Turkey shells 12 gauge bang for you buck

Use the APEX PT 3.5" 12 Gauge 9 Shot. Shot a turkey at 30 yards last week and dropped like a sack of potatoes. Price, but worth the money.
Best bang for your buck would be some Franchi 3" #5s. Ive found them for as low as $6.99 / 10 at a local sporting goods store. I've watched these cheapo loads kill birds up to 40yds with ease with a turkey choke. That's my best bang for the buck. With that said, I shoot the Longbeard XRs in #6. With an XR choke, I have no reason to switch to anything different.
When I started shooting the fiocchi golden pheasant loads it was because I found their golden turkey shells, and from the all the info I could find it appeared to be the same load as their golden pheasant loads. Same shot charge, same nickel plated lead, same speed...but $15 for 25 shells if you bought the golden pheasant...which I already had sitting in the closet from pheasant season. They've worked well for me the past 6-7 turkeys, but as I said before, I don't push the distance too far either.
I hunt in multiple states every year and for the past 3 years have taken (or guided people who borrowed my shotgun) about 10 birds with Longbeard XR #5s in 20 gauge and 12 gauge. Both choked with Trulock chokes with diameters matched to the shell. Shooting these shells, you could do just well with any number of quality choke makers out there.

IMO this is the best bang-for-your-buck turkey shell on the market today. #5 or #6.

Low-budget turkey shells are half the price, but not half as good.

For the record, I'll be switching to TSS #9s and shot a few birds with them this year.

Hevi-Shot seems attractive, and I want to like them (since their shop is right down the road), but 5 minutes of research on their marketing and product description gives me an uneasy feeling. Plus, they just don't pattern great in my guns. Friends do okay with them. But IMHO they are not worth the price.

For mid-budget lead, Longbeard's all the way, but above all pattern in your gun and choke combination to know what's really happening down range at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 yards.
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Every gun is different but if I had to buy shells on the cheap, Longbeards would be where I would spend my money.
Shot my last 4 Toms with Winchester Longbeard #6 3 inch 20 gauge out of a Beretta Double equipped with Trulock Longbeard chokes. All bang flop 15-35 yards.
No question, Winchester Longbeard XR in 4, 5, or 6. You choose.

Buy a choke specific to that load if you like.

They are best balance of performance and price. I shoot tungsten sometimes when out of state or near end of season — it’s appealing if you want to avoid lead.

I’ll say that the Longbeard XR is copper plated lead and doesn’t leave much if any residue when stray pellets enter the breast, wings, etc.
I'm sure I could find a bunch of threads, but we're moving right now and time is super short. I need to pick up some shells for a hunt we are going on.

I was thinking bigger shot size, but some at cabelas are 7 and 9 shot.

What do I want in the way of shot size, etc?

Specific recommendations of shells that are good bang for the buck are welcome.

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Another vote fir Winchester xr 3.5” #5’s. Absolutely no need for those rediculousy high priced shells. Besides, who wants to pick a bunch of errant #7 tungsten out of breast meat? Lead is dense enough for ethical ranges. If you need to go further, you might just use a rifle and admit to yourself you suck at calling.
If shots are under 40, it really doesn't matter as long as the shell patterns well. Stick with any high brass #4, #5, or #6. One old farmer that I hunt with uses trap loads and only shoots inside of 20 yards. He kills a lot of turkeys.
No luck required. Instead of worrying how far my ammo can hold a pattern I just get them within 20 yards. I actually used pheasant loads the last 2 years because I couldn't find my turkey loads and didn't want to buy more.

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These days hard to even find the target loads