Venison Heart - Recipes?

I clean the heart and slice it in pieces about 3/8 inch thick. Next I soak them in saltwater for several hours. Remove from water, pat dry, bread with flour salt pepper garlic and any other spices you enjoy. Fry in pan with a little olive oil.
Cut off the hard connective tissue on top, and along the muscle seams to make three small steaks. Clean out any stringy arteries and veins on the surface.

Salt and pepper. Reverse sear in iron skillet. Sear a minute on each side and let warm through in oven for 10 minutes. Serve with fried eggs and toast, or biscuits.
My wife cooked the heart from my buck that I killed over the weekend. Now we remember why we dont eat deer heart. lol

Was it cleaned well? I’ve heard soaking them in milk can help. I spent much of my youth not keeping the heart. Then I’m not sure why I started and cook it for family and friends everyone loves it. I’m very particular on skinning out every little piece. I skin them inside and out basically. Them cook in butter as mentioned sometimes breaded. I have had many people that didn’t like heart before try it and decide they love it. I just wonder if grissle or blood not getting properly cleaned before cooking may turn many off on this cut ? My wife has shot multiple bucks in the neck, now just to make sure she misses the heart. I am not bragging everytime has been followed by a wtf do you hate the rest of the deer !
Was it cleaned well? I’ve heard soaking them in milk can help. I spent much of my youth not keeping the heart. Then I’m not sure why I started and cook it for family and friends everyone loves it. I’m very particular on skinning out every little piece. I skin them inside and out basically. Them cook in butter as mentioned sometimes breaded. I have had many people that didn’t like heart before try it and decide they love it. I just wonder if grissle or blood not getting properly cleaned before cooking may turn many off on this cut ? My wife has shot multiple bucks in the neck, now just to make sure she misses the heart. I am not bragging everytime has been followed by a wtf do you hate the rest of the deer !
We cleaned it, sliced it against the grain and soaked it in milk for 24 hours and it was still borderline edible.
That’s unfortunate. Maybe there are just bad ones. Or it’s an acquired taste. Personally I cooked heart back strap and tenderloin up from my wife’s buck I could only tell the difference in texture. Taste was all basically the same to me at least.
my wife took one bite and just looked at me and spit it out into a paper towel. Lol

I struggled through it and ate a few pieces because I was hungry as hell. Lmao
We were given an elk heart this year. I cleaned it and vacuum packed it but it had a smell to it I’ve never noticed before. I didn’t cook it fresh because I want to cook it and try it myself before I ruin my family that loves heart. Hopefully you can keep trying and get a better outcome!
Sliced thin and pan fried with butter olive oil onions and peppers. Serve on homemade tortillas- oh baby! I think the key is in pre-prep and cleaning if the heart along with of course not over-cooking
Our go to is slice it thin length wise and take out any of the connective strands in the ventricles. Marinate in some EVOO/Garlic/Steak Seasoning with sliced onions. Pan fry with some chopped up bacon. Don't overcook it. I think I like this more than tenderloins.
Salt, pepper and garlic. Slice it think and cook it hot and fast in a cast iron. some good crusty sourdough bread with a little mayo and mustard. probably my favorite game meal there is.
Turned a couple buddys and my dad onto it in wyoming with antelope heart a few years back, they all thought I was crazy until they tried it I think.