Vegas Shooting- truly sick

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Jun 17, 2017
Another tragedy in a gun free zone. Gun free zones just don't work. They are just collections of potential defenseless victims.


Sep 11, 2013
My best wishes go to the families that are suffering from this tragedy. Makes me teary-eyed thinking about it.


Jan 11, 2015
One of our friends was killed in the senseless act. A young man with a full life ahead of him. The News Media in this country should be ashamed of themselves. When the story of how he saved another friend of ours," his Wife's" life, like a Real Man should, was told by the White House Press Secretary this a.m., those media scum skipped straight to gun control questions and continued the witch hunt against us,,,yes,,against us,,, even after they were told the politics would be discussed later they continued to pound. Answers denied, thank you Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Thank you for telling them to go pound sand today for News Media Scum like them have no Shame. Then the news network switched to some clown that was attacking hunters about silencers,how hunters were always looking for an unfair advantage,what the heck??? I dang near exploded!!!! So I feel obligated to go down this path on a public forum, my two cents if you will. I have had much grief for my old fashioned beliefs by those Types over the years. I know those beliefs I was taught made this country great! My Pa, Grandpa and Great Granpappy lived by them. I have refused to back down and change to satisfy the liberals. Lots of them don't like me,,big friggin deal. I have a spine and will break your mouth if you try to push your garbage down my throat, the open minded days of youth have long since passed.The questions, where did the nutjob murderer get his guns, how did he get them in the room,,blah,blah,blah,,,the only thing that mattered was the nutjob murderer knew that he would go out famous with the media, that was his motivation to injure all these innocent people. Same story again and again since everyone started getting the news on TV back in the sixties. Plain and simple,,,entertainer/loser/religious zealot/ho chi minh,,play to the spineless media scum for attention, tell your story over and over again till they believe,,break the American will power over time, convince the masses your story is right. HOW can a reasonably intelligent person stand to watch CNN for five minutes, it's a broken record spinning the same liberalism over and over and over, day after day after day, year after year after year. As hunters and gun owners everyone needs to develop a man up. When I hear some of the outdoor voices on podcasts talking about how they work with those these types, I want to hurl. Call them out for having weak spines!!! Your gonna get it with no lube one day from those types, guaranteed. Those types aren't talking any compromise with us. Companies that give as much as one penny in any way/fashion or form against us,speak negatively of us or hire employees that detest us,blacklist them,make it public where they really stand, the REI's,North Faces, Jetboils, and ANY others,,,NEVER monetarily support them at all cost! What does this have to do with the nut job that did this,,,,everything!!!!! When they let Little Johnny get away with something in school, put him in timeout,,,call the parents and have a little meeting,,,,,talk to him a little more about how all the other kids follow the social,,"socialist" ways,,,then he grows up thinking he can get his way always,, he doesn't,,throws an adult fit with whatever weapon of the day may be,,,instant fame in the media as he goes out in flames. How many little Johnnies are we creating each year? Would or could these types ever be able to understand you? Have the same values? Enjoy a good campfire with your buds? Drink a cold one and enjoy a hunting or fishing story? I say Never,,would they have the ability to relate nor the desire, don't forget that! Probably could have fixed this old nutjob murderer 50 years ago with a big paddle, strung his Pa up from a high tree for robbing banks, took him down to church and taught him the Ten commandments, missed the chance to get the right message across and nip this day in history in the bud. Grow a spine, get a pair,,,speak up and quit taking the garbage from these lame liberal scumbags. Day after day I see,read and hear the moaning,,,grizzly hunt stopped,,lawsuit against this hunt,lawsuit against that hunt,trapping ban on the ballot,,and anti-gun this,,restrict this,restrict that,,,etc,etc. If you haven't figured it out, it's the same people group of bigmouth whacks that are trying to take this society down. I lived out West when the wolve jive was being battled, it was the same whackos then. I live back east now, today all these dumb urbanites have an opinion on guns/wolves and grizz even though they have never been West of the Mississippi river,could a reasonable man honestly say they deserve an opinion with no experience,Take no more from them!!! Enough playing defense, the time is now to make an Offensive Strike against them. Call them out,,,make them defend their stance,,question them, make them prove they deserve an opinion,,,call them out if they haven't been there, done that! if they want to talk the talk make them walk the walk!!! If they don't like it,,,knock their teeth out on social media with ridicule for their lack of pedigree on subject, it will shut their pie holes for a while anyhow! If you guys haven't figured it out, it's an undeclared war against us .As for me in this war,,,they will pry my cold dead hands from my guns before I bend an inch to their ridiculous demands and if I get turned away at the pearly gates, it will give me a reason to spend eternity punching that nutjob murderer, Hillary Clinton, CNN news anchors, Hanoi Jane, Obama and other I can find IN the mouth! My money says "In God We Trust", I will stand firm on that!


