Upland shotguns

Have owned and handled just about every production o/u. If I had to choose one it would be beretta silver pigeon 20g 28". For doing a lot of miles there's no better upland tool than the beneli montefeltro 20g 26" barrel. Light, three rounds, and just flat out points and shoots better than any other gun. I choose it 100% of the time.
I was recently in your shoes and wanted a nice Browning or Beretta. The examples I played with all mounted and swung great, looked great and were very classy but also north of $2k. The silver pigeon beretta I was jonesing for kept me up at night! It was just too much for my wallet though, especially given that I didn't have a lot of rounds through o/u's and was still unsure if they were really for me. But I wanted one, and they're cool. I liked the Weatherby's at around $900 but those didn't grab me by the tingly's. CZ's shouldered okay but again I wasn't enamored with them.

I ended up with a Winchester 101 Field o/u 12g that fit well, looked decent and was priced right at $1,160 otd from Cabellas. Takes the same invector plus chokes as my browning semi's, Portugal assembled, fit and finish is really good.

I feel it's an heirloom quality wood/blued 12g o/u for a working man. Definitely not a $3k + piece but also a lot better in the hand than the Wby/CZ options I handled. Check them out. If a beretta silver pigeon is an A, then my 101 is solid B, and for half the price. Never forget: C's get degree's...

No shooting issues or anything like that. I've got 20 rounds of trap, 5 or 6 skeet rounds and about 10 hours carrying in the field. No complaints, no failures. Still playing with chokes and loads. Would buy again.
These brand discussions are fairly useless; it's like asking people their favorite color.

If weight is a concern and you got some cash that you don't care about having a specialized shotgun, go light with a sub 12 ga o/u.

If you plan on competing, the o/u isn't really negotiable...it's a must.

If weight is not as much of a concern, and you want to use it for everything... hard to beat a magnum eating semi auto.

I know plenty of birds fall to pump shotguns, but unless you have to use it for hard/defensive use... the logic on me fakls short.
Something to consider with your purchase is how rough you'll treat it. Hunting with wet, dirty dogs, setting your firearm down, laying it in the bed of the truck for a minute all contribute to wear over time. Some of the receiver finishes do better than others on O/U's. Satin finish shows scratches, blued will eventually show water damage, etc. If its truly a field gun, then perhaps you won't care that much? Good luck with your search!
Here is another vote for a Benneli Ultra Light in 12G or if they make them in 20G I'd look hard at one. I buy everything used and found one at a descent price with a whole lotta life left in it and I'll plan to use it in the field on most everytrip. I have found that as I get older but still want to hike long days for upland birds it's a treat to carry and I don't give up any nock down power. Three shell capacity is more than enough. I also use an older used Browning Citori 20G in 2 3/4 chamber and with todays advancements in shot it also fun
as heck to shoot upland birds with. Good luck.
I like an auto for the rate of fire on follow up shots. I have a stoeger 3500 with over 3500 rounds down range. Lol I love it no problems whatsoever ever except the tapped receiver plug for a top mounted rail popped out of socket. I have recently started making more money. Went to the lgs looking at a benelli m2 or franchi affinity 3. Walked out with a retay Gordion. It seemed more refined than the franchi and balanced better than the retay masa Mara the salesman tried to throw on me. I’m 5,9 200lbs kinda athletic. The m2 looks beautiful. But felt the worst out of the three for me. The stoeger is tried and true, the retay I’ve only had for a few months, I did buy the masa Mara Butt pad and put it or the gordion. It kicked like a mule.
Have owned and handled just about every production o/u. If I had to choose one it would be beretta silver pigeon 20g 28". For doing a lot of miles there's no better upland tool than the beneli montefeltro 20g 26" barrel. Light, three rounds, and just flat out points and shoots better than any other gun. I choose it 100% of the time.

