Ultra 7/nomad ti xc/etc. IS there any material difference?

I see @Ryan Avery really likes the raptor 8. I'd likely be looking at the 6 though. Curious if either of you has used the 6 and the cans I mentioned above and can compare? Also, anyone use the raptor 4 + a larger reflex, and can compare that setup to the ultra7 and others in the category? This thread seems to suggest that the reflex doesnt add much sound reduction. If it did, something like a 4" can for hunting (not hearing safe, but much lighter/still lots of reduction for 1-2 shots) and a 4"-ish reflex for the range to get to hearing safe....that would seem like having 2 cans in one, is that a thing? Or is that simply not viable in reality?
I dont see much love for these cans, but when I do it's often from someone who has used lots of different suppressors...having a hard time telling what is because they look like sex-toys, and what is becasue it's just not as effective as it seems on the surface?

Yeah, I use the raptor 6 on 7-08 Ackley (20”), and 6.5cm (16”). I don’t have noise equipment, but even without the reflex, a shot or two without other ear protection hunting seems fine. Haven’t shot suppressed much at all without ear pro, I’ve only had them a couple months so I’ve only shot them at the range.

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Local shop has a raptor 8 in stock for a decent price. All of these others appear non-orderable at the moment, at least thru this shop. Im going to stop in to the other local
shop I use a lot, but at least at the moment it looks like the raptor 8 could be it, as it appears to be on par with the ultra7 both in length and weight with the flush mount.

Do any of you guys with a full quiver of cans including a raptor 8 feel like this would be a poor choice for a 1-can quiver for both backcountry hunting (both length and weight are very high priorities) and range use? Any issues with AB as far as service goes?

My focus is on having a hearing-safe can that is as small and light as possible, that I’ll also be happy with for casual PRS and range use. I want hearing safe, but trying to err on the smaller/lighter side.

Also, raptor owners, how much poi shift have you seen between suppressor+ reflex, vs the direct-thread suppressor?
This is the list of suppressors tested at the 2024 summit in 308. I have them sorted in A-weighted DB at shooters ear. This is the most synonymous, "channel" if you would, that most accurately depicts human ear perception. Pick your poison.........
2024 bonus in hand, likely going to finally get my first suppressor. Looking at 30 caliber centerfire cans for hunting and range (prs type on bolt guns), biggest cartridge theyd go on is 270win/3006 with most use in standard short action stuff like 6.5cm or 308-based. I think I want direct thread (?), and this’ll be my only centerfire can (unless I get my Christmas wish and they get delisted from the NFA). Ive had paralysis on this in the past, so my plan is to narrow down to 2 or three best options, then buy whichever is available/easiest on my budget.
I’d love a super small can, but really would like a hearing-safe one, so unless Im mistaken 5” cans are off the table(?). Reading all of the various threads on the topic—there are lots—it seems the Ultra 7 is sort of the industry benchmark in this category (smallest hearing-safe can with good reputation at about 7” and about 10oz total). Nomad ti xc comes up a lot. Hyperion K seems about the same but appears to be 40+% more expensive. Then there's an AB Raptor...can you get a flush AND reflex mount so you in essence have a 4" can for hunting and a 6 or 8" can for the range? It's pretty easy to overanalyze for me, and with no way to try or use any I'm flying 100% blind.

*what other cans are +\- identical to these in size, weight and performance?
*are there service issues with any of these companies to be aware of?
*is my impression correct that I can basically flip a coin and get more or less the same function from any of these? They seem so close in size and performance that its not worth differentiating on function. Is that correct? If not, what exactly is better about one or the other?
I just had first outing with new Mauser M18 30-06. I would have preferred the ultra 7, but 6 mo backlog just to get a serial so I could start the NFA paperwork was a turn off.
My SOT recommend the OCL Hydrogen 7 and I am glad he did!
I put in paperwork may 2024 and had form 4 trust approval by mid Aug.
OCL was also $400 cheaper than ultra7 too.
Both have the reputation of not changing POI, although I just started with this rig and not verified tht. I was having rounds touch each other at 200 yds, so I take that as a good sign!

Whatever you get, get lightweight can. A heavy can at the end of longer rifle barrels will make offhand shots really hard.
The hydrogen 7 is both short enough it doesn’t really cause problems on 22” barrel (40” rifle) and is light enough for offhand shooting. It’s direct thread with teflon plumbing tape on the threads to keep it from coming loose. I have enough rifles, adding a qd mount to all was too expensive and really not necessary. It’s not a big deal to shift to another DT rifle. (QD mounts also is a “tax” you will have to pay on any future rifle.)

No all cans are not the same. Pay particular attention to POI shift on forums. Go to an NFA shoot nearby if you can.

Best part of my rig is the suppression of 30-06 is far better than expected. People were checking my brss disbelieving an’O6 could be so quiet. (Not suggesting it’s hearing safe though.)

Also, felt recoil subjectively feels like 6.5 creedmor or 30-30, substantial reduction. 60 rounds and my shoulder was not sore.
As someone with an Ultra 7 and a Liberty Mach S, I will never get another TBAC. They are overweight and overpriced

That said, the Mach S isn't the only can on my radar. Nomad XC Ti is. 3D printed cans should be theoretically more capable than conventional right?

I bet in 2 years everything will be 3D printed and reflex cans will he wildly more popular. Don't buy anything you'll regret!
AB Raptor 10 was my first, then a few others then a Scythe and a DD wolfhunter. Best bang for the buck is the Dilligent line. An Enticer L or S Ti is where I'd recommend you start or get one of each.

The Nomad xc is another i have my eye on.
I only have the Nomad Ti XC and I've only shot it once, but I really like it so far. We shot it on a 6arc and a 6.5 cm. Sounded great on both without ear pro, and noticably reduced felt recoil for both. I replaced the direct thread adapter with a lighter titanium one to save a little weight. Feels great on the end of my lighter weight 6arc.