Suppressor cover complaints/wish list

I like it, I'll probably pick one up to try. If I were being picky I think having the fire sleeve stitched to the outer material at the front, and a rear cinch design on the cover material so it can't slide forward would be money. My FHF cover does a decent job of reducing mirage but it still slips forward, is slightly heavy, and the velcro straps always snag and get peeled back if I put it in a case.
Here's one I've been thinking about for awhile. How about a full rifle cover like a solo hunter but one that fits a rifle with a suppressor installed. I love the solo hunter but it doesn't work with a suppressor. I'm weight conscious with my gear but a rifle cover isn't something I'm willing to give up because it protects my investment.
Just a thought as i have no clue if this would work. I know yours does not come with the cinch on the back to keep it from moving forward. but what if you sewed on a back with a 3/4” or 1” hole for the barrel/adapter? You would have to remove the can to put it on but then there would be no cords hanging down or needing tucked somewhere to keep it from moving. I like the design of this cover so far!
I use a mechanix brand cover on a 16” 223 tikka. It is good for 30 rounds or so keeping the mirage reasonable.

I can’t imagine I’d ever pay more for one than what I paid for that one.
My thoughts….worth what you paid for them

I’m not a fan of the draw cord on my Armageddon cover. Not sure Velcro straps are the solution, so I’m speculating that fit to diameter is the answer. I have a can chap on order.

Next issue I have is shooting the cover off in strings of fire. My brain conjured up the idea of a loop or something that goes around the barrel. My Armageddon cover in theory cinches around the back of the can but in practice I find it hard to achieve.

Needs to shield heat well otherwise it’s worthless to me.

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I would love a ranger green one that fits on my TBAC Dominus and doesn't slide off the end or snag on anything. I like the idea of having to put it on before the can and sliding it on from the back. Just gets rid of excess parts.
I’m a little late to the game here…

For me it’s just the bulk they add. I have a Cole tac and it’s nice enough but man on my DD LTI it ads a half inch in overall diameter.

It looks like yours is gonna fix that problem. Good work!
I'll amend my first post to if these are actually around 2oz, don't slip on the cans I have, help with mirage for 5 shot strings, and are priced reasonably, I'll buy multiple!
Very cool and I think there’s a market for it. My can is currently wrapped in poly tape and then vet wrap to cut down mirage while practicing.

I hate the idea of practicing all year with a cover and then having to possibly rezero for no cover before a trip.

I also don’t see how people sit around waiting on mirage while practicing, don’t got time for that. If I’m shooting I wanna be shooting, pour the coals to it

My diy cover starts to smoke after about 12-15 shots
I don't like my armageddon cover because its spins and creeps forward. I tolerate it tho and don't replace it.

I have one of the gummy silicone ones from New Zealand. It's alright. It doesn't spin.

Other than mirage, I think its really important to have something on my can so I can lean it up against my house, handrails, trucks, etc without scratching the the other surface. I could care less about marks on my can. Without a cover I'm going out of my way to lean my rifle on a truck tire or something that's not painted instead of something in arms reach. Small nuisance but its still there.