
I trapped a great deal in my youth but age and competition have pushed me off the line. I was looking at fur prices this morning
and with lynx at $35 and wolverine at $100, you can't even pay for your traps let alone buy gasoline.

I have friends that get after the wolves and sell the tanned hides to tourists but lack of snow has made that difficult also.

If you live in the right area, it can be a fun way to spend time in the outdoors. A fur shed is best if processing much fur and may save a divorce.
Mostly coyotes here in Illinois. I ran 18 k9 and a dozen dog proof coon traps traps this November for about 4 weeks. I just got into it about 2 years ago. I've been pretty successful at it.
I trapped as a kid but got away from it.In the last five years I restocked on traps but just go after certain species.
Connibear 330's in the water for Beaver and Otter.Beaver then becomes coyote bait.

I have fun calling Raccoons when it works and I have even more fun when my Mastiff catches one.
Trapped a lot as a teenager. Had a Great Mentor that took me under his wing and showed me the ropes on fox and coyotes. 53 now and just started back doing it. The ole man can still put the smack on them coyotes!!