Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

Should trail cams be legal on state/blm property?

  • Yes

    Votes: 101 36.7%
  • No

    Votes: 174 63.3%

  • Total voters
Its a different crowd down here in the dirty south.
But it's a different style of hunting as well. I can understand out West where the country is far more vast, open, easier glassed over long distances and there is far more opportunity to use ATV/eBike to gain access to hard to reach areas. Those same public lands in Appalchia are tighter than Kirstie Allie in a pair of spandex pants, choked with Laurel, Rhodo and regulations. I will say however, we just don't have the issues here in WNC that they do out West with the use of game cameras. Use them or not, it doesn't make it any easier to kill. Dry leaves and Rhodo thickets makes the smallest of animals sound like an M1 Abrams coming through the forest, let alone a grown man. Here it is also very vast with regard to the amount of hardwood forest that deer can roam. They may take 3-5 mile loops, never leaving a thicket except under dark and you may only see them once every 3 weeks (if at all), and you have to hope they cross the slim opening in front of the camera, and not forge a new trail 5 yards to the right or left in said thicket. There are very few funnels and virtually no pinch points in the vast hardwood mountains of the east. Deer go where they want here. So while I can sympathize with how game cameras are used and regulated in other areas, I also wouldn't want reasoning out of Utah to set precedent for hunting in North Carolina where they don't present the same issues.
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I wish there could be a compromise for this as I enjoy looking at photos and learning about animals and their habitat even more that just using for scouting. For example, you could say they would have to be removed a month before season or just banning cellular cameras during season rather than completely making them illegal to use.
Ha! Good luck with that. That’s where the $$$ is at and the $$$ controls the politics.

I got to say, I’m very surprised that roughly 40% voting in this poll support banning cameras, on a hunting forum. I wander if the results would be the same on banning rifles, scopes, crossbows, camo, tree stands, bait or anything else that’s gives the hunter an advantage. Hunter versus deer never has been “fair” to the deer and never will be.
The most egregious technological advancement, the one that has made all the current ones popular, is an accurate, reliable rangefinder. I grew up hunting without a rangefinder, currently use one, and would have 0 problems seeing them outlawed for hunting. But that's me
I hunted without binoculars for years. Now I use them. But I would be okay if they were outlawed.

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The most egregious technological advancement, the one that has made all the current ones popular, is an accurate, reliable rangefinder. I grew up hunting without a rangefinder, currently use one, and would have 0 problems seeing them outlawed for hunting. But that's me
Smokeless powder is probably more so as with out that there is no need for range finders
Ok so I misread the poll. The thread title talks about them being outlawed while poll asks should they be legal. So it’s even more surprising to me now. Anyway, mark me down as pro-camera, private or public land.

I misread also, and just changed my vote. I agree with you.
I think we have ourselves to blame. Lack of discretion and indiscriminate use of every type of technological advancements that we could get our hands on makes us look like greedy saps. Trail cams, 1000 yard long range rifles, 100 yard archery shots, crossbows that resembles rifles more then archery equipment, 500 yard smokeless muzzleloaders, carbon suits, ozone machines… you flipping name it and hunters will use it. Game farms, exclusive ranches that cost more to hunt in a week that some people make in a year. And all while we clamor for more opportunity’s and longer seasons. Add to that there are a lot of hunters that by their actions show that quite frankly they can give two shits about the animals they hunt, never mind conservation and environment…

I am not particularly sympathetic.
I think we have ourselves to blame. Lack of discretion and indiscriminate use of every type of technological advancements that we could get our hands on makes us look like greedy saps. Trail cams, 1000 yard long range rifles, 100 yard archery shots, crossbows that resembles rifles more then archery equipment, 500 yard smokeless muzzleloaders, carbon suits, ozone machines… you flipping name it and hunters will use it. Game farms, exclusive ranches that cost more to hunt in a week that some people make in a year. And all while we clamor for more opportunity’s and longer seasons. Add to that there are a lot of hunters that by their actions show that quite frankly they can give two shits about the animals they hunt, never mind conservation and environment…

I am not particularly sympathetic.
Well said.
Trail cameras and particularly cell capable cameras are right up there with using drones only they're much more efficient. We have certainly found plenty of ways to separate the words "fair" and "chase".
By this I am assuming you are asking what's the difference between glassing for animals and putting a camera up?

If so, one person can only glass one area at a time. I cant be on both ends of a unit at the same time but with cameras I can. I cant glass through trees and other barriers that block my view but I can put cameras in every patch of trees. I have to worry about wind, noise, staying hidden (to an extent) when glassing, not so much with cameras. I can get two months worth of data on an animal and have set foot on the mountain twice. Once to put cameras up and once to check cards.

Not talking about the one individual. I'm talking about the Rockstar outfitters that have ten 20 something year old's doing all the glassing and using radios and cell phones to call in the coordinates to what they are seeing...

The most egregious technological advancement, the one that has made all the current ones popular, is an accurate, reliable rangefinder. I grew up hunting without a rangefinder, currently use one, and would have 0 problems seeing them outlawed for hunting. But that's me

Not me. A rangefinder can absolutely help you determine whether or not you should attempt the shot. I can't control the chuckle-head that thinks they need to lob lead because something might be a "booner"...

Superstar outfitters that post their glory photos are what is ruining hunting and herd health. Period. Prime example, a guy on that other forum hired a local outfitter to help him on the 1st rifle hunt in 2B (New Mexico) he drew for because he didn't have a clue where to go. The guy shoots a dandy 4x4 muley. Had the guy not used the outfitter, he likely would have gone home empty handed.

And game commissions are worried about trail cams?.....
At first I was really pissed about this. Then I decided not a big deal if we outlawed cellcams. Then I decided stopping a month before the season was fine. Now I am teetering on banning them for hunting outright. Fair chase and all that.

If they are outlawed, I won't be too upset about it. But I also don't use them, so my views are definitely biased.