortly. lol



Jun 22, 2020
For those of you who want to learn a bit more about the basis for the MCC code. I am sure you will all feel much safer knowing this is a common-sense initiative which will reduce illegal gun purchases...

I love how she talks about patterns and how that is so important to helping reduce firearm violence. If that's true how about we start paying more attention to the social media posts many of these people post in the days/weeks leading up to their shooting? How many times have we found out later that the FBI, school, friends, etc knew about these posts and did nothing? Seems to be the easier and more prudent step, but what do I know I'm just some peckerwood who lives in the woods with too many guns.


Jan 12, 2021
Being an LEO myself and working in NYC, Philly, DC, Seattle I can state first hand there are many LEO's who would enjoy seizing your firearms at your home. Many of these LEO's did not grow up with firearms and many are anti gun and saw no reason for civilians to even own firearms. The LEO culture has really shifted in urban areas and they having really lowered hiring standards..

I know rural LEO's have a different mindset.

look at this supposed hunting org executive BHA Busse who wants firearms bans and is paid well by the gun ban lobby. We have many members on here who support this org and gun bans, They'll chime in shortly. lol

I would be willing to bet they wouldn't get to enjoy it for very long.

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