Well. Sorry your pcp told you wrong. Ha.

The sub q data comes from a study of women transitioning to men. Fat acts as a reservoir for steroid hormones and is actually the perfect slow release system for depo hormone shots. Why all doctors haven’t switched over to sub q beats me, but most of the docs on the cutting edge do teach sub q.
I didn’t start this thread to argue with people, just to share my experience as I go through the process. I am super happy with my results and the process. Maybe you should start your own thread?
Just giving some advice that’s beyond just patient experience.

I also posted showing you what you posted was wrong. That’s pretty important for people to know, right?
I didnt realize you were a urologist…
I’m not. But my wife and I both went to medical school. I have had this convo with many many urologist friends of mine.

Zero people should take medical advice on a message board. Why I keep saying go see your urologist. My wife is a pcp, she would tell you go see your urologist.
I say take advice but with a grain of salt.
I see an endocrinologist at a heart hospital and never been to any mens clinic.
I changed my needle size and location.I also take less than prescribed because I feel better.
They go off numbers only.Just because there the doctor does not mean they actually know the correct way or up to date way of doing things.
5 years IM and the last 3 in deltoids with no pain or issues other than very minor blood sometimes.
I use a urologist not a men’s clinic. They know what they are doing but don’t push it like a product. I do sub q injections weekly. I still go from about 1000 to about 400 in one week. You might not feel the difference, but the levels are wildly swinging none the less.
Is there a reason you don’t do Sub q injections more frequently? For
Me I notice as soon as I have a dip. I turn into a moody Bi***. So I do small injections every other day. I noticed Sub Q didn’t work for me, my absorption rate was terrible. So I do intramuscular. But everyone is different.
Anyone get worse or new sleep apnea or elevated BP since starting TRT ?
Yes, that is most certainly a thing. The raised BP is often from too many red blood cells. Commonly from an incorrect dosage or injection frequency. If you are injecting once a week, or once ever 2 weeks then it is much more common.

The sleep apnea, I’m not 100% sure why that happens, but it does. I had sleep apnea real bad prior to starting TRT though.
Is there a reason you don’t do Sub q injections more frequently? For
Me I notice as soon as I have a dip. I turn into a moody Bi***. So I do small injections every other day. I noticed Sub Q didn’t work for me, my absorption rate was terrible. So I do intramuscular. But everyone is different.
That’s a good question. For me the weekly keeps me pretty stable. But if not I would do them more often. Sub q so easy.
I do want to add there are plenty of pcp that study this and make it part of their practice and do a great job. The moral is just use someone that treats a lot of men with trt and you’ll do great