Time for a member re-introduction! Where are you from+a fun fact about yourself.

Southern Illinois. Carbondale.

Fun Fact: My first time on an airplane, I jumped out. I will never forget seeing duct tape used to hold wiring and instrument clusters in place. Small town skydiving biz, small time repair budget!

And I thought you where talking about the military at first.
I’m from Fort Worth... for now. Been stationed in Phoenix twice, SLC, Florida, and Korea once. Closest thing to home is Arizona I guess, but I’ll be a military parolee in 6-14months, and I have no idea where we will end up.

Fun Fact: I drop bombs and fly upside down for a living (not at the same time). This makes writing a resume for civilian employment very challenging.

Job Skills:
Flying fast
Juvenile humor
Types 12 words per minute
*Must have liberal vacation schedule September - November.
When were you in Korea? I was in Osan 13-14.
The members from the winning city (most members) will be sent a Rokslide decal. I’ll also draw a random name from all the participants and send them a sponsor swag bag. Deadline for entry is Friday, Feb. 19th!

I’ll go first.
I’m from Coeur d’Alene
fun fact: I ran my first half marathon in 2019
Mayetta KS
Twin brother, different birthdays. Born right on either side of midnight
From a town no one has heard of Minnesota.(even locals)

fun fact: I was terrified of “organic vegetables and meat” when our local grocery store first got them. Seriously, I thought I would turn vegan. Small town USA circa 2005ish
This is an interesting thread

Bennett, CO

Fun Fact: I am a 5th generation wheat farmer who is severely allergic to wheat dust. Ever notice that big cloud of dust coming out the back of a combine, yeah that could kill me.
Originally from Canon City, CO, now in southeast Idaho.

Fun fact: I got in a fist fight with a guy that had beat Jay Cutler (Mr Olympia not QB) in multiple bodybuilding shows, needless to say my skinny self did not come out on top in that one
Grew up in Indiana. But live in Mnt Home idaho now.

Fun fact I've hunted/fished in 14 different states and 2 other countries (Germany and scottland). Also completed my first turkey grandslam before I was 22.
Oh and I'm about to be first time dad within the next few weeks!!!
Oh boy, this should be interesting. Must be slack time.
Born and raised in Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Now in Lowman, Idaho.
Fun fact.....now I know I'll get shit for this.....
I met a blind date on the Montel Williams show.

Shut up fuzzy wuzzy.


WHAAAAAATTTTTT?????? oh Randy, I am never going to look at you the same again! but seriously, how was the date? we need deets!!!

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I may be aging myself but, who is ASWAD?

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British R&B/reggae group. Sumbitch pushed in line at a festival I was attending & bought the last bag of Liquorice Allsorts i'd been waiting 30 minutes to buy. Knocked him cold with one punch, took the candy & promptly got arrested. Ridiculously, I wasn't charged for any crime and was released with no charges in less than a half hour.
I found out later, that I broke 4 of his teeth, dislocated his jaw & gave him a concussion.
From: Jackson’s Mill, WV (boyhood home of General Stonewall Jackson) and currently live in St Clairsville, OH with wife and six young kids

Fun Fact(s): Killed 1st whitetail with great grandads 250-3000 Savage at age 9, was in basic training during Sept 11th and thought it was a training exercise for a week, spent a year in Iraq, and now enjoy every second I can with my family (preferably in the woods;)

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