Time to Upgrade Binos

I carry the Vortex Vipers just like yours. I've been happy with them as a good bang-for-bucks purchase.

While in Oregon last year, I looked through my guide's Maven 9x45s and the difference in clarity was immediately noticeable. He did admit they were a bit heavy, but the glass looked like a fantastic upgrade.
That’s good to know. I’m not surprised the HDX Pro is heavier. They’d entice me more if I was ultralight running and gunning without a tripod, but with as much time as I spend glassing I think I’d rather put the weight into higher quality glass.
Back in the day I was always moving so when I retired a few years ago I went with lightweight Kowa 8x33. They do offer superb vision, steady, view when standing; in a very light package. Fast forward a couple years and I found I’m often with a guide and will have a tripod to rest the binos onto. With my changes, I’ve started using a bigger bino, GPO 10x42 with built in range finder. If I was backpacking the Kowa would likely get the nod.
I was on a similar path to you. Worked my way up from some red fields to viper hds. From the vipers I went Fury’s, which I believe to be basically the same glass but with the rangefinder. Since then I’ve upgraded into Leica and El Range binos. If you can swing it, I would try to snag some used Geovids or El Range. You won’t be disappointed in the glass. Just prepare yourself because once you have alpha glass you won’t be able to go back.