
I had a buddy get it done not long ago. He's about my age, which is about the OP's age. Anyway, he gets snipped, burned, etc. Everything seems fine till about a month later, then complications, now he has no penis. The risk is a little greater than zero here.
I thought all these motherjumpers were out of their freakin minds letting a Dr stick a big needle in their nutz but I am for sure out now.
Somebody on a different thread mentioned somebody should start one of these threads.

I’ll go first. My wife (35) just had her IUD removed. I need to get snipped so I can commence to shoot up the club as my pull out game is weak and with no goalie in place, I don’t need to have another kid at my age. I am 40 (almost 41) and too old for that.

I was told that they don’t put you under for the procedure. Is this true? How bad is it? What’s the recovery like? I was also told that the first “eruption” may be bloody. Don’t know if my buddy is messing with me, so thought I should ask the masses.
Jumping in a little late here. The first time I was scheduled (that's right 1st time) I rode the elevator to the 3rd floor, door opened, door closed. I left. Dr. followed up on why I was a no-show. Rescheduled another consult. I told him my BIL said you get the novacaine in each of the "boys". He busted out laughing and said your BIL is an asshole. Explained how he feels for each vas deferens (sp) and uses a 32 gauge needle to numb each side. Lil sting at that is it.

Day of the snip comes, "she who must be obeyed" is a nurse and asks if she can watch. Great. Just ****ing great. No problem. Anyhow, he starts, I feel just a bit of a sting, a litttle pressure and then he numbs the other side. Other than that, didn't feel a thing.

As far as recovery, I had it done on a Friday. Sat for the weekend with frozen peas on the boys. The following weekend I was hanging treestands.

There was no "bloody eruption" the first time. Somebody's pulling your d!ck. No pun intended. In all honesty, if I was told I had to have done again, wouldn't think anything of it.
Had mine done a few years ago. Super easy procedure, numb you up and before you know it they are done and I drove myself home. The worst part is the numbing shots. Just be sure to wear a jock strap after and ice the entire weekend after you get it done (assuming you do it on a Friday like most people). Was back to work Monday (office job) but still wore the jock strap for about a week after. One day I went without it and that was a mistake.

It was kind of nice that weekend actually, I had a reason to just sit on my butt and watch TV/play video games when normally I get anxious I should be doing something more productive with my time.

One thing I didn't hear about when I got mine, or when I was researching it, is the potential for sperm granuloma's. I got one of these about a year ago and it felt like a lump on the outside of the testicle, not really painful but anytime I feel a lump out of place down there I want to get it checked out. Urologist said it was a granuloma and it would resolve itself, which it did. Had it pop up another time and just gave it a week and it went away as well.
I had mine a couple years ago. The hospital wouldn't let me take the valium until I was in the room where the procedure took place, so I had about 8 minutes for it to kick other words, it was worthless.

The surgery started out simple enough. Legs in stirrups, junk taped to stomach, nurse painted me with iodine for a few minutes while a heat lamp loosened everything up. Then came the small "pinch" he warned me about. I don't know wtf he considers a pinch, but that couple of seconds was life-changing. I don't even know how to describe it other than someone hooked my nut up to an electric fence and my kidney exploded all while getting punched in the gut by Tyson. Luckily it was short lived and I felt nothing else on that side. He went to cauterize it and the machine didn't work. My wife said "oh, we use that same machine all the time at work, so she fiddled with the controls until I could hear the crackling and see the smoke coming up from my nuts. "Thanks honey." The second side shot was similar, if not a little worse. It changed my soul, but I knew it would be over quick, and it was. Shortly after I experienced an INTENSE burning coming from the part of me that was taped to my stomach. Like hot lava was being poured on it. I yelled and they moved the heat lamp, but that sensation was NOT coming from a simple heat lamp. I rode it out and before long I was smiling on my way home, the valium finally kicking in about the time I gingerly got into the car.

I spent a day on the couch with the obligatory frozen veggies as my best friend, before I was summoned to a family reunion. I hobbled around there for a few hours and then my wife made me load our 4 month old son into the vehicle. I wasn't ready for the lifting/activity and it resulted in a long recovery that included a round of antibiotics and an ultrasound of my testicles. It felt like I'd never be able to run again and I was wearing 3 pairs of briefs at a time, but slowly, over about 2 months, everything got back to normal. I passed the required test and everything has been good since. Did the procedure suck? Absolutely. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. No way I was going to let me wife undergo a major surgery when I could accomplish the same thing with a 15 minute outpatient procedure. It's comforting knowing that our family is complete.
Got clipped close to 20 years ago. Best money my insurance spent :LOL:

I'm not married and have no plans to be so I can't comment on getting your wife's permission to do something to your body.

Seriously, they worst part the the anxiety. The numbing, zero pain. My doc came in from feeding his cattle. Still in farm clothes, washed up and went to work. Half hour tops and I was out the door.

Do it on a Friday if you can, gives you the weekend to rest up.

Buy an old fashioned jock and those tighty whitie drawers. Support is the key. Wear the jock over your drawers so you don't have to wash it everyday. The Frozen peas, veggies work wonderful.

My problem was I had the loins of a viking I guess. It took me damn near a year to empty my pipes!

I get a kick out of dudes whining about the procedure. Going to the dentist is worse. I guess if you want kids, child support and the headache that goes with all that, carry on.

