Last question, I think I need to polish the feed ramp cause I’m having a hard time getting it to feed. And these magazine seem to be too tall because the carrier group catches on the magazine follower. Any tips or ideas to fix this?
Thanks again everybody!!
As @The Guide says, the bolt hitting the follower is really just an AR issue. ARs in their normal configuration have the follower pushed down and more out of the way by the bolt release upon bolt closing. Personally, I just don't run the bolt over an empty magazine.
I have a post on here about working on the barrel extension to smooth feeding; try searching "feed ramp" in this thread. That's another issue particular to ARs. Gassers get past it with brute force and acceleration from the buffer spring, but it becomes very apparent with manual cycling.
I actually first noticed it on my gasser build putting gouges in the bullets which I'd see when I'd extract a cartridge without firing it. Letting the bolt carrier go forward slowly while holding the charging handle made it pretty apparent as to what was happening. That was actually the first one I worked on. I now clean up all 223 barrel extensions regardless of what they're going on.