Unknown Munitions for the 270 WSM

I trust your judgement.

Let’s go with the 66.9

Load up that other 20 new brass at your convenience and send them this way (with any special instructions) and I’ll get that group test done.

Thanks Jake.

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We will have your seating depth ladder loaded up today and going out tomorrow Robby, thank you.

Received @Unknown Munitions !

My question is what do you mean by “Record 3-shot + 5-shot group sizes”?

I’m guessing I’m supposed to record size of 3-shot group then shoot 2 more shots into the group and remeasure—yes? No?

How much time do you want between groups? (Carbon barrel).

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Received @Unknown Munitions !

My question is what do you mean by “Record 3-shot + 5-shot group sizes”?

I’m guessing I’m supposed to record size of 3-shot group then shoot 2 more shots into the group and remeasure—yes? No?

How much time do you want between groups? (Carbon barrel).

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Hey Robby, it would be best to shoot the 5 shots in a row while staying in the rifle and then mark the shots locally. I like to draw a target diagram on a paper while looking through my spotting scope after shooting the group and just mark shot positions with numbers. Barrel should be allowed to cool in between 5 shot strings please. Looking forward to seeing your results 💪🏻
Hey Robby, it would be best to shoot the 5 shots in a row while staying in the rifle and then mark the shots locally. I like to draw a target diagram on a paper while looking through my spotting scope after shooting the group and just mark shot positions with numbers. Barrel should be allowed to cool in between 5 shot strings please. Looking forward to seeing your results 💪🏻
Just what I needed. Headed out now.

OK I’m all set up. I’ll try to post as I shoot here if the service holds up.

For everybody just tuning in, we’re shooting from our tallest, which will be closest to the lands, to our shortest which will be the furthest. Jake has them marked as 2.220 to 2.100. You can see the difference in height in the picture

To note, I checked and my tallest load Is not coming into contact with lands.

From the bench I have my notepad open and I mark the shots as I shoot them so that I can accurately note them on the actual target. Like this

Here is 2.220

Here is 2.200

Here is 2.180

Here is 2.160

Here is 2.140

Here is 2.120

Here is 2.100

OK that’s a wrap. If you’re on here the whole time I was uploading that, might have to hit refresh to see all seven groups.

My take away is that this first three shots were all pretty good, it was usually four and five that spread the group out.

Can’t wait to hear what Jake says.

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Fascinating. Is it normal to go from vertical groups to horizontal groups just with seating length? I’ve never done all this scientific ladder stuff and seating depths. By the time I’ve gone thru different powders and charges up to max at a certain depth one is usually shooting good enough for me.
Robby. Are you guys more worried about the groups or are you focusing more on which does the best with velocity spread? In my experience, I’ve gotten caught chasing the absolute tightest groups while not paying close enough attention to my maximum velocity spread. On longer range shots, I’ve found that the spread has actually made me more accurate than chasing the best “group” at 200 yards. Thoughts?
Robby. Are you guys more worried about the groups or are you focusing more on which does the best with velocity spread? In my experience, I’ve gotten caught chasing the absolute tightest groups while not paying close enough attention to my maximum velocity spread. On longer range shots, I’ve found that the spread has actually made me more accurate than chasing the best “group” at 200 yards. Thoughts?

Yes, we started with the extreme spread and standard deviation to get it as low as possible. For today we’re just checking final groups with the load that gave us the best ES and SD numbers.

I think everything is posted above a few weeks back if you want to go through that. Pay particular attention to the graphs that Jacob put up. To me that was when I begin to understand what we were looking for.

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Fascinating. Is it normal to go from vertical groups to horizontal groups just with seating length? I’ve never done all this scientific ladder stuff and seating depths. By the time I’ve gone thru different powders and charges up to max at a certain depth one is usually shooting good enough for me.

Yeah fascinating to me too. That will be a question for Jacob to answer once he jumps on here. Thanks for tuning in Steve

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Did you chrony them? Also where is 2.100? From the looks of that I’d run a smaller test between 2.140-2.110 or 2.100 depending on what your initial 2.100 looks like. My guess is 2.130 will be about perfect.
Looking at groups the least vertical spread is what I like.
Fascinating. Is it normal to go from vertical groups to horizontal groups just with seating length? I’ve never done all this scientific ladder stuff and seating depths. By the time I’ve gone thru different powders and charges up to max at a certain depth one is usually shooting good enough for me.
It’s very normal for a group to go from vertical to horizontal when you find the optimum powder and seating depth nodes. The barrel is essentially at a very minute resting spot before it begins to whip back down or up.
Did you chrony them? Also where is 2.100? From the looks of that I’d run a smaller test between 2.140-2.110 or 2.100 depending on what your initial 2.100 looks like. My guess is 2.130 will be about perfect.
Looking at groups the least vertical spread is what I like.

Hi, I can see 2.100. It’s the last picture in the post. Try refreshing your screen.

Yes we ran them through the chronograph a few weeks ago before we started with this group testing. Just go back up the forum and you’ll see where Jacob put all those numbers into a graph. Hope that answers it

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Good shooting Robby!
I see 2.100 now. I’d run a finer seating depth test from 2.140-2.110 probably in .05 increments and I’m sure you will find that perfect node!
Let’s see what Jake has to say.
I think what they are getting at Robby is, a lot of guys also chronograph the seating depth ladder as well. Everyone does it different, but as long as you get a gun that shoots MOA or better, you should be dialed.

OK I understand. Yeah he just wanted the chronograph numbers to find the lowest ES and SD.

Yeah it’s definitely shooting MOA if you count shots one through three, a lot of those loads hit that.

I did an inventory in my head when I was at the range and I have not shot more than three shots consecutively at a deer since 2008, So I’ve only ever shot three shot group anyways. The Jacob requested the five shots so that’s what I did. Can’t wait to see what he says about all this.

And for everybody on this thread who’s new, my gun only weighs about 7 lbs. 10 oz., so it has its limitations on how steady I can get. On a calm day, I can see my heart beating in the scope. Oh, and by the way my scope only goes up to 10 power.

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Good shooting Robby!
I see 2.100 now. I’d run a finer seating depth test from 2.140-2.110 probably in .05 increments and I’m sure you will find that perfect node!
Let’s see what Jake has to say.

Thanks man. Very curious if he’ll have me tune more or call it good. I’m ok with either.

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I’ve found ES and SD to change with seating depth changes. I usually chrono all the way through until I find the perfect load, this can take 10rd for each though and probably isn’t a practical way to do this for having someone else develop for you.