tss choke tube


Feb 24, 2012
Im setting my grandsons gun up for turkey this year and gonna get him some tss. he has a mini super bantam and I need to know what choke yall use. Im leaning on just going with a factory full as I think his shots will be 30 and in but I dont know anything about tss to know where to start
Trulock XF would be a good choice. I think that is around .585 constriction. The Undertaker XT HD is another good choice. I think the constriction on it is around .582. I run both chokes with good results in that exact gun.
TSS is pretty forgiving, you would be better off buying a couple cheaper ones to try than spending big money on one!

Carlsons .575, Primos .570 tight wad and that tru lock 585 would be good places to start.

I shoot a Patternmaster code black turkey, crazy patterns but likely tighter than you want for a kid?

Unfortunately chokes are all over the board, you could have two identical guns and one likes a different choke than the other, sucks wasting 10$ shells to find out! Inside 40 yards you will not likely find a tube that isn't adequate!

Check out the Herter's TSS, great for the money.
thanks all. I think Im gonna go with the federal reduced recoil load for him for right now, let him shoot to 30-35 yds. I will look at the above chokes. I think I found a hevi shot tube on sale that might fit the bill also.
The Hevi shot tubes are really good, under rated or un known for the most part! Think they were .573 but may vary depending on threads?
Something that's important to know about TSS, is that it keeps together extremely well - it does not act like steel, bismuth, or lead, in needing a choke. I shoot a cylinder choke out of a Franchi Affinity with TSS at waterfowl, and at 40 yards it holds together like bismuth and steel loads do out of that same gun using a full choke. It's a different animal. It's also why you can hammer turkeys at 70yds with #7s on a full choke.

Because of this though, at 30 yards I'd only go with a full/extra full/turkey choke if that gun has a sight on it. Without a sight, at 30yds, then a cylinder, IC, or at most a modified would be my recommendation.

All that said, it's still definitely worth spending the money to get an extra box of shells, and see how the gun patterns with the chokes you already have, and go from there. TSS is definitely worth it if you don't have a lot of shot opportunities, or if you have a small bag limit, but it's good to consider firing at least 1 round per choke as your shotgun's version of zeroing a rifle. It's definitely not a waste of money.
You’re wasting your money on TSS at that distance. When you want to increase the distance, TSS is worth it. Then get a tight choke. TSS likes to be choked, in my experience. There’s a myth out there that it doesn’t like to be choked tight, but that ain’t true.
You’re wasting your money on TSS at that distance. When you want to increase the distance, TSS is worth it. Then get a tight choke. TSS likes to be choked, in my experience. There’s a myth out there that it doesn’t like to be choked tight, but that ain’t true.

Can't say that it "doesn't like" to be choked, but I can say it just doesn't need it as much.

As to distance, I'd argue TSS is still very much worth it - especially if you're only able to get 1 bird per hunt. You get nearly twice as many pellets that are each equal in killing power to pellets up to 4 sizes bigger. Denser patterns hitting harder. You'll spend 10x on the cost of gas for the hunt over 1 or 2 TSS shells, and that's nothing compared to losing a bird you spend all day on.
Can't say that it "doesn't like" to be choked, but I can say it just doesn't need it as much.

As to distance, I'd argue TSS is still very much worth it - especially if you're only able to get 1 bird per hunt. You get nearly twice as many pellets that are each equal in killing power to pellets up to 4 sizes bigger. Denser patterns hitting harder. You'll spend 10x on the cost of gas for the hunt over 1 or 2 TSS shells, and that's nothing compared to losing a bird you spend all day on.
If you’re losing birds inside of 30 yards with lead shot, you have bigger issues. TSS shines past 40 yards, in my experience.
My experience and testing hasn’t proven to me that it in fact does like to be choked to get the tightest pattern.
If you’re losing birds inside of 30 yards with lead shot, you have bigger issues. TSS shines past 40 yards, in my experience.
My experience and testing hasn’t proven to me that it in fact does like to be choked to get the tightest pattern.

At 30 yards on a turkey, a .410 needs every advantage it can get. TSS is worth it in that scenario.

