I didn't wade through 12 pages of comment but here's where I stand.
I agree with the notion that here in AZ, water sources concentrate game and create a real game camera problem. Before cams we just went to the source, looked at tracks, and drew sensible conclusions. In the midwest or east it's different. Water isn't so scarce.
With the cell cams/hiring folks to run the cam trapline, there are guide services that have every animal in the unit patterned. I'm not OK with that.
I was hoping for a seasonal ban, instead we ended up with a total ban which seems a step too far to me.
But honestly, I'm OK with having to scout and going old school across the board. Makes it possible for me to compete with the guide services and also lets the really big boys have a chance at staying in the gene pool. To my mind the notion that "hard work pays off" is better than "if you have enough $$ you can pattern the entire danged unit"