Trijicon Credo 3-9x40mm Q&A

Right. We need a Tenmile version of this.

But they do make one in Mil/Mil. That's the only one I'd buy.

This with an exposed turret and ffp on the mil/mil version would be a winner for me. Seems like it would be a good potential replacement for the SWFA 3-9 since backorders are going on a over a year.
This with an exposed turret and ffp on the mil/mil version would be a winner for me. Seems like it would be a good potential replacement for the SWFA 3-9 since backorders are going on an over a year.
I just sent a message saying such on the Trijicon contact form. May do nothing but it’s a shot in the dark.

I told them at the bare minimum we needed the Tenmile turret as an option. FFP would make it perfect.
Im a little confused. This model is a set it and forget it scope, not made to dial.

You want similar mag range, ffp, mil, exposed turret…trijicon already makes that.
The reticle sucks on that model. Put a simple mil dot style, or the one that’s in the 2.5-15 credo, and I would have already bought one. It’s another angle to come at it though. Probably easier to add a different reticle than to change everything else.
30mm tube and heavy. Might as well go with the Tenmile 3-18 for the same weight which is what most of us did.

The entire point of the 3-9x40 is lightweight.
I didn’t even realize it’s that heavy. Definitely not worth it.
The scope you guys are looking for does not exist. Tearing out the entire guts of a scope and replacing every functional part is WAY more involved than putting a different reticle in an existing scope, and apparently even that is a lift, as no company ever does this that I'm aware of (minus maybe the now-defunct leupy custom shop??). Living in the east away from any Ag I never have any use whatsoever for a scope that dials, so an exposed turret, ffp, etc is more of a liability than it is a value. This credo 3-9 is designed for me, not for you guys in MT. As Form said the turret under the cap spins with almost zero resistance after unlocking it, and it unlocks too easily, I would personally not want to rely on this for dialing because due to this it's a matter of when, not if, it accidentally spins in use. Its fine when capped, like its supposed to be.

Closest I just found filtering eurooptic's website is the new 2-10 leupold mk 4hd, which is 22oz...less than 2oz different than the trijicon 2-10 with mil and a turret, ffp, etc. I'd prefer the leupy reticle, but wont be buying that scope till at least several folks can demonstrate that it doesnt lose zero--my fingers are still blistered from the last leupy that burned me. SHV 3-10 is 22oz, and would be my choice if unscrewing the turret cap to dial is a legit need.

Otherwise, get a schmidt and bender 3-12 klassik at 20oz (which is probably the closest option to what you are asking for that actually exists), a SFP NXS 2.5-10 at 20oz, shoulder the weight of an additional couple ounces, or settle for a non-dialing scope. Frankly, I think the trijicon credo 3-9 with a mildot reticle for holdovers would make a fantastic 400-yard and in scope that never gets dialed. The S&B gets most cartridges out to 600 yards with the new turret. Everything else I know of is either suspect or is 22-25oz or more--a few oz isnt relevant to me as its still easy to get a standard off the shelf rifle under 8.5lb with a 25-27oz scope, but if you are looking for a crazy ultralight I think you are just SOL.
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The scope you guys are looking for does not exist. Tearing out the entire guts of a scope and replacing every functional part is WAY more involved than putting a different reticle in an existing scope, and apparently even that is a lift, as no company ever does this that I'm aware of (minus maybe the now-defunct leupy custom shop??). Living in the east away from any Ag I never have any use whatsoever for a scope that dials, so an exposed turret, ffp, etc is more of a liability than it is a value. This credo 3-9 is designed for me, not for you guys in MT. As Form said the turret under the cap spins with almost zero resistance after unlocking it, and it unlocks too easily, I would personally not want to rely on this for dialing because due to this it's a matter of when, not if, it accidentally spins in use. Its fine when capped, like its supposed to be.

Closest I just found filtering eurooptic's website is the new 2-10 leupold mk 4hd, which is 22oz...less than 2oz different than the trijicon 2-10 with mil and a turret, ffp, etc. I'd prefer the leupy reticle, but wont be buying that scope till at least several folks can demonstrate that it doesnt lose zero--my fingers are still blistered from the last leupy that burned me. SHV 3-10 is 22oz, and would be my choice if unscrewing the turret cap to dial is a legit need.

