Trespasser gets just 5 years for killing hunter

Jan 30, 2019
I know responses in writing can sometimes get misinterpreted, and I hope this is the case here. But reading your response I can’t help but read this as you placing some of the blame on the fella that got shot. That would be like saying if I were driving down the road-doing the speed limit-wearing my seatbelt-doing nothing wrong- and some A-hole runs a stop sign and t-bones me, that I should be somewhat responsible because my truck wasn’t brightly colored so he could have seen me better. Sounds like 100% negligence on the shooter’s part and 100% his fault.

Good point on misinterpretation, thanks for bringing it up.
I assure you guys, my blood boils just the same as any reading this story. My heart goes out to his family. As a fellow Harley enthusiast, he's a guy I'm sure I'd have liked to have met. I take story this a step further though, in what can we do to avoid a repeat. Anything less to me, is almost as if this guy died for nothing.

I can tell you a hunting story that changed the way I look at things.
I was a young man hunting exclusively on 40 acres private property. As I came over a hill to a good vantage point, I viewed the adjacent public property, a prairie that that deer sometimes migrate my way from. Two pick-ups, tail gates down, parked 200 yards away. Never seen anyone there before.
Then, the sound of a bullet breaking wind near my head, followed by a Bang! I hit the dirt and shouted, Hey, I'm over here! I had just been shot at! They missed. Car doors slammed and they sped away.

I replayed that scene in my head many, many times. I was wearing a blaze orange hat, coat and pants, on private property. Two idiots thought I was a deer and shot at me. I was doing nothing wrong. What could I have done different? Thinking back, I realized the sun was low in the sky behind me, and to the idiots, I was just a silhouette.

Here's what I come up with... It makes no difference how, Right I was, or wrong they were. Had that bullet been a foot closer, I would still be dead. Being in the right is just not enough! I have to do more, to be safe. Wearing blaze orange is the least I can do.

Interesting you bring up driving and doing nothing wrong. Similar stories. As a Harley enthusiast, now up to 32 states visited, I've had many close calls, from not my fault encounters. My friends have had the same, some of them no longer with us today as a result. I'll tell you what I remind my friends, a lot.
It's just not enough to be in the right, or have the right of way when on a motorcycle. If a guy pulls out in front of you, you'll be just as dead. Cover the breaks and be ready when when going through an intersection, even if you have the green light!

Bottom line, in the tragedy of the killed hunter. Had he been wearing blaze orange, he would likely be still alive. That don't mean I blame him, but it may save someone else that know the whole story.

Hoping someones reads this and makes better choices, and passes on the lesson.
Feb 20, 2016
Did you know that he waited to call 911? Did you know if would have called 911 right away he probably would still be alive? Did you know he came up in the guy while he was still alive and didn’t offer help? This absolutely murder.

True and not true. True that he didn’t call 911 right away (allegedly because battery was dead, there’s some debate on that). Not true he would have lived. Bullet destroyed his pelvis and iliac artery. He was dead in under a minute.

Don’t misinterpret my statements. Dudes a POS and it never should have happened.

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May 9, 2019
That entire area is full of libtards that would rather let that repeat offender(convinced fellon) walk free than sentence him to a more suitable amount of time for the crimes he's's obvious that being banned from being in possession of firearms crime#1 of the day,then tresspassing crime#2 of the day and then being wreckless and not confirming of his target before shooting ( which should not have been possible without crimes 1&2)...causing death of a human being#3 of the day...this unit should never see the lite of day outside of a cell again. Ok rant over .