TX Nilgai Meat Hunt - Thoughts?


Mar 29, 2021
I'm a CO bow + rifle hunter who unfortunately is in a meat crisis. I had some elk and bison from last fall that unfortunately was lost due to my in-laws unplugging my chest freezer. Devastating and not the respect I had planned to show those animals. Due to my work schedule I will only be able to do 1 hunt in August (Nilgai) and CO rifle elk this year - so I really want to fill the freezer.

I am planning to do a private land Nilgai hunt in TX to help fill the freezer with quality venison and wanted to ask the forum's thoughts. I am using previously reported field weights for bulls and cows. Prices are estimates including field dress fees but do not include guide tips.

Plan for rifle hunt given the robustness of Nilgai and time pressure due to work (don't have 3-5 days to spend in a blind). Based on the outfitters who have responded to me and who can accommodate my dates I have narrowed it down to the following options:

1. KING RANCH - 1 Day Hunt Only - No accommodations (each day is $1500 guide fee).
Bull Weight 500-600 lbs --> Field dress to 350 - 450 lbs
-Bull = $1500 + 1750 = 3250 --> $3250/350 lbs = $9.25/lb

Cow Weight 250-350 lbs --> Field dress to 175-275 lbs
-Cow = $1500 + 900 = 2400 --> $2400/250 = $9.60
2 Cows = $1500 + 1800 = 3300 ---> $3300/ 500 = $6.6/lb

2. LL HUNT (2 nights lodging + meals in "4 star" accommodations)
Bull Field Dress 350 lbs
- $4650/450-350 = $13.28 - 10.33/lb
Cow Field Dress 250 lbs
- $2050/250-350 lbs = $8.20 - 5.85/lb
- 2 Cows = $3850/500 - 700 lbs = $7.37 - 5.50/lb

Based on this if the priority is meat then clearly doing 2 cows is the better value. Experience wise it seems like LL Hunt offers the better time for the money as it includes lodging, meals and would provide me with a better time.

While I am primarily a meat hunter, I enjoy the trophy aspect when it presents itself and a bull nilgai hide or bust is appealing. I am interested in everyone's thoughts - the forum has been very helpful in guiding me to the right solution in the past. If you are a person who dislikes private land or "ranch" hunts - I understand and ask that you please not distract from the conversation. I would love to hunt free range public land Nilgai in TX one day but at present that option is not available to me. Thank you all.
The King Ranch isn’t your typical high fence ranch. That place is literally 825,000 acres. Being from Texas I would hunt the King Ranch just to say I did it.
The King Ranch is a phenomenal experience and Nilgai is at the very tip top of table fare.
Can’t help but meat quality is phenomenal. I lucked into a public draw tag and killed a cow. I’ll probably now have to do a few ranch hunts just to keep the meat in the rotation. My freezer is full of elk/moose/deer/pronghorn but find myself reaching for the Nilgai every time. Let us know how it goes.
I hunted with LLhunts last April, top-notch outfit. Their bull tag jumped $1150 bucks for next year...wow
Ytturia ranch is also large. Cow meat quality is better than the bulls. See groups of nilgai along US77 where it runs thru the Ytturia ranch. To give an idea of size, the highway has exit signs for several Ytturia ranch roads. We hunt a variety of exotics as well as native species, foodies we give meat to tell us that Nilgai and Oryx is some of the best meat they have ever eaten.
The King Ranch has a very interesting history, if you are here, the museum in Kingsville is worth a visit. Sarita has the Kleberg museum, Kleberg is another old south Texas family that married into the King family. Good historical article in Texas Monthly a couple of years ago about its history and current operation. Last King relative was dismissed as ranch manager several years ago and was the entry topic of the article. Is a multinational operation now with facilities in South America and Africa.
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Thanks guys, at these prices it is always helpful to hear good things about the outfitters and ranches.

Anyone have any thoughts RE: bull vs cow taking into account cost/value/Yakut for meat and trophy?
Both options sound fun. The cool thing about a bull is you could make a nice rug even if you're not into the horns.

Keep us posted. I live in TX and always kick the idea around...just never have wanted to spend the money for such a short hunt. I should probably just go for it.
Neither of these ranches will be high fenced and both are good options. Be aware that there are some other operations that offer what I'd consider "shady" nilgai hunts along the coast. I'd avoid those.

I've been fortunate to hunt the King many times over the last decade and have shot more than my fair share of nilgai. If you're looking for the best quality meat, I'd go for the cows. Bulls have good flavor, but the meat can be tough in my experience.
Nilgia meat is excellent. Ive known several people that hunted the Yturria ranch, just not with that company. Pretty sure they all enjoyed the ranch. King ranch has quite the legendary status. Would be neat to get to experience it to see if it lives up to the reputation.
There are people that hunt the King Ranch shoreline by boat along the intracoastal waterway. This is very remote and I believewhat the previous poster referred to as shady. Its not clear to me the legality of this as it applies to trespassing which in Texas is treated very seriously. I have read posts alleging its the depth of water the animal is standing in when shot. If you choose to hunt this way be clear about what you are doing and where. Have done several hair on hide tanning, makes nice rugs, cows are red, bulls gray.
Grateful for everyone’s input. It sounds like most people are leaning towards a bull hunt. I am seriously considering going after 2 cows as it would likely provide more tender meat and more of it. I generally only make trophies of my archery kills and these would be rifle hunts.

Leaning toward LL Hunt at Yturria as this would be more of a mini vacation (2 days and 2 nights stay) rather than an in and out day hunt like it would be at King.
Is it possible to split 1 bull and 1 cow?

That might be best of both worlds for sweet skull and different meats. Along with 2 different color capes. I think Van Hagar said it best "Best of Both worlds"
I used to fish along the King Ranch shore line out of Port Mansfield back in the day... One of my favorite places in the world. I remember seeing a few of those every now & then & couldn't believe how big they were. Everyone talked about how good they were to eat but I never got the opportunity. Sorry to sidetrack your thread but that brings back some great memories!
I’ve hunted Yturria for the past two years, most recently in March (see profile pic). Last year was good but this year they got hit hard by drought and there were a lot of skinny bulls we passed up before finding some shooters. Hopefully they’ve gotten some rain this spring. If you stay at the camp on the ranch property the ladies there make the best tortillas I’ve ever had in my life. Definitely recommend a bull hunt, they are impressive and tough animals.
300WM with a solid copper or bonded bullet is plenty. If you break the shoulder you’ll save a lot of time on tracking, they don’t leave much blood trail and can cover a lot of ground. Have a good hunt.
I personally like to aim for the front shoulder and I’ve never had a 180gr TSX out of my 300WM fail me yet.

As for taxidermy, I’d get a euro and tan the hide if you like it. It does seem the hides are a little darker and in better shape during the rut, which is in late winter.