Otherwise, get a schmidt and bender 3-12 klassik at 20oz (which is probably the closest option to what you are asking for that actually exists), a SFP NXS 2.5-10 at 20oz, shoulder the weight of an additional couple ounces, or settle for a non-dialing scope. Frankly, I think the trijicon credo 3-9 with a mildot reticle for holdovers would make a fantastic 400-yard and in scope that never gets dialed. The S&B gets most cartridges out to 600 yards with the new turret. Everything else I know of is either suspect or is 22-25oz or more--a few oz isnt relevant to me as its still easy to get a standard off the shelf rifle under 8.5lb with a 25-27oz scope, but if you are looking for a crazy ultralight I think you are just SOL.
I don't think FFP is necessary with a 3-9. I see zero drawback in using 9x anytime I need to hold wind. I really just want the Tenmile elevation turret on the current scope. Not that hard.

What a lot of us (me at least) are looking for is a light scope that dials to go on a sub 6 pound rifle. The rifle I have planned for this purpose will be 5.25# bare. None of the rest of my hunting rifles are more than an ounce or two over 8# INCLUDING a suppressor. I think that's a lot of guys that only hunt the west really.

The S&B is an option but at double the cost. Not a huge deal but it's a solid option for sure.
The scope you guys are looking for does not exist. Tearing out the entire guts of a scope and replacing every functional part is WAY more involved than putting a different reticle in an existing scope, and apparently even that is a lift, as no company ever does this that I'm aware of (minus maybe the now-defunct leupy custom shop??). Living in the east away from any Ag I never have any use whatsoever for a scope that dials, so an exposed turret, ffp, etc is more of a liability than it is a value. This credo 3-9 is designed for me, not for you guys in MT. As Form said the turret under the cap spins with almost zero resistance after unlocking it, and it unlocks too easily, I would personally not want to rely on this for dialing because due to this it's a matter of when, not if, it accidentally spins in use. Its fine when capped, like its supposed to be.

Closest I just found filtering eurooptic's website is the new 2-10 leupold mk 4hd, which is 22oz...less than 2oz different than the trijicon 2-10 with mil and a turret, ffp, etc. I'd prefer the leupy reticle, but wont be buying that scope till at least several folks can demonstrate that it doesnt lose zero--my fingers are still blistered from the last leupy that burned me. SHV 3-10 is 22oz, and would be my choice if unscrewing the turret cap to dial is a legit need.

Otherwise, get a schmidt and bender 3-12 klassik at 20oz (which is probably the closest option to what you are asking for that actually exists), a SFP NXS 2.5-10 at 20oz, shoulder the weight of an additional couple ounces, or settle for a non-dialing scope. Frankly, I think the trijicon credo 3-9 with a mildot reticle for holdovers would make a fantastic 400-yard and in scope that never gets dialed. The S&B gets most cartridges out to 600 yards with the new turret. Everything else I know of is either suspect or is 22-25oz or more--a few oz isnt relevant to me as its still easy to get a standard off the shelf rifle under 8.5lb with a 25-27oz scope, but if you are looking for a crazy ultralight I think you are just SOL.

AMEN and well said on the 3x9 Credo. As for the turret not locking - that's what the cap is for. :) No dialing. Under 300 yards BG scope - light - wide FOV at 3x & 4X - GREAT illum reticle for hunting - 30-06 w/ 200 gr Partitions. KISS. Thank you Trijicon.
56mm Accupoint #5 came in today. I've not seen an impact shift with magnification change, but strange things certainly can happen. My other 4 are on two 300wsm, one 300wm and one 30-06.

This one is going on a pink rifle, so it should get a hardy banging/dropping test soon. Newbie shooter and hunter. Only rifle she had ever shot until recently was a 22lr.
First time shooting a TC Venture youth 243 last month, she put four three shot groups all within 1.2 inches at 100 yards. 100 gr cheap Winchester blue box power shock ammo.
Newbie grown men almost never shoot like that.
This Accupoint is going on a Savage 110 in 6.5 with accustock. On average I find women shoot rifles on paper better than men...with low recoil rifles. That is if they have any legitimate interest and aren't just pacifying the man by being there.
Sorry for the off topic comments.
I love my 3-9 accupoint. Dial it to 23moa regularly, dropped it directly on the objective bell two days ago onto a rock slab. Large enough drop to smash the lense cover. verified the zero out to 794 yards. Works fine. At 13oz it’s very hard to beat. And with a mildot reticle I can hold for wind using my gun number. Max of 9x means anytime I’m shooting far I’m always at 9x anyway so sfp doesn’t bother me.