Traeger Help

Finally getting ready to bite the bullet and buy a pellet smoker/bbq. Any advice would be appreciated to aid me in my purchase. I think I want a 4’ or bigger. But maybe some of you can help me decide. Any do’s or don’ts will help. Thanks.
That’s a tough call. It’s more of a preference thing. I love my Traeger but I kinda wish I got a green mountain smoker.
i love my camp chef, i get that 40% off from expert voice so it was a far more economical way to go (i think it was half the cost of a traeger) and it has been awesome. i am using it so much now that i am working from home through the coronavirus.
Recently went through the Traeger/GMG/Camp Chef debate and settled on a Camp Chef Woodwind WiFi 24 with a sear box. I've had it about a month and have made chicken breast, steaks, ribs, pulled pork, hamburgers, ham, and pizza so far. Haven't had any regrets up to this point. The sear box is a game changer and was the deciding factor for me.
yah my one regret is i did not get the sear box. i am going to purchase it as an add on.
I love my Traeger. I haven't used my propane grill since I bought it last spring. I have the Pro 780 which seems to be quite reliable and efficient. I don't have any other brand experiences to base any bias off of.

This one allows me to cook a large turkey easily, two large pizzas if desired and fits my dutch oven inside with room for ribs, wings and pork shoulder at the same time.
PIZZA. before i purchase my grill i had never even thought of the idea of making a pizza in it. now i do it all the time. it is phenomenal
My traegar is alright. Works well, just a few things I’d like to change. For almost any of these pellet grills I’d recommend a thermal blanket of some sort and lots of tin foil. Enjoy

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I keep waiting for my Traeger to die so I can buy a ”better“ pellet grill but it just wont. its a love/hate relationship.

Best advice I’d wished I’d known -> If your starting rod (hot rod) ever needs to be replaced make sure you only let about 1/4” of it stick out into the pot/dont let it stick out very far or they just burn up right away.

Be prepared to do some maintenance on it here and there. Mine is 8.5 years old; replaced the hot rod many times, paint looks terrible (dont store outside if u can or at least cover it), baffle plate warped on the initail burn-in, coating has chilled of the grill all over, replaced the rusted out pot a year or so ago. That said, it keeps on trukin’ and we use it a decent amount except for in Winter.
Oh, and a cheap welding blanket from Harbor Freight works well to keep the heat in for smokes and saves you on pellets.
Traeger told me they do not and don't plan to make insulating blankets for mine. They spewed some BS about it being built to handle cold better already. I don't think there is a cold weather scenario where a little more thermal insulation would be a bad thing.

Experienced my first "Failed to Ignite" error yesterday. It did ignite on my second try but it set my time back a bit while I dinked around with it.
After having mine for awhile now I will say I miss having a gas grill to throw burgers or steaks on and be done in 15 minutes. You have to plan a lot better with Traeger type smoker grill. Another thing, its nice to have a gas grill if the power goes out because your not going to use a Traeger without it. I'm not sure I'd do the Traeger thing again.
I like my treager. Don’t have experience with other brands. I would get the cold smoke attachment for it- you’ll want it to do salmon/cheese probably.

Only negative I have is you have to vacuum the fire pot out like every other use or you get temp swings/trouble maintaining low heat.
Love my traeger. Over 15 yrs old now. Use it multiple times weekly year round. Have replaced 2 hot rods and a fan. Does have some rust. Not the greatest for searing but super for doing whole chickens, ribs and game roasts. Great way to grill salmon steaks. A much better grill than the GMG that my mother had. It was a POS.
If you can get on promotive for a discount, the Camp Chef Woodwind is fantastic for the $$$. Easy cleanup and the 900 deg sear box is awesome. The main smoker easily reaches 500 deg with a blanket in the winter. I did have some temperature "hunting" at low temps when it was brand-new, but it has settled with use.
I just saw a Weber pellet grill yesterday and it was built like a tank like everything they make. It was $1,200 for the 36" model. That might be a really solid option.
I bought a Camp Chef ZG almost 3 years ago. The only thing I have done is added the sear box and a front shelf. I use the hell out of it and cook ~1-2 meals a week on it. When/ if it dies I am going to replace it with the Camp chef SW model from sportsman warehouse.
Have had a Traeger for three years. Compared to older versions friends have, quality seems to have decreased. Will look at other brands when time to buy again.