If Michael Jordan called up your outfitter, do you really think the outfitter will say "hey bub, no photos, video, or communication of any kind. reproduction of any events are strictly prohibited"?
And do you think MJ is going to bash, move on to someone else, or hunt and post his pics anyway?
you can solely blame a famous client, without laying blame in the same on the guide/outfitter, from the perspective of guiding famous people who have a following are the root of all evil.
Michael Jordan can’t hunt, if his presence at the offshore tournaments is any indication the man wouldn’t see anything due to the dozens of people hounding him for an autograph. Kinda feel bad for him, dude has to literally drive 100 miles into the ocean to get some piece and quiet without morons following him around and they still manage to crash into his boat at the dock.
We got parked near him during the one tournament, the amount of people doing stupid stuff just to see him sit on his mezzanine and smoke a cigar was appalling.