Throwing money away at non-resident draws

Arizona is a rip, have to buy a license to apply. My good friend from Louisana had to wait and pay for 6 years to draw a cow tag. That is some expensive meat. My other pet pive is Michigan Elk, no non-residents. We allow 10% of our tags to non-residents. Like the old days with Kansas , if we can't hunt there they can't hunt here. just my 2 cents. no offense.
I left AZ six years ago and bought a lifetime license. It has already paid for itself considering I can apply for $15 every year. When I actually draw something is when it gets expensive.
I’m just starting to build preference points and try for non resident tags at 29. It all feels like a pipe dream!
I left AZ six years ago and bought a lifetime license. It has already paid for itself considering I can apply for $15 every year. When I actually draw something is when it gets expensive.
az game regs says you need to live in the state, you might want to check? Just sayin.
I like AZ's draw system. I've had 4 rifle bull tags, 1 desert sheep tag, a bunch of javelina tags, 4 good rifle coues tags since 2010.

NR's are limited to "up to 10%" but assured no tags.

I haven't drawn a single tag in NV and have been applying for everything for 15-20 years.
Well I'm a resident of nevada and yet to draw an elk. At least I have 9 points now lol. My nephew drew his with 4.
I haven’t spent near enough time figuring out what states I’d put in as a NR, but I keep pretty busy at home. It sure would be nice to have a few more options some years down the road, so I better start soon…
Idaho $225
Oregon $180
Colorado $ don't remember, but I paid.
New Mexico is a bargain.
Maine Moose not too bad.

Where else can I throw away money ???

AZ is a no brainer; 1-1/2 years of draws per license makes it reasonably cheap
UT, 2 years per license for essentially a lotto ticket
OR is expensive for the hunt quality
NM, another lotto ticket costing more than UT
Sheeeeeeeit, that's nothing. I've been applying for bull elk tags in my home state since 1994....NEVER drawn. My pard has pulled 3 in 6 years.
Heck throw in UT, WY, NV, MT and AZ. It does get expensive, but everything is! NV, UT and AZ are buy a license to put in states, so just put in for everything you are remotely interested in. I have went with this plan and have drawn a few unexpected tags over the years as a nice bonus surprise!