Utah- what the hell?

You truly think your state government cares about you anymore than the federal does? They all are ******* you sideways every day. The sooner people realize that the better. Doesn’t matter state, federal, local, red, blue, green or yellow. They are all doing it to make themselves and there friends rich.

It’s all a big club and you ain’t in it.

This is a great argument to sell off public lands to private citizens. As it is now, the big club that Carlin referenced owns it, and they "manage" it by stealing our money.
This is a great argument to sell off public lands to private citizens. As it is now, the big club that Carlin referenced owns it, and they "manage" it by stealing our money.
So I should support transfer to the state so it can be parceled up and sold to whoever is going to give them the largest kick back and no longer be able to access the land?

Yea, that’s a giant **** you to the club.

Government sucks. They suck at everything but I will take being able to access millions of acres to recreate on over any other system. Is it perfect? Nope. Does it work? Better than anything else I have seen.

States have sold off the vast majority of the land they once had. Why would we give them more? That’s like giving an alcoholic a brewery.
How do you want to solve the housing crisis? Every government solution is a disaster. Why not let the free market do it? I'm fortunate enough that I can afford to live in a highly desirable location in the Mountain West. It doesn't seem right that a yuppie like me can move into a booming area while working class (and I don't mean burger flippers. I'm talking tradesmen) native Idahoans are priced out and have to move to GA, Upstate NY, SC, etc. where they can afford to live. Meanwhile, the feds have millions of acres of snake & rabbit land locked up, land that could be developed to increase the housing supply, in turn lowering the demand and cost.
Why not let the free market do it?
Because the free market never produces wilderness, open country, hunting properties, or untouched land.
The free market produces concrete jungles, subdivisions for Karen’s, and strip malls for consumers.
That certainly sounds like the Land of the Free.

I notice that everyone complaining about overpopulation is never willing to off themselves. It reminds me of celebrities that fly around the country in private jets and preach about threat of climate change and dire need for strong armed government action.
I've almost offered myself a few times.
And I don't have kids.
So I walk the walk pretty hard.
So I should support transfer to the state so it can be parceled up and sold to whoever is going to give them the largest kick back and no longer be able to access the land?
If the land is, as I mentioned in previous comment, not critical wildlife habitat, they absolutely should. Get it into the hand of private developers and built into lots + structures that can be sold to Americans. Home ownership and small business is a great thing.
I don't live in the mountain west and don't know what is going on there specifically. In a lot of areas of the midwest, the middle-class level housing is being gobbled up by investors. No more home ownership, just renting. The big funds have too much $$$$ and control.
If the land is, as I mentioned in previous comment, not critical wildlife habitat, they absolutely should. Get it into the hand of private developers and built into lots + structures that can be sold to Americans. Home ownership and small business is a great thing.
Is land only valuable if it’s used by animals? Can it not serve other purposes?

I mean, we could open up a lot of land dozing golf courses. You ever watched a baseball game? What a waste of space that stadium is. Soccer? Holy shit, you could fit a hundred apartments in one of those stadiums.
Why not let the free market do it?
Because the free market never produces wilderness, open country, hunting properties, or untouched land.
The free market produces concrete jungles, subdivisions for Karen’s, and strip malls for consumers.
There are many private ranches that provide outstanding wildlife habitat, natural areas, hunting opportunity, etc., but that's not the point. We're talking federal land that is not wildlife habitat.

Concrete jungles, subdivisions, strip malls, etc. are what allows Roksliders to play high tech mountain man every fall, as we all do.
Is land only valuable if it’s used by animals? Can it not serve other purposes?

I mean, we could open up a lot of land dozing golf courses. You ever watched a baseball game? What a waste of space that stadium is.
What else will the feds allow to take place on federal land aside from grazing and recreation? And the land I'm talking about selling off is not desirable to recreate on because there are no animals or desirable natural features there.

