Struggling to find Fall Turkey South East Idaho


Nov 4, 2024
Hey Everybody,

New to the forum and new to hunting.

I am taking my hand in some public land turkey hunting and I am looking for some tips to locate the turkey.
I have spent two weekends now up in the Cache national forest and have not seen a sign of turkey yet, or even a gobble. Currently my tactic is to start 500ish feet above the snowline and work my way down. I have been in elevation of 7500 to about 5800 feet. Driving, stopping, hiking, I have definitely put the miles on the boots and seen plenty of wildlife, but no turkey. I will hike in an hour, try and find water holes or creeks, find a few spots to do calls and hope for a gobble. I wait for about 30 minutes at a time in each spot.

Not looking for any secret spots, I do not mind putting in the hours, but I am curious what the best strategy is for locating birds.

I guess I am curious about a few things:
1. If there are turkeys in the area would I expect them to call back? Or if there is no sound I should move on.
2. Will turkeys be at this kind of elevation going into the winter?
3. What are some tactics I can use to help locate birds?

I am going to be heading out again for 2 or 3 nights in a couple weeks before the close of the season November 30th. Hoping to have some better luck.
Dec 8, 2023
I haven't done any turkey hunting this year but I have run into quite a few of them up near Rexburg and the Palisades. I have not heard much nor had many of them respond to my attempt at calling them with my mouth. I have always seen them at lower elevations too. I can only imagine that they go even lower the colder it gets.


Oct 2, 2014
Generally not going to gobble in the fall, try jake yelps for calling.

Keep covering ground and looking around, they flock up so they will be concentrated.

I would stay below the snow!

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