Training while on Low Carb Diet


Dec 28, 2016
Got it and I totally agree. One thing I noticed when I started keto is that I'd probably gone in and out of ketosis a number of times in the past due to how I ate (and didn't eat) while out hunting and backpacking and those experiences were not too fun. I used to equate it to just being gassed at the end of a long trip but thinking back on my food intake I could definitely see that that's what was going on. I've found as time's gone on the transition back into ketosis is quite easy for me though I don't often go out of it.
You're right. And just being aware of what your body is going through makes it easier. I'm not always good at practicing what I preach and the way that I prepare for different seasons or activities is inconsistent of what I know is right. This causes lots of pain and a very sharp learning curve. My biggest issue is I was always good at running and hiking and doing physically challenging stuff. When I was 30 I would not have to prepare for a pack hunt or even a marathon. Nowadays my body and metabolism is changing and I've had to battle with changing my mentality. I have fizzled out as an athlete and I'm having to train harder just to do what I would consider easy stuff, like hunting in the mountains but I wouldn't let anybody deter me from a low carb life. Hell, the majority of carbs that people ingest are processed in such a way that it isn't even natural. I applaud you for being able to maintain. I'm getting there. Right now I'm just running more.


Aug 11, 2014
Yeah I'm right there at 31, I've seen the writing on the wall that I won't be able to just float by much longer and still perform at a high level without getting more intentional with my training.

The absolute coolest thing about the keto diet for my wife and I (and she's a nutritionist so we always ate healthy) is being super conscientious about where your carbs are coming from. We just never looked at it this much in detail before but now you look at a corn tortilla vs an equivalent amount of fresh vegetables and it's obvious where you should be getting your carbs from. It was a pretty minor adjustment for us to go keto full time, plus we both love to cook. I think so long as you have the right perspective on how you can change the way you eat and the benefits it's not such a big deal to do it year round. All I miss is fruit, orange juice and good beer.

I was starting to have back issues the past few years ranging from minor constant pain to a few traumatic events and have not had an issue at all since starting keto. I attribute that more to cutting out sugar and processed foods than actual ketosis. Again there are a lot more good side effects in addition to just being in ketosis. The amount it requires you to assess all your food intake is very beneficial to overall well being. Of course how much animal fat it seems to require can seem downright frightening but we do a lot to try and minimize that via coconut oil, nuts, avocados and other good fats and getting our dairy fat from pastured butter.


Dec 28, 2016
I've mentioned this in another thread but what started it all for me is, short version....My wife was having a lot of health issues after our third child, pill bottle after pill bottle of prescribed medication, diagnosed with lupus and had some very painful and debilitating symptoms. The medications did nothing. She continued to get medicated and was advised by a handful of doctors. She ended up finding a new doctor, a more "holistic" doctor in Boulder(go figure) that suggested that she go grain free and basically go on a diet like you describe. We read the book "Wheat Belly". Fast forward half a year later, She tests negative for lupus, all of her symptoms and ailments disappear and she loses all her baby weight. She's as healthy as a horse and takes no meds. Sounds far fetched but it's 100% true.

My diet is high in animal fat, and I still eat some fruit, but I'm American! Americans don't eat fruit! I'll have orange juice every once i a while and luckily I'm not too into beer. I just steer clear of pasta and bread products and luckily I'm not big on potatoes and carrots, although I don't believe them to be bad. Point is, my cholesterol count is very healthy, my blood pressure is on the healthy low side, and my fitness level is very good, not to mention I look like I'm 12 if I shave my beard. That's got to count for something.


Dec 3, 2015
I took ianpadron's advice and added some carbs back into my diet. Not a lot though. I went from 50-80 grams per day to about 100-120 grams. I'm still maintaining a calorie deficit but my workouts have improved without question. Getting my carbs from sweet potatoes, bananas, and a little bit of white potatoes. I ingest them pretty much all pre and post workout. Seems to be working. I'm down about 15 pounds in the last month. Only 35 or so more to go.


Apr 7, 2014
Belle Plaine, IA
That's great, good job. After reading this entire thread, I believe each individual has to experiment and roll with what works for them. Getting away from processed junk is probably a good idea no matter what route someone chooses.

Keep after it,



Dec 3, 2015
That's great, good job. After reading this entire thread, I believe each individual has to experiment and roll with what works for them. Getting away from processed junk is probably a good idea no matter what route someone chooses.

Keep after it,


This first thing I did was cut out all processed BS, of which I didn't eat much of anyways, and I eliminated about 90% of the bread/grains I had been eating. Other than the occasional bowl of oatmeal or taco/tortilla, no grains or bread at all. Obviously if a guy is trying to lean up a calorie deficit is important but I'm a believer now that it's incredibly difficult to get fat and/or stay fat if your diet primarily consists of quality cut of lean meat, fruits, and vegetables. I basically eat paleo/primal but I'm not OCD about everything being "organic."

I'm currently sitting at 235 down from 250 a month or so ago. I'm down from 260 from about this time last year.