I'm not a golf guy, but I would not be surprised if there are more tax paying golfers than hunters in this country, and golf courses are a very small footprint by % in developed areas. Baseball is the greatest game in the word, so yes, that is a good use of space. Nonetheless, you won't have to worry about a stadium consuming your hunting grounds.
Private development on private land is doing a good enough job of fouling up the west. We don't need the fed or state government getting in on it too.
Agreed. All it'll do is either keep prices stagnate or help praise them into more luxury areas and really force local residents out. Which includes the blue collar guys.

Why not limit how much land is bought up from out of country investors and such.
How do you want to solve the housing crisis? Every government solution is a disaster. Why not let the free market do it? I'm fortunate enough that I can afford to live in a highly desirable location in the Mountain West. It doesn't seem right that a yuppie like me can move into a booming area while working class (and I don't mean burger flippers. I'm talking tradesmen) native Idahoans are priced out and have to move to GA, Upstate NY, SC, etc. where they can afford to live. Meanwhile, the feds have millions of acres of snake & rabbit land locked up, land that could be developed to increase the housing supply, in turn lowering the demand and cost.
Deport 20 million illegals, housing crisis solved
What else will the feds allow to take place on federal land aside from grazing and recreation? And the land I'm talking about selling off is not desirable to recreate on because there are no animals or desirable natural features there.

I'm not a golf guy, but I would not be surprised if there are more tax paying golfers than hunters in this country, and golf courses are a very small footprint by % in developed areas. Baseball is the greatest game in the word, so yes, that is a good use of space. Nonetheless, you won't have to worry about a stadium consuming your hunting grounds.
This guy thinks the government will stop with “land that is not desirable.”

Once they sell the land you don’t care about, they’ll realize they can get more for the land where all the critters live. After all, it’ll be up in the pretty country where all the yuppies can look down on the commoners.
What else will the feds allow to take place on federal land aside from grazing and recreation? And the land I'm talking about selling off is not desirable to recreate on because there are no animals or desirable natural features there.

I'm not a golf guy, but I would not be surprised if there are more tax paying golfers than hunters in this country, and golf courses are a very small footprint by % in developed areas. Baseball is the greatest game in the word, so yes, that is a good use of space. Nonetheless, you won't have to worry about a stadium consuming your hunting grounds.
If it isn't desirable enough for the short nosed desert shrew to reside,who thinks a human would want to live there?
There are many private ranches that provide outstanding wildlife habitat, natural areas, hunting opportunity, etc., but that's not the point. We're talking federal land that is not wildlife habitat.

Concrete jungles, subdivisions, strip malls, etc. are what allows Roksliders to play high tech mountain man every fall, as we all do.
almost no one here would have the means to hunt anymore if the west got locked up
This guy thinks the government will stop with “land that is not desirable.”

Once they sell the land you don’t care about, they’ll realize they can get more for the land where all the critters live. After all, it’ll be up in the pretty country where all the yuppies can look down on the commoners.
You're advocating for the government to retain ownership and "manage" the land, so the whole government-isn't-trustworthy thing is not the position you're taking.

It's hilarious how hunters go full-commie and knob slob Uncle Sam when it comes to public lands.
What else will the feds allow to take place on federal land aside from grazing and recreation? And the land I'm talking about selling off is not desirable to recreate on because there are no animals or desirable natural features there.

I'm not a golf guy, but I would not be surprised if there are more tax paying golfers than hunters in this country, and golf courses are a very small footprint by % in developed areas. Baseball is the greatest game in the word, so yes, that is a good use of space. Nonetheless, you won't have to worry about a stadium consuming your hunting grounds.
Who defines undesirable?

I would rather stick my ding dong in a meat grinder than watch two pitches of a baseball game. You demolish all the baseball stadiums and build affordable housing on them. Then we can talk about all this other undesirable ground.
almost no one here would have the means to hunt anymore if the west got locked up
It's not the argument that is being had here, but supply lowers demand, which lowers cost.

However, I am curious as to what the average funds a Rokslider spent on nonres licenses and apps over the last decade. I always get a kick out of the guy that will scoff at the idea of spending thousands of dollars for a landowner tag hunt but will happily spend thousands with F&G depts to kill dinks.