Throwing money away at non-resident draws

Arizona is a rip, have to buy a license to apply. My good friend from Louisana had to wait and pay for 6 years to draw a cow tag. That is some expensive meat. My other pet pive is Michigan Elk, no non-residents. We allow 10% of our tags to non-residents. Like the old days with Kansas , if we can't hunt there they can't hunt here. just my 2 cents. no offense.
Not from Michigan but the amount of elk tags available are under 100 it looks like. Who in their right mind would apply unless it was a ten dollar lottery ticket. You’d have everyone from WI and Minnesota applying. You can go there and shoot a ton of deer cheap. I’m guessing if they gave 80 tags out in your state they wouldn’t give ten percent to non residents. Once they have a healthy herd I’m sure they will
Arizona is a rip, have to buy a license to apply. My good friend from Louisana had to wait and pay for 6 years to draw a cow tag. That is some expensive meat. My other pet pive is Michigan Elk, no non-residents. We allow 10% of our tags to non-residents. Like the old days with Kansas , if we can't hunt there they can't hunt here. just my 2 cents. no offense.
You can get non-resident cow tags in units with >50% public land with zero points.
Buy Super tags in all states that offer them and while you are at it go to Epic, Huntin Fool and buy raffle tickets for hunts offered....all great odds. I am kidding of course
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Sounds like you have no clue what you’re talking about. I’m an AZ resident and he’s correct.

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With a lifetime license you do not have to live in state for it to be valid... When applying it ask if you are a resident or not. You just have to claim you are not a resident. If you get drawn you pay the out of state tag fee. With an AZ license you get put in with the instate pool whether you are resident or not. That is why it is a no brainer to buy the lifetime license if you move out of the state.
Not from Michigan but the amount of elk tags available are under 100 it looks like. Who in their right mind would apply unless it was a ten dollar lottery ticket. You’d have everyone from WI and Minnesota applying. You can go there and shoot a ton of deer cheap. I’m guessing if they gave 80 tags out in your state they wouldn’t give ten percent to non residents. Once they have a healthy herd I’m sure they will
We have units here with very few tags and they get hammered with applicants, not about the number it's about the quality of the Elk. They have some really nice bulls back there, just like here. If you do the math 10% just say unit ? has 7 early bull tags, how many non residents get a tag .7. yet that unit will have plenty of applicants at chance for a giant bull.
We have units here with very few tags and they get hammered with applicants, not about the number it's about the quality of the Elk. They have some really nice bulls back there, just like here. If you do the math 10% just say unit ? has 7 early bull tags, how many non residents get a tag .7. yet that unit will have plenty of applicants at chance for a giant bull.
I live in Michigan and don't apply for the elk tags. Something about a glorified deer hunt I have 0 interest in

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I just put in for Maine Moose. If I draw, I'd have to find an outfitter.. NM is done in the outfitter pool. Hmmmm what's next??? AZ I did, but totally clueless. If I draw, another need to find a guide. I've been to CO 10 times, time to move on.
I’ve applied every year in AZ as a non res for elk going on 19 years and have never drawn a tag. Going to be one and done if I ever do draw.
If you’re applying only for the rut rifle hunts don’t expect to draw since those hunts are less than 1% for residents also and few tags. NR get up to 10% of the tags in AZ and no set aside outfitter tags which is ridiculous states are doing this. No land owner tags so more tags given during draw.

With changes states are making to NR DIY hunters, hunting opportunities dwindling quickly. Outfitters only care about making money and prices are crazy in North America. Residents complain about tag #s but don’t want to pay more either. Look at tag prices for residents and non residents in each state. Cheaper to go to Africa than hunt Antelope in NM guided.

Hunting is getting harder and harder to do every year.
Hunting is getting harder and harder to do every year.

The difficulty to draw upper tier units has now dropped to mid tier units, but the ability to hunt is relatively easy if people would take the blinders off and look at what they can draw now and apply for those hunts. I drew Az with 11, and could have drawn a 2nd time every year since, albeit lower tier or late hunts. I also hunt WY every year.
I’m encouraged that lots of guys aren’t in the game! I can’t imagine how low the odds would be if you all jumped in with me