Benelli M2 20 ga. choke & ammo


Mar 18, 2023
I've got a Benelli M2 20 ga w/ 24" barrel & want to use it as my turkey gun. What's a great turkey load / choke combo. Not afraid to spend a little $ on loads patterning them but don't want to purchase 5 turkey chokes
I hear a lot of the new TSS including the Apex ammo is unreal, although very expensive...
I would suggest some sort of TSS load no doubt! The Herters from BP and Cabelas is less money than most and shoots really well.

Chokes are a total crap shoot, fortunately TSS is fairly forgiven and will give ample patterns out to 40 through most.

On the cheap side look at the Primos tightwad or Carlsons in a .575, High end Patternmaster code black turkey and Indian Creek are top performers.

Fortunately lot's of TSS options now, Apex, Foxtrot, are top performers, many others now as well, Viper, Burgess creek.

Look up Blue Collar outdoors on youtube, they have a ridiculous amount of petterns with 20ga and TSS.

Look at the lead patterns as well and you will see why the TSS is worth it!
Indian Creek and Apex 20 gauge 1-5/8oz

Mine has a Burris fast fire on top, pistol grip stock from mesa and a solid track record.