Time to Upgrade Binos

I carry the Vortex Vipers just like yours. I've been happy with them as a good bang-for-bucks purchase.

While in Oregon last year, I looked through my guide's Maven 9x45s and the difference in clarity was immediately noticeable. He did admit they were a bit heavy, but the glass looked like a fantastic upgrade.
That’s good to know. I’m not surprised the HDX Pro is heavier. They’d entice me more if I was ultralight running and gunning without a tripod, but with as much time as I spend glassing I think I’d rather put the weight into higher quality glass.
Back in the day I was always moving so when I retired a few years ago I went with lightweight Kowa 8x33. They do offer superb vision, steady, view when standing; in a very light package. Fast forward a couple years and I found I’m often with a guide and will have a tripod to rest the binos onto. With my changes, I’ve started using a bigger bino, GPO 10x42 with built in range finder. If I was backpacking the Kowa would likely get the nod.