Hey guys, I've been doing a pretty similar routine all winter, I lift weights one day then cardio the next rotating, I have a bench setup with the ability to do quads and hams , one kettle bell some dumbbells and an elliptical. I always fill into my booklet I have what I did for that day kinda to hold myself accountable and not skip days , I'm a big guy I'm trying to drop 60lbs before Oct. I know this is doable if I go about it right. Sometimes I feel like doing the same workouts is not helping me. I've been hitting this sheet for bench, doing some kettlebell work and then 20 mins on the elliptical with varied intensity and resistance
If anyone knows more than me please share or help me out with some programs I can do with what I have, I'm definetly gonna be hiking some hills with my pack weighted and non , I need to get some more dumbbells , I'm already a stout guy I don't want to bulk up muscle just wanna lose body fat and stay strong. I haven't drank any pop in over 2 months I don't eat sugar I avoid carbs and starchy foods "for the most part" and my blood work is fantastic the doctor said I'm gonna be 33 in May and still way over weight. It seems like my body needs to be worked out every day or I'll gain weight any tips or programs would be much appreciated I just need to keep grinding through the summer here's the weight sheet I've been working off.
If anyone knows more than me please share or help me out with some programs I can do with what I have, I'm definetly gonna be hiking some hills with my pack weighted and non , I need to get some more dumbbells , I'm already a stout guy I don't want to bulk up muscle just wanna lose body fat and stay strong. I haven't drank any pop in over 2 months I don't eat sugar I avoid carbs and starchy foods "for the most part" and my blood work is fantastic the doctor said I'm gonna be 33 in May and still way over weight. It seems like my body needs to be worked out every day or I'll gain weight any tips or programs would be much appreciated I just need to keep grinding through the summer here's the weight sheet I've been working off.