Last fall my wife and I decided we would start processing our own animals. We’ve done 2 elk and 1 deer so far. Our first elk was a decent sized bull that yielded a little over 200 pounds of meat cut and wrapped, not including bones we kept for making stock. That took us the better part of two days. Yesterday we processed a cow elk that took 12 hours. Included in that time is cutting, wrapping, grinding as well as me cleaning game bags and coolers. What is a reasonable time for two people to process an elk? How much faster will we get with experience?
i think you guys are fairly efficient... it takes me about 10hrs start to finish without grinding, but having all meat that will be ground, trimmed and ready. i never do it all together, we just keep saving the meat from all of our deer and elk to grind, then i'll knock it all out after the fall seasons.
i'm never trying to race through it, i just stay busy until it's finished. i take longer than some, but i'm tedious about what gets packaged, because i'm eating it all year, i want a high quality product, and cutting corners processing is likely responsible for 90+% of "i don't like wild game, it's too gamey"
those old stinky mature bucks with necks big enough to shove their head down, or that old rutty stinky roosevelt bull will taste just like the rest if you take your time and trim off all fat and membrane and keep things clean... the steaks may be a little tougher and easier to overcook (dry out) but the flavor will not be compromised.... it takes time.
that's the main reason i won't take my meat to a processor even if i'm guaranteed to get my meat back... they cannot afford to do a good enough job.... at their prices, they just can't. they do a pretty good job, most are very talented, but for what people are willing to pay, they can't afford to be as tedious as i'm going to be with the meat i'll be eating... that's not a knock on processors, it's just how it is.
if a processor was tedious (as you should be with most wild game imo) nobody would be willing to pay that cost of labor, there would be an outrage.... i think the hunters at some point in time kind of screwed themselves there, if the hunter is willing to pay up to "x amount of dollars" the processors do the best they can within that amount of money