Feb 28, 2016
Tragic, curious what medications he was on. Seems to be the common thread these days.

Everyone talks about the NRA but nobody points the finger at big pharma. On the left anyway.

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Jun 4, 2017
Listen to the CNN video that is on the web. It's a bunch of cuts of video with interviews spliced in. Pay attention to the sound of the gunfire. There are clearly 2 different sounding automatic weapons at the same time. One high pitch and one low pitch. Either this was 2 shooters or CNN has spiced multiple audio tapes together to make it sound more dramatic. Either way pretty messed up.

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Feb 20, 2015
I thought it sounded like two at first also but the sound coincides with each other every time. I think. I believe the two sounds were actually the rifle blast and the bullets contacting the ground. One of the clips I watched you can actually see a water bottle get shot right in the middle of the people standing around. This was a terrible tragedy.

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Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
I am no expert like I am sure others on this site are, but that simply sounds like automatic fire to me with echoes off of the surrounding buildings.

Very sad situation indeed, and a very unusual situation as far as mass shootings go.


May 24, 2016
It's a crank-fired device, for sure. The cyclic rate changes substantially during its use, i.e, he's cranking faster/slower.
Mar 9, 2012
Yorkville, IL
Here are my take aways...

1. Evil people will do evil things, that will never stop.

2. Live your life to the fullest everyday, kiss your kids, don't sweat the small stuff, enjoy lifes ups and downs.

3. Don't stop going to concerts, don't stop gathering in large groups, don't let any fear stop you from doing anyhting you want to do. If we stop living, then the crazy people have won.

4. Pray for the victims and their families.

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Feb 20, 2015
It's a crank-fired device, for sure. The cyclic rate changes substantially during its use, i.e, he's cranking faster/slower.

I was thinking the same thing. I saw some “experts” on the news talking about full auto and bump fire stocks. These people never seem to know what they’re talking about. It definitely sounds like one of the old “hell fire” crank triggers to me.

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Aug 9, 2017
Southeast Texas
It is sad to see that there are individuals that have the mental capacity (or incapacity) to do things like this. From what I have read, this guy was a criminal already. The depth of his insanity was tragic. This is so sad, so heartbreaking, and utterly devastating to thousands of people. Imagine the families of all the slain. We need to be praying for peace in their hearts as much as anything.

What sickens me is that people will likely use this as a platform for a political agenda. Now, I do think that some will push a political strategy with the best of intentions. That is where things get murky. I will not fault someone for saying that removing guns from the situation would potentially help. They are right, to a degree. I am personally not big into gun ownership myself. However, I own a few guns and I do have one firearm handy for home protection. I don't personally see the NEED for anything crazy high capacity, but I see the flip side of the coin. If someone else would have had the wherewithal to return fire in an efficient manner, perhaps this loon wouldn't have killed so many. But, EVERY hypothetical is just that, a hypothetical. The entire gun debate inevitably turns to conjecture. I will continue to support people's right to protect themselves with whatever means they deem necessary, within the confines of reason.

Whatever your position is, I would recommend that any conversation you have starts from a point of mutual empathy. Everyone has a story, and their decision stem from a lifetime of experiences. Anger and hate accomplish nothing.


Oct 28, 2014
Terrible. Sad. Not surprised at all that someone is capable of such a sick act. Honestly it happens daily just on different scales. There are some sick SOBs out there.
As to politics, politicians and the use of things like this that shouldn't surprise us in the least. It's all part of their sleazy anti American MO.
Mar 15, 2017
-Don't respond politically to this post. I will not debate politics here-

While I will never be able to understand the mindset of the person who does something like this, this one has troubled me as there doesn't seem to be any motive at all. It is simply the manifestation of evil.

It troubles me even more how we have responded events like this. Rather than grieve with our neighbors we look for any angle we can get to nitpick their political opinion or fortify our own. The left says the "blood is on your hands" to the right and the right shouts back "he could have used a bomb or a truck".

