Ime, there’s 2 kinds of tough.
3 years ago, the toughest physical sheep hunt in my 15+ seasons. You’d think after so many years, a guy would learn that Google earth WILL fool you…. Not me, sucker for punishment I suppose.
Not only my hardest hunt, but my 9 y/o daughter (added 20 pounds to my pack) and 70 year old dad’s as well. Day 8, the weather finally shredded dad’s Hubba Hubba, it was time to exit the mountain and the weather. 28km of the grossest bush wack Iv encountered to get out (F U Google earth

), the last 4-5 km in the dark and pissin rain
Wouldn’t trade it for anything though, neither would my partners. Dad may be retired from sheep hunting now, that trip sure sparked a fire in my kiddo though.
Toughest mentally, 6 years ago, was going through a bad breakup at home and needed time alone, off to the sheep mountains I fled with my dog. 8 days of solitude was tough, but in the end, I came out with my first and only ram, and a new man.