Turkey camo and calls


Oct 7, 2020
Hey guys,

I want to get my turkey gear together, but wont be going out till Spring here in PA. My area doesnt allow fall Turkey. This is my first time going out, and I have two questions.

I will be stalking and not sitting in a blind so I was wondering if guys have had success using Kuiu Verde 2.0 in their Turkey hunts?

Also, what kind of calls do you guys like best?

Woodhaven makes some really good calls. Their slate is super easy to learn on(watch the video that comes with it-sweet spot on the slate) and I really like their reeds when you are ready to transition to that.
Nice, thanks for the info. I’ll check out their site! Do you hunt in a blind typically?

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Fall turkey hunting is against my religion.

I like Mossy Oak New Bottomland camo and Houndstooth game calls.

My shotgun is dipped in the new bottomland and it nearly disappears in this pic.

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A veteran turkey hunter once told me that if hunting wooded terrain, everything above the waist should blend into the tree (treebark style camo) and everything below the wast should blend in with the ground (leaf style camo). Makes sense if you’re posting up against a tree most of the time!
I second bottomland camo and Woodhaven calls. I love to run and gun to find hot birds, but also, if you learn to be patient, you'll kill birds.
As long as you can sit sit still just about any camo, including kuiu, will work great. I think pot and striker calls give beginners the most versatility of call types with the easiest learning curve.
I would agree. I’ve been out with a buddy of mine before season in jeans and a white tee shirt and called in turkeys. ( scouting, not hunting )
Look up Hunter Ridge Custom Calls on facebook, I am kin to him and he makes some awesome calls.

(6) Hunter Ridge Custom Calls | Facebook

As far as camo, any should do as long as you sit super still, that being said google up turkey camo etc. and u will get a wide array of options specifically made for turkey. Mossy Oak, Nomad, Old Tom, Bottomland, etc. Your choices aren't limited.
Eastern's are the toughest bird you will hunt, they will pick you off in a heartbeat MOVEMENT IS KEY camo that breaks up you outline and is muted is best but they can and will still pick you off hands, face and anything that shines and you are done. Get a box call and a slate and practice, if you get an answer sometimes less is more, let the bird hunt you if he is coming. I would tell you to stay away from decoys, for the most part. Easterns are not those dumb ones you see people shooting out west but if you find one that is hot and wants to die you can sometimes pull it off.
@Tacobros I normally run and gun and don't take a decoy. If I am sitting a field edge I might put out a hen. I stay away from the full strut decoys. It's kind of like rattling deer, not all of them want to fight but if they can slip in a steal a doe they will. A lot of times I have had birds hang up gobble and strut but not come in with a strutter decoy. And I have had birds flank us and sneak in looking for a hen to steal.
Fair enough. I don’t always use them but I generally have a few with me. I don’t have a full strut decoy either. Just jakes and hens.
Any pot call is going to be easiest for you. Woodhaven are great but expensive. 90% of hunters call too much
I take a sheet of camo mesh and drape it over my head and torso, then another piece of mesh over my legs. That way you can move your hands underneath it and set your earplugs and check your phone and stuff without disturbing any turkeys coming up from the side. It's like having a little blind with you. That way you can run and gun and still have some ability to hide your small movements while sitting in your setup it's those small movements of fingers, feet, shifting leg position for comfort that will get you caught. A couple things I learned doing this: make sure to keep your gun outside the mesh. Make sure to practice putting your gun up and taking aim with the mesh on, it can bunch up and get in the way if you're using iron sights or a bead. You have to be sure you have a full screen behind you, no sky, otherwise the mesh is see-through. I've gotten them in really close with this setup. However, as a lot of the other people said, sitting absolutely still is the main thing.
@Tacobros I normally run and gun and don't take a decoy. If I am sitting a field edge I might put out a hen. I stay away from the full strut decoys. It's kind of like rattling deer, not all of them want to fight but if they can slip in a steal a doe they will. A lot of times I have had birds hang up gobble and strut but not come in with a strutter decoy. And I have had birds flank us and sneak in looking for a hen to steal.
I have an inflatable jake decoy that I swear works better as it loses air, I think they think he's wounded or crippled and want to kick his ass!