It's as if we are unable to just embrace a stranger with whom we have no common ground and comfort one another after an event that can not be explained. We have to pound our chests and criticize the views and opinions of our neighbor until we gain some kind of soapbox superiority. What does that gain us at a time like this? We savor the times when we can say "told you so" while our countrymen are broken. There will come a time for more debates and arguments and criticisms being hurled in all directions, but that should not now. We, generally speaking, are being polarized from one another and robbed of our humanity by this compulsion to be right.

Was this guy mentally ill or a video game fanatic who wanted the real thing? Was he a religious extremist or a violent activist thinking he was making his point? Did he use a legal gun or was it stolen? Nobody knows and from here on out I wouldn't expect more than speculations, but what I do know is he was in a dark place and chose the worst possible avenue for his grievance.

I hear people say "doesn't life hold any value anymore?" and I cant help but think "look around and you tell me?". We live in a country where rather than being horrified by the violence in Chicago, often perpetuated by and on children younger than 18, we use it as an argument against gun control. We look for any excuse we can find to justify the killing of minorities by police. We live in a country where abortion is legal and widely accepted. We live in a country that has turned a blind eye to injustice around the world caused by our government. We have allowed a small number of extremists to make us fearful of an entire religion. We wear clothing sewn by the hands of people who can't afford to take care of their families. We assume the absolute worst of people in a different position than ourselves. I saw people posting eulogies to Hugh Hefner, a man who made his fortune on the backs of naive young women. We live in the pornography capitol of the world where women and men alike are dehumanized for public consumption. All of these things would lead me to the conclusion that no, human life does not seem to hold value anymore. That is the problem we need to be addressing. If we can start respecting and seeing each other as a human being a lot of these "issues" would go away.

My knee jerk reaction is to hate. Hate the man who chose to do this. Hate the people around the world who are celebrating this tragedy. Hate the media for turning something like this into what is always does, an ongoing conflict between our citizens. As a Christian I am called to view things the way God does, which is to feel sorrow for the victims and sorrow for the man himself. To not choose to trust in Jesus Christ and follow his ways I believe that man set himself up for an eternity separated from God. I believe we live in a sinful world and heartaches like this one are par for the course. I will teach my children what I know to be true, that we are only here for a short while and death will take us all, but that by faith we will be restored.


Feb 28, 2016
That would be like pointing the finger at gun manufacturers. It's not the pharmaceutical company's faults anymore than it is the gun manufacturer's faults.

If big pharma is paying doctors to prescribe unnecessary medication that creates addiction, drives people insane, and contributes to our mental illness issues, then it's a problem.

I don't believe in holding businesses responsible for the actions of their customers, but I do believe in being open and realistic about the social causes of this sort of violence, and prescription drugs are a major contributor in many of these shootings.

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Jun 30, 2016
Yea, I’m sure most of these people engaging in these horrific acts, if not all, are on some type of medication. And yea, there are plenty of problems within big pharmaceuticals, and the way they operate. With that said, millions of people use medications every day, and a high percentage of them own guns, and 99.9% of them don’t mow down people in public. The big pharm debate is no different then NRA debate. There is no way to prove that removing pharmaceuticals will stop violent acts. One could debate that banning guns, and ammunition could lower the amount of people killed in these types violent acts. I mean, we can all agree it’s easier, and faster to kill with a gun then a knife. But, still, there is no proof that banning guns will stop the violent acts. The violent acts are the problem. It’s like blaming dog breeders for the under ground dog fighting “business”, not the people putting the dogs in the ring. Unfortunately there probably isn’t much we can do about violent acts. There is no way to tell when they’ll happen, and no way to tell whose gonna carry it out. It’s terrible, no doubt, but changing big business or the constitution certainly isn’t the answer.

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Sep 18, 2016
You know the problem is that this guy was a liberal, did anyone see his Facebook before it was taken down ? He is Pro Obama, Anti-Trump, Pro- Soros and his initiative. He called himself part of the Anti-Trump-Army.

I believe it is suicide bomber mentality, someone so filled with hate believes that they will send a message and add fuel to their "cause" as a martyr. Call me crazy but it wouldn't be the first time.
robby denning

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
did anyone see his Facebook before it was taken down ? He is Pro Obama, Anti-Trump, Pro- Soros and his initiative. He called himself part of the Anti-Trump-Army.

Really? I didn’t see his FB.

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