Change scenarios to a different species, lots of shooting, higher bag limits, and it might totally change the value of shooting TSS over lead or steel. But in that scenario, I'd take TSS every time, unless I literally just could not afford it. And if you can't afford 1 box of TSS for turkey, you've got bigger issues.
At 30 yards on a turkey, a .410 needs every advantage it can get. TSS is worth it in that scenario.

Change scenarios to a different species, lots of shooting, higher bag limits, and it might totally change the value of shooting TSS over lead or steel. But in that scenario, I'd take TSS every time, unless I literally just could not afford it. And if you can't afford 1 box of TSS for turkey, you've got bigger issues.
For that distance on turkeys, it’s definitely not needed. You can shoot it all you want, but you’re wasting your money. TSS really shines at longer distance with a tight choke.

You wanting to talk about a different species when we’re talking about turkey hunting maybe why you keep getting confused. Try to stay focused. Of course, that may explain why you need TSS inside of 30 yards. Lol
For that distance on turkeys, it’s definitely not needed. You can shoot it all you want, but you’re wasting your money. TSS really shines at longer distance with a tight choke.

You wanting to talk about a different species when we’re talking about turkey hunting maybe why you keep getting confused. Try to stay focused. Of course, that may explain why you need TSS inside of 30 yards. Lol

Ah, I see, you're taking this personally, intentionally misinterpreting the words in front of you, and now you're attacking. Got it.

Can you point to anywhere in any of my statements that said TSS is needed?

Or have I simply been saying it gives an advantage through greater pattern density, and that the cost isn't an issue when you can only get 1 bird you're working hard for?
Ah, I see, you're taking this personally, intentionally misinterpreting the words in front of you, and now you're attacking. Got it.

Can you point to anywhere in any of my statements that said TSS is needed?

Or have I simply been saying it gives an advantage through greater pattern density, and that the cost isn't an issue when you can only get 1 bird you're working hard for?
I’m not making anything personal. I haven’t misinterpreted anything. If you think so, then that’s on you. I said it wasn’t needed inside of 30 yards. Not sure what’s so hard to understand about that?

If you could stay focused, maybe you could understand what I’m saying.

Sorry my experience with shooting and loading this stuff for years doesn’t match up with what you believe.

Good luck to you.
The chokes that I referenced using earlier were in my kids guns. In my personal gun (Remington 870 20 gauge 21”), I use an Indian Creek .562.
Sumtoy customs also makes some nice chokes in wide constrictions and the owner is pretty active on other turkey hunting forums, there is a lead time though.
My daughter killed her first bird this spring just short of her 5th birthday. I bought her the Rossi Poly Tuffy Turkey and shot Federal TSS through it. I settled on the extended Modified choke that came with it. Not as tight but a more consistent/even pattern that the full that came with it. She killed her bird at 36yds stone dead. I killed a bird at 34 yards with her gun also again stone dead no flop. Insane the amount of hits at 40yds with a .410 compared to trying several different chokes with #4, 5, or 6 lead loads.

I shot the TSS out of my .410 over and under and at least factory choke wise I liked the modified. But I was also not planning on shooting 50yds with it. Lots of pellets and even pattern I think serves most shooters best. I know I can choke it super tight but not much forgiveness when a bird walks into 15 yards or less.
Im setting my grandsons gun up for turkey this year and gonna get him some tss. he has a mini super bantam and I need to know what choke yall use. Im leaning on just going with a factory full as I think his shots will be 30 and in but I dont know anything about tss to know where to start

For a kid shoot as open a choke as you can, it gives then the best margin of error.

Look and see if you can get smaller than 9s, I know 9.5s are offered, thought 10s are. 9s have oodles of energy and that will be wasted past 30.

More smaller shot will fill in a more open pattern.
I use Indian creek black diamond strike chokes in my 12 & 20 gauge setups. They both perform excellent in my opinion. I really like the Apex greenleaf ammo due to the pattern & pellet count where it’s a 9/10 shot blend. Here are pictures of both 12 & 20 patterns at 40 yards with the Apex greenleaf ammo. 12 gauge choke constriction is .665 and 20 gauge choke constriction is .562


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I have a jebs in all of my turkey guns. They throw great patterns and a great company to deal with.