Throwing money away at non-resident draws

Come to Salt Lake every February and buy tickets for the Expo. You could spend about a thousand on tickets and more on travel and hotel.
Once I stumbled in there after work when I lived in Utah. I thought it was just some outdoor expo that was open to the public and nobody asked for a pass at the door. Anyway someone finally comes up and asks for my pass and I got grilled about trespassing and escorted to the door by security. They dont screw around there...
I try not to look at it as "throw away money". I consider it doing my part to help fund this country's game and parks. They need money to operate. Without them, there will be no hunting.
I try not to look at it as "throw away money". I consider it doing my part to help fund this country's game and parks. They need money to operate. Without them, there will be no hunting.
Nah.... there was hunting way before internet. I just didn't know about it ;)
I like AZ's draw system. I've had 4 rifle bull tags, 1 desert sheep tag, a bunch of javelina tags, 4 good rifle coues tags since 2010.

NR's are limited to "up to 10%" but assured no tags.

I haven't drawn a single tag in NV and have been applying for everything for 15-20 years.
Bro; teach me your ways…
Been building points for 2-10 years depending on the state because I couldn’t head west (job commitments). Just applied for my very first actual draw this year with NM elk. Swung for the fences. Did my standard CO point build, and will head there OTC if my NM donation doesn’t amount to a tag.

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Once I stumbled in there after work when I lived in Utah. I thought it was just some outdoor expo that was open to the public and nobody asked for a pass at the door. Anyway someone finally comes up and asks for my pass and I got grilled about trespassing and escorted to the door by security. They dont screw around there...

Wait, so not just anyone can go to that thing?

Or was it that you just hadn't paid?
In a thread on throwing away money, I'm surprised no one has brought up the elk draws in the keystone state anyone can enter for $11.97. Where else can you apply with worse odds than getting struck by lightning?
In a thread on throwing away money, I'm surprised no one has brought up the elk draws in the keystone state anyone can enter for $11.97. Where else can you apply with worse odds than getting struck by lightning?
Lol. I threw in this year just because I am in Upstate NY. Considered it a donation to the elk herd. lol
This is true. Also, my original post was incorrect. Odds of drawing an elk tag in PA are actually better than the odds of getting struck by lightning. I was originally comparing dissimilar time-frames.
This is true. Also, my original post was incorrect. Odds of drawing an elk tag in PA are actually better than the odds of getting struck by lightning. I was originally comparing dissimilar time-frames.
Well where I live I think my chances of getting struck by lighting would be higher
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