I Second the Benelli Monterfeltro. Love the 20ga with the 26 inch barrel. Light weight, point and shoot

The benelli action is simple and easy to clean. I've used for years without issue.
I have shot a Weatherby Orion 20 gauge this year and have really enjoyed it. I have a browning that I really like, but it costs a lot more.
I have 2 that I've shot for years. 1st is an Ithaca/SKB 600 in 20ga that I've had for at least 20 years and the 2nd is a Benelli Ethos in 28ga. Both are fantastic guns and interchangeable.
CZ Upland Ultralight 20ga is a wonderful gun. I've had nothing but success with it thus far.
As my universal multitasker shotgun, I grab my Browning Maxus 12ga. I've knocked down quail, pheasant, dove, ducks, squirrels, rabbits, and I don't know what else with that thing. Kills em dead.
Lots of threads on this.
Shotgun fit is going to have everything to do with how well you shoot it.
A used Browning (Fits me!) or Beretta would be my suggestion after you shoulder a few to see how they feel.
Great advise,hard to beat a Belgium made a5 for me,bet I shoot a Beretta silver mallard as well and is lighter. Both are great choices.
I think in the double game I probably would go for a Franchi instinct L. IMO worth the higher price tag than sub 1000 guns. Once you go over 1500-1600 then I I think you might as well go for the Beretta Silver Pigeon.

For semi auto you have lots of choices that will work. For what it’s worth I think I would save the money and get a Franchi Affinity if you want a inertia gun. The upcharge for a benelli isn’t worth it IMO.
I’ve used a win 101 for the last 10 or so years for upland and duck hunting and has been great. I think I bought it from cabeals for 899
My favorite is a red label 28g (I've had 20 and 12 both as well but both were heavy and clubby to me) but they are no longer made and hard to get at a reasonable price.
I have hunted upland game from a young age as that is what my father was into the most.
He trained and field trialed "bird dogs" when I was young. We mostly had English setters and pointers for the most part.
All that time until now I have tried many shotguns for upland and waterfowl . I also shoot sporting Clay's as well.
Currently I fave a Fabarms axis , Benelli super sport 12g , sport 20g , M2 12g , CZ sharptail sxs target 12g , cz bobwhite 28g , cz allterain premier 20g , ugartechea 12g , fabarm sxs 12g lion imported by H&K , 870 wing masters from 410 to 12g , winchester model 12 both 16g and 12g and a few others. Not trying to brag as I grew up poor and have been blessed in my career so to over compensate for not having much growing up. I have had brownings and berretta (sporting guns and not really good for chasing birds)along the way as well . I just mention this to say that if I was only gonna get 1 shotgun I would look at the CZ all terrains (sxs or o/u) and I would get a 20g. For the $ I think they bring lots of value , low maintenance and little worry about the conditions they may be exposed to.
My favorite is a red label 28g (I've had 20 and 12 both as well but both were heavy and clubby to me) but they are no longer made and hard to get at a reasonable price.
I have hunted upland game from a young age as that is what my father was into the most.
He trained and field trialed "bird dogs" when I was young. We mostly had English setters and pointers for the most part.
All that time until now I have tried many shotguns for upland and waterfowl . I also shoot sporting Clay's as well.
Currently I fave a Fabarms axis , Benelli super sport 12g , sport 20g , M2 12g , CZ sharptail sxs target 12g , cz bobwhite 28g , cz allterain premier 20g , ugartechea 12g , fabarm sxs 12g lion imported by H&K , 870 wing masters from 410 to 12g , winchester model 12 both 16g and 12g and a few others. Not trying to brag as I grew up poor and have been blessed in my career so to over compensate for not having much growing up. I have had brownings and berretta (sporting guns and not really good for chasing birds)along the way as well . I just mention this to say that if I was only gonna get 1 shotgun I would look at the CZ all terrains (sxs or o/u) and I would get a 20g. For the $ I think they bring lots of value , low maintenance and little worry about the conditions they may be exposed to.
Also would just add that the magnets are a neat safety feature that allows you to keep the shotgun broke open in crowded conditions like a duck blind or pit without having to worry about the shells falling out.
I have a Benelli Montefeltro 12 gauge, along with a Tristar Upland hunter OU 20 gauge.

Both are great guns and affordable. I picked up the tristar for 400 and the Benelli was just under 1k
I have nothing but praise for my little 28ga Yildiz Legacy HP. Inexpensive, looks good, and shoots where I point it.
This is the second one of these I have heard a good report on.

I shot sporting clays with a guy that had a Stevens 555. He shot good with it. I handled it and felt like a great gun. Only later did I look up much they cost. That is a lot of gun for the money.
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