got out to test my other 3 hashmarks. Noticed that beyond 200 yards, the
@Unknown Munitions shot flatter than my previous load with same Berger Bullet and powder and nearly same velocity.
300 yards I’m 2.5” higher
420 yards I’m 5.75” higher
and 550 yards I’m 10” higher
I still had one hashmark to go, (my 695 yarder,) but with the flatter trajectory I decided I better call Vortex (thanks
@gcronin &
@ebarber8 ) and get some input.
I gave them my velocity and my new points of impact, and they had me adjust everything up about 30 yards.
then we had about two weeks of High winds.
High pressure finally set in so I got set up this morning for the longest shot with a rifle this pud has ever taken—725 yards
I made three shots. With no brake and a muddy backstop, I had no indication of any hits.
Drove over to the target and was pretty happy. 10” group and as Vortex predicted, my old 695 hashmark is now 725.
I didn’t re-shoot the previous 4 hash marks as I’d already seen they were high before I called Vortex, and they predicted to the yard where that last hashmark would hit. If you shoot Vortex, always give them a call, they’re very helpful.
(to note, that black dot was not my aimpoint, it’s left
of image and about dead center of group, as I had a light wind from left and got about 12” of
so my hashmarks for the 270WSM are as follows:
-Center dot 200 yards
-2nd 320 yards
-3rd 450 yards
-4th 590 yards
-5th 730 yards
(I rounded to the nearest zero)
I just made two dope cards, one for my scope bell, and a second for bad weather that’s in my Butler Creek scope cover. I can see either by just raising my head off the scope a few inches.
I’m personally happy with my groups beyond 300 as they’re around 1.4 MOA or less and this is from 7.5+lb gun shot from my shoulder (vs a Sled) with a 10x scope.
Also, that 725 hashmark is off the top of the pyramid point where the vertical crosshair tapers, not exactly a precision aiming point. With a high mag scope with more precision aim points, (and maybe a better rifleman) I’m confident all those 420+ groups would be sub- MOA too.
not really sure why these new loads shoot flatter than my handloads at nearly identical velocities., But who cares. I know this gun can shoot further than I probably ever will, and at the yardages I’m killing deer—50 yards to 450 yards—I know it’ll do everything I need it to do.
Oh yeah, and I had zero time reloading this year, ha ha. Thanks everybody for following this and thanks Jake for taking this gun to the next level.
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