Utah Legislature trying to further privatize elk

Oct 10, 2018
Nothing really new or groundbreaking here in Utah, but looks lik they are making elk hunting worse, not better, unless you can buy landowner voucher. They are trying to reduce number of publicly available limited entry tags as there is current Utah legislature sponsored by Rep Carl Albrect D70 desires to take tags from public draw limited entry units and give 2 of them to landowners with over 4000 acres. And then make it legal to sell them in addition to the already allocated landowner tag draw (over and above public draw)

if you're a Utah resident and oppose this you can call rep (find them here) https://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp
or https://www.backcountryhunters.org/take_action#/455
Everyone knows that hunting Utah as a non resident was tough, but hunting as a resident is getting tougher
Looks like some politician is paying for his campaign contribution. He certainly is not working for the people that voted him in.
Nothing really new or groundbreaking here in Utah, but looks lik they are making elk hunting worse, not better, unless you can buy landowner voucher. They are trying to reduce number of publicly available limited entry tags as there is current Utah legislature sponsored by Rep Carl Albrect D70 desires to take tags from public draw limited entry units and give 2 of them to landowners with over 4000 acres. And then make it legal to sell them in addition to the already allocated landowner tag draw (over and above public draw)

if you're a Utah resident and oppose this you can call rep (find them here) https://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp
or https://www.backcountryhunters.org/take_action#/455
The “land owner tags for sale” virus leads to the privatization of hunting on our public lands. There should not be any land owner tags period. Taking our public hunting hostage and commanding a king’s ransom to hunt public lands is un-American. All tags belong in the public draw for residents and non-residents alike. Hunters pay for the management of wildlife on public lands with our taxes. Some states who have little public land pay landowners with critical habitat $5-10 per acre for public hunting access. The result is that wildlife can be better managed and license sales increase which increases federal funding. It’s a win for the wildlife. A home run for hunters and profitable for land owners. Private land owners with CRP acres can really cash in!