Tulsa shooting

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How many times buried in the weeds is the fact that the ahole is strung out on pain pills, anti-depressant, anti-psycotics, anxiety meds, serotonin blockers.... I've always wondered why the first point of blame isn't the chemical companies?
How many times buried in the weeds is the fact that the ahole is strung out on pain pills, anti-depressant, anti-psycotics, anxiety meds, serotonin blockers.... I've always wondered why the first point of blame isn't the chemical companies?

You make a good point. We have to be honest with ourselves, are those the people we want buying a gun same day or should they have a cooling off period. If you’ve known anybody who’s having a bad day with drugs they are completely changed person the following day.

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I still find it quite odd how readily the media reports on shootings—which I do not think this qualifies as a “mass”shooting—while life saving events involving firearms are completely swept under the rug.

This was absolutely terrible, but the way the media is beginning to essentially make puppets of people is frightening. What if the media reported daily on deaths involving alcohol or deaths involving social media? No doubt there is a significant number with a direct tie there.
We need to acknowledge some pretty basic facts. We can’t begin to solve a problem if we refuse to acknowledge it.

1- Out of all of the first world nations Americans have the easiest access to guns.

2- Out of all of the first world nations Americans have the most guns.

3- Out of all of the first world nations Americans suffer the most gun violence.

Is it possible to fix #3 without changing #1 or #2? I really hope someone comes up with a solution because we will end up going the way of other first world nations. It doesn’t matter if we don’t like that mass shootings get too much attention or if we point out that a shooter was on pain killers or any other contributing factor. The common denominator is the gun. They will eventually be taken away if our politicians can’t be useful for once and figure it the **** out. I for one don’t want anyone digging around in my gun safe.

The “take ‘em away” solution isn’t limited to the Democrats. The last clown that sat in the White House wanted to implement more gun control laws too. He said so very publicly while in office.
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I still find it quite odd how readily the media reports on shootings—which I do not think this qualifies as a “mass”shooting—while life saving events involving firearms are completely swept under the rug.

This was absolutely terrible, but the way the media is beginning to essentially make puppets of people is frightening. What if the media reported daily on deaths involving alcohol or deaths involving social media? No doubt there is a significant number with a direct tie there.
As long as gun control is part of the democratic platform, their propaganda arm, i.e. the mainstream media will exploit these tragedies.
The common denominator is the gun. They will eventually be taken away if our politicians can’t be useful for once and figure it the **** out.
Respectfully, you couldn't be more wrong on both accounts.

The common denominator is not the inanimate object, it's an evil, screwed up person choosing to do evil. A child at a school faces much more danger from the liberal sicko groomer teacher than my gun.

They will not be taken away. We have the Constitution that trumps all the ideas floating around in the heads of these commies. The only way their wet dream is gonna come true is if they go to war with their fellow citizens & start anew with their own new set of rules. That shit ain't happening.
Respectfully, you couldn't be more wrong on both accounts.

The common denominator is not the inanimate object, it's an evil, screwed up person choosing to do evil. A child at a school faces much more danger from the liberal sicko groomer teacher than my gun.

They will not be taken away. We have the Constitution that trumps all the ideas floating around in the heads of these commies. The only way their wet dream is gonna come true is if they go to war with their fellow citizens & start anew with their own new set of rules. That shit ain't happening.
The Supreme Court has become politicized, it will ebb and flow from side to side and changes in how to interpret the constitution will be political vs precedent. It certainly can happen.

There is also more GOP support, it is easier to sell when firearms are now the leading cause of children in the US. It is hard to digest regardless to your position.
Respectfully, you couldn't be more wrong on both accounts.

The common denominator is not the inanimate object, it's an evil, screwed up person choosing to do evil. A child at a school faces much more danger from the liberal sicko groomer teacher than my gun.

They will not be taken away. We have the Constitution that trumps all the ideas floating around in the heads of these commies. The only way their wet dream is gonna come true is if they go to war with their fellow citizens & start anew with their own new set of rules. That shit ain't happening.
Nope. It won't happen that way.

After the number of people affected by these mass shootings hits a critical mass, gun registration will be required and you will have to pay an annual registration fee for every gun you own just like you do your car, boat, etc. Then people will start voluntarily turning in the guns they don't use because they are tired of paying an annual registration fee on them.

It might take a generation or two, but that's how it will happen.

Stop and think about the millions of people who have already been personally affected by these mass shootings. Do you think they are going to stand up for the 2A as it is currently interpreted? How many people in the town of Uvalde just went from pro-2A to "meh, I think we need some more restrictions on who can have access to a semi auto high cap weapon."

Every time there is a mass shooting, those who want to change the gun laws in this country grow in number. One would think that pro-gun, pro-2A people would at least be concerned about that (if they aren't concerned about our children being murdered in their schools) and want to stop these mass shootings if for no better reason than to slow down our inevitable march toward gun registration.
We need to acknowledge some pretty basic facts. We can’t begin to solve a problem if we refuse to acknowledge it.

1- Out of all of the first world nations Americans have the easiest access to guns.

2- Out of all of the first world nations Americans have the most guns.

3- Out of all of the first world nations Americans suffer the most gun violence.

Is it possible to fix #3 without changing #1 or #2? I really hope someone comes up with a solution because we will end up going the way of other first world nations. It doesn’t matter if we don’t like that mass shootings get too much attention or if we point out that a shooter was on pain killers or any other contributing factor. The common denominator is the gun. They will eventually be taken away if our politicians can’t be useful for once and figure it the **** out. I for one don’t want anyone digging around in my gun safe.

The “take ‘em away” solution isn’t limited to the Democrats. The last clown that sat in the White House wanted to implement more gun control laws too. He said so very publicly while in office.
Points 1 and 2 make me smile and are the reason we continue to enjoy more freedoms than any other people in the world.

We won't fix anything in this country until we stop the celebration of mental illness, stop the wholesale import of third worlders that don't share American values and stop the ongoing destruction of the traditional family unit and American way of life.

As long as we have half a population that believes children should be allowed to take hormones to permanently alter their gender, that public employees should be able to discuss sexual topics with 5 year olds, that men can get their periods, that we shouldn't have a secured border, that it's empowering to have babies with 3 different men and no husband, that forced medical injections are ok, that the US is a systemically racist country and white people are a problem, etc. etc. etc., this country is doomed.

Until the pendulum swings back in the direction of sanity, there is nothing that is going to fix the problems we have in this country. I'm certainly not giving up any guns just because a mentally ill portion of the population thinks I need to.
Points 1 and 2 make me smile and are the reason we continue to enjoy more freedoms than any other people in the world.
What makes you so sure about that? Ever traveled to Belgium? Denmark? Germany? Sweden? Holland? Canada? I have and all I've met are the happiest people on earth who work fewer hours than we do, have less crime and better health care.

The "more freedoms than anywhere else" narrative does sound appealing and it sure works for the Fox and Friends faithful. That's how they keep people scared and voting the way they want them to.

But I guess if you measure "freedom" by the number of rounds you are allowed to hoard, the number of guns you are allowed to own so you constantly live in a state of preparedness while daydreaming about defending yourself against tyrrany, yea, we live in a very free country.
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