Buddy had a vas and was with some gal. She pulled the "I'm with child" routine on him. he played along with for a few weeks. Went and had a sample tested to make sure he was still clear. He was.
Handed that chick the lab results and told he she better get with that kids dad soon and walked out the door.
The thing that sticks in my mind is the feeling that those tubes were attached to the back of my eyes. Other than that it was a couple days of discomfort.
I had a buddy get it done not long ago. He's about my age, which is about the OP's age. Anyway, he gets snipped, burned, etc. Everything seems fine till about a month later, then complications, now he has no penis. The risk is a little greater than zero here.
WTF dude? Is this a joke? Am I missing something?
You can always make the mistake of looking it up on YouTube (warning: the content may be offensive to some)

Had it done in 2014. Surgery and recovery were pretty simple. The shot is not in your balls by the way.

I did end up with complications. After various shots to clear things up which were far worse than the procedure itself, physical therapy has helped quite a bit.

I went to a doctor who specialized in it, and had never had a patient with a complication. He had done something like 4000 of them.

The pain was like a bad case of blue balls on the left side that would not go away. I spent a couple years in PT at least twice a month. Eventually it got better to the point I could live with it.

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Had it done in 2014. Surgery and recovery were pretty simple. The shot is not in your balls by the way.

I did end up with complications. After various shots to clear things up which were far worse than the procedure itself, physical therapy has helped quite a bit.

I went to a doctor who specialized in it, and had never had a patient with a complication. He had done something like 4000 of them.

The pain was like a bad case of blue balls on the left side that would not go away. I spent a couple years in PT at least twice a month. Eventually it got better to the point I could live with it.

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There's a lot of stories like yours.

I had 20+ pms of guys saying similar things when I asked about it on another site.

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I had a vasectomy right after my second child was born. After the nurse shaved me down the Dr. walked in to do the procedure. He asked if I wanted to watch and tilted an overhead mirror so I could see. Then he asked if a Dr or Dentist had every told me "you're going to feel a little pinch when I give you this shot". I said yes of course. He responded "I'm not going to lie to you, this will feel like a donkey kick in the balls". The shot hurt. Everything else was ok. When he pulled my vas deferens up out of the incision it felt like my eyeballs were being pulled back in my head. He cut out an inch out of each, tied all 4 ends and then stapled them. He told me that he gives a 100% guarantee and said "If your wife gets pregnant get a dna test. If its your baby I'll refund your money and pay for the kid to go to college." I'm certain that the vasectomy saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars in child support over the last 33 years.
A different bit of info to offer here for those couples who don't want any more pregnancies and in which the woman has very heavy menstrual periods and wants them to end. My wife used to have those periods then about 12 years ago she had a uterine ablation performed during which they destroy the endometrium (lining of the uterus). Because pregnancy can still occur without the endometrium and such pregnancies would typically be problematic/result in miscarriages, the doctor required (at least in my wife's case) that a sterilization also be performed at the same time. So my wife had her tubes tied. All went well, she no longer has periods, and sex became truly carefree. Win-Win!

Just thought I'd throw that in. It's a pretty specific set of circumstances, but if you and your wife are in that situation, it could spare you a vasectomy!
Had it done in 2014. Surgery and recovery were pretty simple. The shot is not in your balls by the way.

I did end up with complications. After various shots to clear things up which were far worse than the procedure itself, physical therapy has helped quite a bit.

I went to a doctor who specialized in it, and had never had a patient with a complication. He had done something like 4000 of them.

The pain was like a bad case of blue balls on the left side that would not go away. I spent a couple years in PT at least twice a month. Eventually it got better to the point I could live with it.

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You went to physical therapy twice a month for a few years…..because of your balls ???
We need some more details. I’m pretty anxious about my March 9th appt now
Just had one back in August, obviously very stressed going into it. I have to say, it was the easiest thing ever, no pain during procedure. Iced the sack for a few days and watched a lot of tv. I promise it’s very simple, just go to a reputable urologist.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You went to physical therapy twice a month for a few years…..because of your balls ???
We need some more details. I’m pretty anxious about my March 9th appt now
A Vas has little to do with your balls. It is the plumbing between your balls and crank that they cut and coderize.

Yes, I spent a bunch of time between 2015 and 2018 at a PT getting my junk worked on for Vas complications.

I still have some pain. Nothing like before. I can use basically the same techniques as the PT to keep it under control now.

The treatments (shots of steroid, painkillers, and anti inflammatory cocktails) were far worse than the procedure. Enough to make your ass take a bite out of the table you're laid out on. I damn near puked and passed out on the worst one. I ended up at home curled up in the fetal position for the rest of the day.

I saw the top specialists available at OHSU to try to figure out what was wrong. I heard the line "we took out the last guys testicle for the same symptoms and it didn't help."

It is not a risk free procedure. Complications like mine are rare, but they are possible.

All that said, today I am pretty much as good as new.

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There's a lot of stories like yours.

I had 20+ pms of guys saying similar things when I asked about it on another site.

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My PT's husband refused to get one based on all the cases she had to handle for complications.

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Just had mine. Getting shots was rough. Sudden and pretty severe pain- I tensed up and doc said “this is the part where it feels like your nuts are in a vice”… pretty accurate. Once local kicks in it’s not bad.

Recovery wasn’t bad- keep ice on it and you will be good. Was out and about a few days later. Just don’t overdo it and ice every few hours.

Bruising and swelling wasn’t awesome.

I was off work 10 days because my job is pretty physical and how my schedule works.

Also, ask for Valium. They should give it to you. Unfortunately I didn’t fill my Valium prescription because I had to drive myself home. Wish I got the Valium.
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My Dr gave me three valium for right before the surgery and little numbing meds snip snip its over in like 10 mins! frozen peas for the weekend! Good to go Monday play a softball game 3-4 dinger and a triple no worries ever!