
You're awake. It's not that bad. You'll be tensed up as hell though obviously.

First there's application of topical anesthetic, then they'll come back to do the injection of the local.

One thing I will say though? Even though you're numbed? You will definitely know when the snip has happened because your body will have the shock reaction you'll feel in your stomach a lil bit.

Plan to give yourself time off work for like 2-3 days, if I recall. For myself not such a big deal cause it's a desk job. But for you guys that work outside, you'll probably want to err on the side of caution. And make sure to already have bags of frozen peas at home waiting for ya.

They remove a section of the vas deferens. Then, they take the two ends of the vas deferens and fold them back onto themselves and staple or suture it onto itself to create a nice safe large gap in the tube. Because... if they don't there have been instances of the tubes reaching out for one another and RE-CONNECTING!!! So that's why the remove a section and fold and staple.
Oh..BTW... so I got mine done for free. The wife was working for a Medical Group at the time, and they were opening a new surgery center. In order to get accredited, they have to perform a certain number of free procedures apparently?

So after he makes the cut... he has the observing student doctor wheel over the cauterizing machine.

He goes to use it... it has a foot pedal he can control the wand with... he goes to try to do the pedal aaaaaand...nothing!

I'm all over here in my mind thinking like "WHAT THE. F***.!!? You mean to tell me you AHoles didn't test that shit!!!"

Doc has him roll over yet another cauterizing machine that was also in the room. Same deal, no response.

I think he noticed my tension, so he reassured me that it's ok... and that it just means he'd have to merely suture the ends instead.

Wanted to make sure to share that part of the story so in case one of you has that happen you'll know not to freak out like I was doing. I was both freaked out, and honestly more than a bit pissed-off in that moment when the machine didn't do a darn thing.

Working in software, and in tech support before that.. there's no way in hell you'd catch me not knowing for damn well sure all parts involved were pre-tested BEFORE I'd begin!
One thing I will say though? Even though you're numbed? You will definitely know when the snip has happened because your body will have the shock reaction you'll feel in your stomach a lil bit.
Interesting you say this because I had basically no issue during the whole procedure but afterward when I went to get up I almost passed out. Not something normal for me but it was a pretty intense feeling. Just sat down for a bit and it was fine but it was definitely like my body knew something had happened.
I had the procedure done yesterday. Dr gave me a Xanax to take one hour before I got there. I also paid a little extra and did the laughing gas which I think helped me a lot.
Felt fine immediately after and decided to walk in academy really quick to see if they had any 6mm creed ammo…..that was a mistake and about the time I got to the ammo section the numbness in my nuts had worn off 😂.
Drank plenty of beer last night with frozen peas on my crotch.
The boys are a little sore today but it’s really not that bad. I’m going to milk this thing for all it’s worth though while the wife is still catering to me
I didn't read through all of this but I'll say they are NOT all as painless and simple as many have experienced.

If they hit the wrong spot the anesthetic shot is a strong burning sensation. They cut my bag and I felt it burn and could feel something run downhill from the blade.

The clamp they used for the plumbing was very effectively clamped over the tube and included a nerve.

I've had achy balls ever since.
I had the procedure done yesterday. Dr gave me a Xanax to take one hour before I got there. I also paid a little extra and did the laughing gas which I think helped me a lot.
Felt fine immediately after and decided to walk in academy really quick to see if they had any 6mm creed ammo…..that was a mistake and about the time I got to the ammo section the numbness in my nuts had worn off 😂.
Drank plenty of beer last night with frozen peas on my crotch.
The boys are a little sore today but it’s really not that bad. I’m going to milk this thing for all it’s worth though while the wife is still catering to me
OMG thank you for that man! I just LOL'd so damn hard imagining you there checking for the ammo when all of a sudden "Uh oh.." happened! I imagined the movie scene and the camera doing a closeup to see the look changing on your face change! And started dyin' laughing, but only because I know what it feels like when it wears off.

You musta been all like "Gotta go, Gotta go, Gotta Go!..." carefully walking back to the car.

Heck yeah man, milk that isht for all it's worth. Heaven only knows how dang much they put on our plate all the dang time.
Interesting you say this because I had basically no issue during the whole procedure but afterward when I went to get up I almost passed out. Not something normal for me but it was a pretty intense feeling. Just sat down for a bit and it was fine but it was definitely like my body knew something had happened.
That.. and... it could also be OrthostaticHypotension reaction in your body from the meds/numbing agent.

Lotta folks who take BP meds will experience something like this (likely a much milder version) if they raise up from seated or laying position too quickly.
OMG thank you for that man! I just LOL'd so damn hard imagining you there checking for the ammo when all of a sudden "Uh oh.." happened! I imagined the movie scene and the camera doing a closeup to see the look changing on your face change! And started dyin' laughing, but only because I know what it feels like when it wears off.

You musta been all like "Gotta go, Gotta go, Gotta Go!..." carefully walking back to the car.

Heck yeah man, milk that isht for all it's worth. Heaven only knows how dang much they put on our plate all the dang time.
Yeah my face instantly changed once my nuts strarted throbbing… and the trip wasn’t worth it because they didn’t even have 6creed… I’m sure everyone that saw me walking out of there must have thought I shatttt all on myself the way I was hobbling out of there with my legs spread wide…

To top it off my wife sent a picture of me to everyone after the procedure saying I made it out alive.. but what she failed to realize was I was looking at a picture on my phone of my bloody nut sack that she had taken for me… everyone she sent the picture to can zoom in and see my nuts 😂🤦🏻🤦🏻
Yeah my face instantly changed once my nuts strarted throbbing… and the trip wasn’t worth it because they didn’t even have 6creed… I’m sure everyone that saw me walking out of there must have thought I shatttt all on myself the way I was hobbling out of there with my legs spread wide…

To top it off my wife sent a picture of me to everyone after the procedure saying I made it out alive.. but what she failed to realize was I was looking at a picture on my phone of my bloody nut sack that she had taken for me… everyone she sent the picture to can zoom in and see my nuts 😂🤦🏻🤦🏻
ZOMG!! It just keeps getting better and better BUAHAHA!!!!
Well I’m really glad that so many of you guys had it done and had a good experience. Hell some would go back and do it again. It’s been almost 10 years and I still get shooting pains for no apparent reason. I have a couple of coworkers who had it done like a month before me, and they said if I had gotten it done first they never would have.

Went to a urologist, not a family doc. Shot was the easiest part of my day.

Good luck.
a buddy had it done, he regrets it. Personally i wouldn't mess with the plumbing down there. She can have the same procedure done to women.

Happy skeeting!