Utah Legislature trying to further privatize elk

Oct 10, 2018
Nothing really new or groundbreaking here in Utah, but looks lik they are making elk hunting worse, not better, unless you can buy landowner voucher. They are trying to reduce number of publicly available limited entry tags as there is current Utah legislature sponsored by Rep Carl Albrect D70 desires to take tags from public draw limited entry units and give 2 of them to landowners with over 4000 acres. And then make it legal to sell them in addition to the already allocated landowner tag draw (over and above public draw)

if you're a Utah resident and oppose this you can call rep (find them here) https://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp
or https://www.backcountryhunters.org/take_action#/455
Jan 21, 2025
Everyone knows that hunting Utah as a non resident was tough, but hunting as a resident is getting tougher