The authorities here are recommending that you handle the deer with latex gloves and soak everything in a 50/50 bleach solution for an hour after processing. I can wear the gloves and soak the knives in the bleach solution, that's no problem. But everything that comes in contact with the meat? That seems just about impossible considering grinder parts, tenderizer parts, cutting board, counter tops, sink and etc without some sort of dedicated processing area. But maybe I'm overthinking it?
I had not thought about freezing it, thawing it post-test and then processing it though. I might try that next time.
And yes, there is no evidence it transfers to humans. But I've read it has infected monkeys that ate the infected meat. That's a little to close for comfort for me. I'm old and gray and not as worried about it for myself as am for my kids and grandkids.