ive seen a few guys going the air rifle route. plenty of pop to them and depending on where youre trapping, pretty quiet. i carry a .22 pistol in the event i need to dispatch. im 99% water trapping though.
When I trapped I carried an old Ruger Bearcat. If I were going to buy a firearm for trapping dispatch it would be a Ruger Bearcat in SS with adjustable sights. You don't need the power of even the standard velocity .22 LR for dispatch. Shorts work fine as do some of the sub-sonic rounds. Shorts and the sub-sonics won't reliably cycle most semi-autos so a revolver makes good sense. Also much easier to carry than a rifle. The Bearcat in particular is light and handy, and since you will be out in all kinds of weather, SS is the way to go. There's my 2 cents.
I have always carried a 22 pistol for dispatching trapped animals. Revolver or derringer because you can shoot LR, shorts or sub’s without a failure. Semiautos are fine if they are clean and only shooting LR’s.
I also carried a Savage SS bolt action 17 HMR in case I got an opportunity on an animal I walked up while checking my lines.
I bought a little ruger wrangler and shoot cb ‘s out of it like 125 dollar single action revolver and it’ll shoot shorts cbs or longs and I don’t care if I run it over etc
My grandpas Winchester model 61 pump action .22. Shoots both short and long. Light as a feather. Accurate as all get out with open sights. All time favorite rifle.
Since you want a new rifle, i see a couple of options. Trapping guns are generally cheap but effective. Something that you wouldn’t be upset if you ran it over, lost it or it got stolen. Old and heavily used are great characteristics of a trapping gun… plastic parts and stainless are too… That’s not what excites me to go buy or spend hours analyzing and debating.
1) Look at rifles and see what you like. You mentioned Henry lever action and a Ruger 10-22, both are great rifles and there are several options within those models. Buy yourself a gun you’ll enjoy and enjoy it.
2) If you’re wanting a gun for trapping, don’t get a semiauto. They’re finicky and with the amount of dirt and abuse involved with trapping and being a truck gun you will have to stay on top of cleaning it regularly. If you’re solely wanting a “trapping” rifle, get a single shot or bolt action. Fewer moving parts so less maintenance than a semiauto, pump or lever action so they’ll be more reliable in a dirty environment. My 10/22 is the most finicky rifle when it comes to jamming after a day of being hunted with. I still love it, but I wouldn’t make it my trapping rifle or daily truck gun.
If you’re wanting a lever action look at the Browning (it’s my favorite lever 22), it’s a nice gun and way smoother action than a Henry. If you’re stuck on a Henry, there’s some nicer versions that the actions are a little smoother but they’re “prettier” and more expensive.
If you’re still wanting a “trapping 22 rifle” look at the little kids 22 rifles like a cricket. They’re small, plastic single shot bolt rifles. Yea the sights are way low for an adult but I would think you’d be holding it at arms length and pointing at the head instead of shouldering and using sights.
Sorry for the long post, good luck with your decision.
I have used both a 10/22 and a bolt 22 rifle that uses 10/22 magazines. Usually I don’t want to carry a rifle, so then it’s just whatever 22 pistol I can find quickest. I think a revolver is better because it will fire shorts, and these days, who knows what ammo you can find. My Ruger 22 semiauto pistol won’t cycle shorts, and it won’t cycle birdshot (#12), so if you’re buying a gun I’d get a revolver. My two cents.
It's not what you asked, but I recommend a cheap .22 pistol over a rifle for dispatch...I carry a Ruger Wrangler. I used a Henry lever rifle for years, but a pistol loaded and holstered on your hip at all times is more convenient and efficient.